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Lebanon: Achievements of Maharishi's programmes recognized
by Global Good New staff writer
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26 January 2011
Many fruitful initiatives realized in the past year by the national organization offering the programmes of the Global Country of World Peace in Lebanon were given recognition in a recent videoconference.
Participating in the 26 January conference were National Directors, Teachers, and practitioners from throughout Lebanon of the programmes and technologies of consciousness brought to the world by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
Addressing the gathering in Lebanon from the International Capital of the Global Country of World Peace in MERU, Holland, Dr Lucien Mansour, Administrator of Lebanon for the Global Country, praised many superlative achievements in Maharishi's programmes in that nation and in other Middle East countries. He was proud to present these successes during the global 12 January celebrations* of the new year in MERU, he said.
For 'this beautiful bouquet of accomplishments', he warmly congratulated the entire Lebanese organization under 'the wise and enlightened leadership' of Dr Omar and Dr Susan Hamza, National Directors of the Transcendental Meditation Programme, as well as Deputy National Directors Dr Salim Haddad, Dr Ziad Dakdouk, and Dr Jean Abou Khalil. He also gave recognition to all the Teachers and practitioners of Transcendental Meditation and the advanced Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying.
Among the achievements lauded by Dr Mansour were:
∙ translation into Arabic of many books and publications by Maharishi and about his programmes;
∙ establishment of an Arabic Global Good News website—which was 'heartily welcomed' by Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, honoured by Maharishi as First Ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, Dr Mansour said;
∙ the business plan for the Maharishi Tower of Invincibility to be built in Lebanon, very professionally completed by Dr Haddad, which was sent to other countries as a first step towards the creation of their own Maharishi Towers of Invincibility;
∙ the great success of the tour, organized by Dr Dakdouk, of Maharishi Ayur-Veda Vaidyas (expert physicians from India in Maharishi Ayur-Veda natural health care), through which 171 patients received consultations; and opening of the Maharishi Ayurveda Shop;
∙ instruction of many people in Jordan in the Transcendental Meditation Programme, accomplished by Dr Abou Khalil;
∙ the growing openness of the news media in Lebanon to featuring Maharishi's programmes, including many newspaper articles and interviews published, and TV programmes broadcast in the past year. Dr Mansour praised all who participated, including Dr Haddad, Georges Elia, Dr Abou Kalil, Zaher Ghoussaini, Mrs Hayat Hassan, and Dr Eli Abou Karam.
∙ Dr Abou Karam also was recognized for his work in the success of the Maharishi Medical Spa, which took care of over 300 patients in 2010.
Dr Mansour also commended the participation of Lebanese Teachers and practitioners of Transcendental Meditation and Yogic Flying in international courses and conferences; as well as a number of plans under development—to establish an educational institution and Spa in Alley, Lebanon; distribute VedAroma products and launch a new Arabic VedAroma website; hold a Vaidya course for Lebanese doctors; and establish a business training centre.
'The achievements of 2010 are a proof of our capacity to materialize, to concretize plans, a proof that Lebanon can stand high among all other nations as a great doer, and as a country that will surely soon crown itself with invincibility,' Dr Mansour said.
In the coming days, Global Good News will continue featuring the address of Dr Lucien Mansour to the conference in Lebanon on 26 January. He went on to discuss in depth two areas of timely importance for the national organization to accomplish in Lebanon—building a Maharishi Tower of Invincibility, and especially establishing permanent large groups of Yogic Flyers to create coherence, harmony, and peace in the collective consciousness of the nation and for the whole Middle East.
* Please also see Global Good News articles: Lebanon: Maharishi Spa and Ayur-Veda expert tour draw hundreds during 2010 and Lebanon: Many learn Transcendental Meditation, Consciousness-Based Education to expand for more highlights of achievements presented by Dr Mansour during the 12 January celebrations in MERU, Holland.
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