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Programmes to create coherence, peace through Transcendental Meditation planned for Egypt
by Global Good New staff writer

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13 January 2011

For the first time, Egypt has its own native Teacher of the Transcendental Meditation Programme, who was qualified as a Teacher in December 2010.

In the past, Teachers from other countries traveled to Egypt to hold courses in Transcendental Meditation, through which many people have learned the technique; and also offered other programmes of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in the country.

The new Teacher plans to establish a group of people practising Transcendental Meditation and the advanced Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying, in the country.

Extensive scientific research—including several studies conducted in the Middle East—has documented the effect of such groups in creating a sustained influence of coherence and harmony in the collective consciousness of the whole society, supporting the rise of positive trends, and decreasing negative trends such as crime, violence, and war.

Establishing permanent coherence-creating groups of Yogic Flyers is a priority of leaders offering programmes of the Global Country of World Peace in every nation, to create an invincible, permanent state of peace, harmony, prosperity, and progress for the whole population.

Initiatives are being undertaken to create new groups and strengthen existing groups in countries of the Middle East, including Lebanon.

Egypt's new Transcendental Meditation Teacher—a very professional and wise individual, commented the Administrator of the Global Country's programmes for Egypt recently—plans to establish an invincibility group for the nation within the coming year.

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For the good news about Maharishi's seven-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.

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