global-news Maharishi in the World Today

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Middle East: University students radiate peace through Transcendental Meditation
30 January 2011 - (more)

New Maharishi Vastu blog in Hebrew
30 January 2011 - (more)

Maharishi Institute, South Africa, featured on 20 radio stations
29 January 2011 - (more)

'Education from the inside out': Why students chose Consciousness-Based Education
28 January 2011 - (more)

Peace Palace for Belfast wins support of Northern Ireland government
28 January 2011 - (more)

Transcendental Meditation eliminates 'five o'clock meltdown' for working mothers and their families
27 January 2011 - (more)

India: Dr Robert Schneider addresses World Ayurveda Congress in Bangalore
26 January 2011 - (more)

Leaders in Serbia and India working together to expand ancient natural healthcare
26 January 2011 - (more)

Lebanon: Achievements of Maharishi's programmes recognized
26 January 2011 - (more)

Lebanon: New inspiration to realize goal of building a Maharishi Tower of Invincibility
26 January 2011 - (more)

Lebanon: Rising to be a lighthouse of coherence and peace for the Middle East
26 January 2011 - (more)

Maharishi School in Fairfield, Iowa, USA celebrates 30th anniversary, prepares for expansion
26 January 2011 - (more)

National healthcare in Serbia to offer Maharishi Ayur-Veda
26 January 2011 - (more)

Origins in Switzerland of the Global Country of World Peace
26 January 2011 - (more)

Serbia: Training experts in Maharishi Ayur-Veda
26 January 2011 - (more)

Transcendental Meditation helps students be more creative: Arizona art school
26 January 2011 - (more)

Operation Warrior Wellness gains momentum in US
25 January 2011 - (more)

What's new at Maharishi University of Management: Launch of online physics course
24 January 2011 - (more)

Sleep deprivation - how Transcendental Meditation can help
23 January 2011 - (more)

Belgium: Progress in expanding Consciousness-Based Education, Maharishi Ayur-Veda health care
22 January 2011 - (more)

Dominica: 101 prison inmates and officers learn Transcendental Meditation
22 January 2011 - (more)

Dominica: Transcendental Meditation proposed to prevent and treat chronic diseases
22 January 2011 - (more)

Global Country of World Peace leaders inspire organic agriculture progress in Dominica
22 January 2011 - (more)

Lebanon: Maharishi Spa and Ayur-Veda expert tour draw hundreds during 2010
22 January 2011 - (more)

Lebanon: Many learn Transcendental Meditation, Consciousness-Based Education to expand
22 January 2011 - (more)

New Zealand opportunities to 'Taste' Vastu living
22 January 2011 - (more)

Rammed earth Maharishi Vastu home in Australia: A solid model for natural materials
22 January 2011 - (more)

Tiny Vastu houses fit need of the time
22 January 2011 - (more)

Germany: Global Mother Divine Organization holds national women's group meditations to raise coherence in national consciousness
19 January 2011 - (more)

IT and technologies of consciousness - bringing Transcendental Meditation to more people in Kazakhstan
19 January 2011 - (more)

Kazakhstan: Global Mother Divine Organization offers courses for women
19 January 2011 - (more)

Many women learning Transcendental Meditation in Iceland
19 January 2011 - (more)

Momentum developing for initiatives to benefit First Nations: Global Mother Divine Organization-Canada
19 January 2011 - (more)

Mongolia: Global Mother Divine Organization inspires expansion of Transcendental Meditation Programme
19 January 2011 - (more)

The Global Mother Divine Organization in Germany presents Gandharva Veda singing workshop and concert
19 January 2011 - (more)

VedAroma Training Courses for North America announced by Global Mother Divine Organization-Canada
19 January 2011 - (more)

Vietnam: Global Mother Divine Organization promotes expansion of Transcendental Meditation Programme
19 January 2011 - (more)

Women and girls' Consciousness-Based programmes flourishing in Asia and Pacific
19 January 2011 - (more)

Women's programmes helping restore heritage of First Nations communities in Canada
19 January 2011 - (more)

Bringing higher consciousness to business
18 January 2011 - (more)

Combining ancient life-supporting technology with modern sustainable principles: Sustainable Living Center
18 January 2011 - (more)

New waves of inspiration from Peru
18 January 2011 - (more)

Top newspaper in Peru recommends Transcendental Meditation for schools
18 January 2011 - (more)

US: MUM Sustainable Living Center to set new standard for green building
18 January 2011 - (more)

Balkans university leader: 'We have been moving in the same track' as Maharishi's approach
17 January 2011 - (more)

Creating a university of unity and harmony in the Balkans
17 January 2011 - (more)

Distinguished delegation from Balkans visits MERU, Holland
17 January 2011 - (more)

Educators from Balkans praise Consciousness-Based Education
17 January 2011 - (more)

Educators in Balkans praised for dynamic approach to Consciousness-Based Education
17 January 2011 - (more)

Maharishi's programme is extremely important for the young generation as a whole - Education leader from Balkans
17 January 2011 - (more)

Mayor from Balkans supports Consciousness-Based Education
17 January 2011 - (more)

Mayor of Macedonian city honoured by administrators of Maharishi's programmes around the world
17 January 2011 - (more)

Supriya Vidic transfers from US Army to Maharishi University of Management
17 January 2011 - (more)

To build a better future in the Balkans: Improving students' brain functioning and reducing stress
17 January 2011 - (more)

Transcendental Meditation programme helps heart disease patients lower cardiac disease risks by 47 per cent
17 January 2011 - (more)

University in Balkans to collaborate with MERU on Consciousness-Based Education
17 January 2011 - (more)

Physicians recommend Transcendental Meditation for prevention, treatment of cardiovascular disease
16 January 2011 - (more)

Iceland: 1,000 learn Transcendental Meditation, inspired by David Lynch visit
15 January 2011 - (more)

Mongolia: Hundreds learn Transcendental Meditation, coherence-creating group growing
15 January 2011 - (more)

Students learn Transcendental Meditation in Ireland
15 January 2011 - (more)

Sweden: Visit of Dr David Lynch sparks nationwide enthusiasm for Transcendental Meditation
15 January 2011 - (more)

Tour of Dr Ashley Deans finds great receptivity to Consciousness-Based Education in Africa
15 January 2011 - (more)

Foundations of Physics and Consciousness: Dr Hagelin gives overview of new online distance education course
14 January 2011 - (more)

New Teachers of Transcendental Meditation bring its benefits to more and more countries
14 January 2011 - (more)

Around the world, students enjoying online classes of Maharishi University of Vedic Medicine
13 January 2011 - (more)

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Students to enjoy Consciousness-Based Education
13 January 2011 - (more)

Consciousness-Based Education seminars held for educators in India
13 January 2011 - (more)

Czech Republic: 2010 a year of expansion of Maharishi's programmes
13 January 2011 - (more)

Denmark: 2010 sees significant increase in people learning Transcendental Meditation
13 January 2011 - (more)

France: A year of progress toward creating coherent national consciousness
13 January 2011 - (more)

Greece: Maharishi's programmes to be offered in beautiful locations
13 January 2011 - (more)

Groups of meditators supporting coherence and harmony worldwide
13 January 2011 - (more)

Ideal business, education programmes blossoming in Japan, Hungary
13 January 2011 - (more)

India: Expansion of Consciousness-Based Education
13 January 2011 - (more)

India: Expansion of peace-creating groups of Vedic Pandits
13 January 2011 - (more)

India: Steps of transformation through Maharishi's knowledge
13 January 2011 - (more)

India: Thousands of students practising Yogic Flying
13 January 2011 - (more)

Leaders recognize value of Invincible Defence Technology
13 January 2011 - (more)

Macedonia: Consciousness-Based Education tour generates great interest
13 January 2011 - (more)

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's historic achievements honoured: Transforming the understanding and experience of life on earth
13 January 2011 - (more)

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's lifelong achievements: The expression of total Natural Law
13 January 2011 - (more)

Maharishi University of Vedic Medicine collaborates with Maharishi University of Management to expand online courses
13 January 2011 - (more)

Maharishi University of Vedic Medicine offers special online physiology course
13 January 2011 - (more)

Maharishi's Invincible Defence Technology creating a transition toward global peace
13 January 2011 - (more)

More people learning Transcendental Meditation in Greece
13 January 2011 - (more)

Nepal: Conferences inspire move toward organic agriculture
13 January 2011 - (more)

Nepal: Food purity and self-sufficiency through Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture
13 January 2011 - (more)

New centre in Fairfield, Iowa, USA supports programmes for peace, harmony, and progress in Russia
13 January 2011 - (more)

Programmes to create coherence, peace through Transcendental Meditation planned for Egypt
13 January 2011 - (more)

Progress in creating a Vastu Peace Colony at the centre of France
13 January 2011 - (more)

Progress in food purity and safety in India, Europe, United States
13 January 2011 - (more)

Russia: Coherence-creating power of large groups of Yogic Flyers demonstrated
13 January 2011 - (more)

Students practising Transcendental Meditation in Fiji create coherence for their nation
13 January 2011 - (more)

Transcendental Meditation Teachers fulfil Mongolians' desire for knowledge, spiritual development
13 January 2011 - (more)

Transformations in world consciousness through coherence-creating groups of meditators
13 January 2011 - (more)

Two generations offer Maharishi's programmes in Macedonia
13 January 2011 - (more)

UK: Transformations in national life through coherence-creating groups of meditators
13 January 2011 - (more)

Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan: Programmes for peace, health, education blossoming
13 January 2011 - (more)

Volume 6 of Scientific Research on Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Programme: Collected Papers published
13 January 2011 - (more)

Celebrating the global inauguration of Maharishi's Fourth Year of Invincibility- Global Raam Raj, 12 January 2011
12 January 2011 - (more)

Consciousness-Based Education seminars offered for leaders in education worldwide
12 January 2011 - (more)

Consciousness-Based Education: Training new leaders in every country
12 January 2011 - (more)

Enlivening the field of infinite wisdom in every individual and society - Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, 12 January
12 January 2011 - (more)

Global 12 January celebrations: Designing a new destiny of all mankind - Maharishi
12 January 2011 - (more)

Global 12 January celebrations: Education to make the total potential of Natural Law available for everyone - Maharishi
12 January 2011 - (more)

Global celebration, 12 January: Maharishi's historic address on the structure of pure knowledge, 1980
12 January 2011 - (more)

Global celebration, 12 January: Making the structure of pure knowledge a living reality - Maharishi
12 January 2011 - (more)

Global Mother Divine Organization in Ethiopia presents achievements
12 January 2011 - (more)

Global Mother Divine Organization in Ghana presents achievements, initiatives for 2011
12 January 2011 - (more)

Global Mother Divine Organization reports achievements in Europe
12 January 2011 - (more)

Global Mother Divine Organization-USA presents new women's health initiatives
12 January 2011 - (more)

Global Mother Divine Organization-USA presents year of achievements, initiatives for 2011
12 January 2011 - (more)

Grand Maharishi Vastu initiatives in countries around the world
12 January 2011 - (more)

India: Coherence rising in national consciousness through Global Mother Divine Organization programmes
12 January 2011 - (more)

International Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education: Offering students all possibilities
12 January 2011 - (more)

International Foundation of Consciousness-Based Education to offer new in-depth course for university students
12 January 2011 - (more)

Knowledge and technology to awaken total Natural Law in one's own physiology - Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam
12 January 2011 - (more)

Latin American countries rising to invincible level of permanent peace and progress
12 January 2011 - (more)

Lebanon: Global Mother Divine Organization celebrates becoming officially established
12 January 2011 - (more)

Lifelong achievements of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi honoured by esteemed leader of Vedic tradition in India: 12 January 2011
12 January 2011 - (more)

Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam honours Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's gifts of Total Knowledge to the world - 12 January
12 January 2011 - (more)

Maharishi Sthapatya Veda architecture: Knowledge is the basis of action
12 January 2011 - (more)

Maharishi Vedic architecture connects individual life with Cosmic Intelligence
12 January 2011 - (more)

MUM Women's Institute highlights leading women in traditional cultures
12 January 2011 - (more)

New Consciousness-Based Education programmes, publications for students
12 January 2011 - (more)

Nigeria: Global Mother Divine Organization supports tour of Consciousness-Based Education expert
12 January 2011 - (more)

Offering Consciousness-Based Education in middle and secondary schools throughout the world
12 January 2011 - (more)

Teachers of Transcendental Meditation Programme for women in Egypt, Algeria, Kenya
12 January 2011 - (more)

Uganda: Consciousness-Based Education for girls expanding
12 January 2011 - (more)

Vastu architecture advanced training draws 1,000 in 2010
12 January 2011 - (more)

Maharishi University of Management alumna - inspired to teach physics
11 January 2011 - (more)

Removing the boundaries to creativity: Artists on the Transcendental Meditation Programme
11 January 2011 - (more)

Website with good news from Middle East, North Africa: Global Good News in Arabic launched 10 January
11 January 2011 - (more)

Global Country of World Peace celebrates leadership of Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam
10 January 2011 - (more)

Maharishi Vedic Medicine: Comprehensive healthcare system for natural prevention of disease, promotion of longevity and health
9 January 2011 - (more)

From high school dropout to college honour student: Retired fire captain praises Transcendental Meditation
7 January 2011 - (more)

Knowledge and programmes in Consciousness-Based Health Care: Maharishi University of Vedic Medicine, Switzerland
7 January 2011 - (more)

Maharishi University of Vedic Medicine, Switzerland: Training in a complete, natural prevention-oriented system of medicine
6 January 2011 - (more)

Treating atherosclerosis and heart disease through the Maharishi Vedic Approach to Health
5 January 2011 - (more)

Dr Oz: Make Transcendental Meditation your New Year's resolution - Huffington Post reports
4 January 2011 - (more)

Successfully treating leading risk factors for heart disease: Maharishi Vedic Approach to Health
4 January 2011 - (more)

Mike Love advises Transcendental Meditation for aspiring musicians
3 January 2011 - (more)

Specialists discuss role of the Transcendental Meditation Technique in treatment of diabetes
3 January 2011 - (more)

Student enjoys 'accounting for peace' in professionals MBA programme
3 January 2011 - (more)

Institute for Natural Medicine and Prevention: Research on prevention, treatment of major chronic diseases
2 January 2011 - (more)

Restoring health and cultural integrity on American Indian reservations: David Lynch Foundation
1 January 2011 - (more)

Student leader praises Consciousness-Based Education at Maharishi University of Management
1 January 2011 - (more)

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