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Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's historic achievements honoured: Transforming the understanding and experience of life on earth
by Global Good News staff writer

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13 January 2011

The unprecedented achievements of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Global Country of World Peace, were honoured by many leaders of the Global Country in a recent conference.

Maharishi was 'transforming the very understanding and experience of life on earth', said Dr Michael Dillbeck, Administrator of France for the Global Country, on 13 January in MERU, Holland.

Dr Dillbeck referred to a highlight of the previous day's global 12 January celebrations—an address by the Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas, Bhagwan Shankaracharya Vasudevananda Saraswati Maharaj, a great spiritual leader revered throughout India.

The Shankaracharya 'marveled at the uniqueness of Maharishi' in establishing around the world the Total Knowledge he had received from his spiritual teacher, Guru Dev,* and the Vedic tradition of knowledge, Dr Dillbeck said.

'Reflecting on that historic achievement,' he went on to say, 'what is most striking is to appreciate how Maharishi, in accomplishing this, was not just spreading around a knowledge for which the ground was already prepared—but was transforming the very understanding and experience of life on earth, and in so doing, transforming the very trends of time.

'Maharishi was challenging the very presumptions about the nature of life that had been based on thousands of years of Kali Yuga (age of ignorance),' Dr Dillbeck said.

'In a world that had come to accept suffering as inevitable, even natural, or even in some cases to accept suffering in the name of religion, Maharishi proclaimed the Upanishadic expression that life is bliss. . . . And Maharishi radiated that bliss with magnetic force,' Dr Dillbeck said.

'In a world that understood that meditation—and experiencing Samadhi (transcendental consciousness, the Self)—was difficult, Maharishi revealed that transcending was easy, and effortless, based on the very nature of the mind.**

'In a world that presumed, even in India, that enlightenment was only for the recluse way of life, or that enlightenment was a vague and mystical thing, Maharishi brought to light that enlightenment is the normal state of full human development, that it is automatically gained through his Transcendental Meditation, that higher states of consciousness have a physiological reality, and that their reality can be scientifically verified.

'In a world in which the ultimate reality of life, and the connection of man with the divine, was so far from human experience, Maharishi breathed renewed life into the scriptures of every religion by showing that their deepest expressions of reality could be verified by anyone in their own experience, and could be verified also by the great advances of modern science. And most importantly, that heavenly life is meant to be lived on earth.

'And in a world that had been ravaged by world wars and was being threatened by nuclear annihilation, Maharishi came with the message that peace would be established throughout the earth,' Dr Dillbeck said.

Global Good News will continue to feature Dr Michael Dillbeck's address on the historic achievements of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in the coming days.

* Guru Dev: Brahmanand Saraswati, Jagatguru Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas, and Maharishi's spiritual teacher. Guru Dev is honoured as the embodiment of Vedic wisdom closest to Maharishi in the illustrious tradition of Vedic Masters who have passed down the eternal wisdom of life from teacher to student throughout time.

** Transcending: Going beyond the finest level of thinking to experience pure awareness, the silent, unbounded field of transcendental consciousness, the basis of the mind's activity. Maharishi's technologies of consciousness, including the Transcendental Meditation Programme, allow the individual to experience the effortless, natural process of transcending in a systematic, reliable, repeatable manner.

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