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Maharishi's programme is extremely important for the young generation as a whole - Education leader from Balkans
by Global Good News staff writer
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17 January 2011
A large university in the Balkans has chosen Maharishi European Research University (MERU) as one of its top partners to collaborate in projects to move the Balkan countries toward a peaceful and progressive future, a distinguished senior leader in education and diplomacy from Macedonia and Albania said recently. He went on to discuss in more depth how he had become interested in Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's programmes and technologies of consciousness.
'The Maharishi philosophy, psychology, methodology of Consciousness-Based Education through the Transcendental Meditation Technique, has extremely drawn my attention for the following reasons,' he said, addressing an assembly in MERU, Holland, of administrators of the organizations teaching the Transcendental Meditation Programme around the world.
First, he said, 'the Maharishi programme is available for the entire Balkan region. This region, known as a ''powderkeg'', has been involved within the last 80 years' history in four regional wars, in two world wars,' and other conflicts at various times during the Cold War.
'Such a long, bad legacy made it indispensable to bring peace, by building Quiet Time of meditation for all the Balkans.
'The Balkans have no other choice,' he emphasized, '—to look back to a history of horror, or to build a wonderful future. The Maharishi philosophy and techniques serve like a medicine to treat . . . the Balkans from a bad legacy.'
Second, 'the Maharishi programme is necessary in post-trauma Balkan society, of a certain group of entities and communities.' He feels that the Transcendental Meditation Technique and advanced Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme are 'more professional and attractive than other forms of meditation in the world', and that the effect of practising these technologies will enable people in post-trauma societies to develop insight about the past 'in order to avoid a bad legacy in the times to come'.
Third, 'the Maharishi programme is extremely important for the young generation as a whole. The most sensitive and reactive social group in the Balkans are young people. Mostly they are disappointed, and you rarely see them smiling or speaking quietly,' he said. 'They are usually nervous and aggressive. This is a consequence of the past inherited by their parents at home, and the bad legacy of sick societies in different communities.
'Unfortunately, politics is still putting oil on this fire. What we can do to relax the young generation in the Balkans is to de-stress . . . from the past horror, and to influence them properly and simply—to feed common values in the Unified Field, in the most univeral way, by discovering the deepest, unified aspects of human beings, families, communities, nations, and the entire region—in order to get them closer to each other, instead of hating and keeping revenge and vendetta among themselves.'
Global Good News will feature the conclusion of the distinguished guest's address—as well as those of the other two members of the delegation from Balkan nations who spoke in the assembly in MERU, Holland.
Please see other Global Good News articles on the delegation's visit: ∙ Distinguished delegation from Balkans visits MERU, Holland ∙ Education leaders from Balkans praise Consciousness-Based Education ∙ Creating a university of unity and harmony in the Balkans ∙ University leader from Balkans: 'We have been moving in the same track' as Maharishi's approach
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