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Denmark: 2010 sees significant increase in people learning Transcendental Meditation
by Global Good New staff writer

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13 January 2011

Interest in the Transcendental Meditation programme rose significantly this past year in Denmark.

The number of people who learned the Transcendental Meditation Programme doubled from 2009 to 2010, an Administrator of the Global Country of World Peace in Denmark reported on 13 January.

A presence on the Internet has also led to an increase in enquiries, he said. Denmark has a new Transcendental Meditation website, as well as a blog which is updated regularly.

2010 marked the 50th anniversary of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's first visit to Denmark. Two grand celebrations were held in December, including a weekend World Peace Assembly of Yogic Flyers.

Positive trends in 2010—including an approximately 4.4% rise in productivity, and a drop in violent crime to the lowest level in many years—indicate rising coherence in Denmark, the Administrator commented.

New initiatives are now underway for 2011. The first course of the new year will be a 16-lesson course on Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture. The course will be held next week from Wednesday to Sunday.

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