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Leaders recognize value of Invincible Defence Technology
by Global Good New staff writer

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13 January 2011

Leaders in diverse areas of society around the world are recognizing the value of Invincible Defence Technology.

In Asia, reported Colonel Gunter Chassé, International Deputy Minister of Defence for Invincible Germany for the Global Country of World Peace, an active officer of the armed forces is also serving as the Global Country's National Director of Defence for his nation. He understands the importance of Vedic performances by Maharishi Vedic Pandits and has two Vedic Pandits in his unit, Col Chassé said, speaking on 13 January.

In the United States, medical doctors, military leaders, researchers, and celebrities joined the David Lynch Foundation in launching 'Operation Warrior Wellness': a national initiative to teach 10,000 veterans and their families the Transcendental Meditation Programme—a simple meditation practice for preventing and treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

In South Korea leaders of the Global Country held a press conference presenting Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's programme of Invincible Defence Technology as a scientifically verified solution for ending years of repeated South and North Korean conflict, Col Chassé continued.

'This is the time for a deeper and more profound consideration and understanding of the supreme military science that Maharishi gave the world,' he said, encouraging Administrators, National Directors, and well-wishers of the Global Country to organize conferences and presentations in their countries.

In the coming days, Global Good News will continue to feature Col Chassé's report.

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