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Transcendental Meditation Teachers fulfil Mongolians' desire for knowledge, spiritual development

Global Mother Divine Organization    Translate This Article
13 January 2011

Spiritual development is a subject of widespread interest in Mongolia, and there is great eagerness for knowledge among the population. To fulfil these desires, Teachers of the Transcendental Meditation Programme in Mongolia are providing courses and books translated into Mongolian, and participating in conferences and TV broadcasts about the Transcendental Meditation Technique and all of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's programmes for full development of life.

The two full-time Teachers are also offering many programmes especially for women, as leaders of the Global Mother Divine Organization* (GMDO) in Mongolia.

Please see Part I of this article.

The Transcendental Meditation Teachers are organizing for translation of many books and materials about Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's programmes. Already the book TM — Transcendental Meditation by Dr Robert Roth is ready to be published in Mongolian.

One of the GMDO Directors made a presentation on scientific research on Transcendental Meditation at a conference titled, 'The ways to reach Enlightenment', at a weekend summer camp. Television channel TV9 prepared a special TV broadcast of the conference. The programme drew great interest, inspiring many viewers to learn the technique.

In the past year several Mongolians have been inspired to enrol at Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa, USA. One woman is studying for her Master's degree in IT.

International leaders of the Global Mother Divine Organization enjoy regular conference calls with the Mongolian Yogic Flyers and Meditators, who display 'invincible bliss and a lively sense of togetherness'.

This news was featured in a presentation of GMDO–Mongolia's achievements of the past year, along with new initiatives and plans for 2011, during the global Full Moon celebration on 19 January—a continuing session of the Global Mother Divine Organization's 12 January celebrations in MERU, Holland.

Global Good News will continue to feature more news of achievements of GMDO in Asia and other countries around the world.

* The Global Mother Divine Organization was founded in December 2007 as the women's wing of the Global Country of World Peace, currently active in 86 countries and rapidly expanding to include 192 countries of the world. In the ancient Vedic tradition of India, the expression 'Mother Divine' refers to the universal, all-nourishing qualities of nature—bliss, intelligence, creativity, harmony—that promote life in the direction of peace and progress.

© Copyright 2011 Global Mother Divine Organization

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