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Leaders in Serbia and India working together to expand ancient natural healthcare
by Global Good New staff writer

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26 January 2011

Two leaders from Serbia—one a leader of the Global Country of World Peace and the other a leader in the field of healthcare—were invited to attend the recent World Ayurveda Congress held in India in December 2010.

They provided 'a deeper understanding of Maharishi Ayur-Veda health care and what the government India [along with] all the companies, universities, and institutions can provide to the world in terms of this ancient knowledge,' said the Global Country's Administrator for Serbia in a report on 26 January.

Maharishi Ayur-Veda has been legally incorporated—along with 17 other systems of traditional medicine—into Serbia's national healthcare system.

Government officials in the field of health from Serbia are now working with officials in India to implement traditional Indian medicine.

'We went there in order to see what we could do from our side' to help facilitate this process, said Dr Branko Cicic, National Director of the Global Country of World Peace in Serbia.

They met with a leader of the Board of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH) of the Government of India, as well as other healthcare representatives in the Indian government and made proposals for efficient and practical steps of implementation.

In the coming days, Global Good News will feature their proposed four-step plan.

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