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Successfully treating leading risk factors for heart disease: Total Heart Health program
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4 January 2011
A natural strategy for total heart health For the 150 million Americans who have heart disease, or risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, stress, or diabetes, the Total Heart Health Program offers a new understanding and practical approach to transform one's health and well-being.
The Total Heart Health Program uses the Maharishi Vedic Approach to Health, including Maharishi Ayurveda—the world's most ancient and complete system of natural health and holistic medicine—to safely prevent and reverse risk factors for heart disease, and atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. Hypertension or high blood pressure increases the risk of heart disease, as do common health problems such as obesity and diabetes. The Total Heart Health Program relieves stress, which is responsible for 1/3 of all heart attacks, and has helped with other major risk factors for heart disease.
Heart disease, an unchecked epidemic Today, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death throughout the world. Nearly half the people in the US will die prematurely from heart attack or stroke. The majority of adults are at risk because of one or more heart risk factors. For example, 120 million Americans suffer from high blood pressure, that is either hypertension or pre-hypertension, a major precursor to heart disease. More than 100 million Americans have elevated cholesterol. Two thirds of adults and a high percentage of children are overweight. Diabetes is the new epidemic. Baby boomer women are in their menopause years and are at high risk for heart disease. Almost everyone is stressed.
Furthermore, despite hundreds of billions of dollars spent over the last fifty years to develop better diagnostic tests and treatments, the hazardous side effects of drugs and surgery for heart disease and other disorders now rank as the third-leading cause of death in America, and similarly in other modern societies.
Why has modern medicine failed to eliminate heart disease? Modern medicine focuses on fixing or replacing the ''parts'', such as diseased arteries, instead of on reversing the underlying imbalances, which affect all the arteries in the body. The conventional approach to heart disease treats the patient as a sophisticated collection of tubes and valves, while it ignores one as a whole person, ignores the individual's mind-body type, and ignores the ultimate causes of heart disease at the basis of each person's mind and body.
With a limited approach, there are limited results. It's possible to suppress symptoms of chest pain, or to lower high blood pressure or high cholesterol levels with drugs. But if one stops taking the drugs, the symptoms come right back. One may have endured unpleasant or harmful side effects of drugs or surgery unnecessarily—when one could have reversed or prevented the disease naturally, at its source.
'Total Heart Health' refers both to the program, and to a book about it, written by Robert Schneider, MD, FACC, and co-author Jeremy Fields, PhD.* Both authors know from their groundbreaking research and clinical experience that the conventional medical approach to prevention and treatment of heart disease is not enough.
Preventing and reversing heart disease through the Maharishi Vedic Approach to Health For those seeking ways to combat or prevent heart disease effectively, without harmful side effects, a powerful source of intelligence and healing is available, deep within the mind and body, the authors say.
The Maharishi Vedic Approach to Health allows one to reach this source of intelligence and to re-establish the flow of biological know-how within the body. Balance is increasingly re-established in the physiology with this approach, for healing and prevention of disease.
The Total Heart Health Program offers a safe, successful, and easy alternative to conventional medical treatments and their hazardous side effect. Health benefits from the Total Heart Health program include substantial and long-lasting reductions in high blood pressure, reduced need for blood pressure medications, and reductions in high cholesterol, smoking, psychological stress, and drug abuse. Studies published in major medical journals indicate slowing or reversal of hardening of the arteries, and an increase in life span for long-term participants in the Total Heart Health program.
Each of the program's approaches to health has distinct benefits; using several or all together creates a synergy that multiplies the benefits.
Part One of THH focuses on the Mind Approach. The Transcendental Meditation® program is a cornerstone of the Maharishi Vedic Approach to Health. THH describes the Transcendental Meditation technique, and presents the remarkable effects on reducing stress and improving health, especially heart disease and risk factors for heart health.
Part Two of THH presents the Body Approach, giving an overview of the physiology and the causes of heart disease from the perspective of the Maharishi Vedic Approach to Health. It offers practical, easy-to-use recommendations for preventing heart disease and its risk factors through diet, exercise, and daily routine.
Part Three of THH describes the Environment Approach. Near environment includes the home and surroundings, as well as the collective consciousness of the society in which one lives. Far environment includes the planets and stars and their effects on health. THH offers guidelines for taking advantage of natural rhythms and cycles, and Vedic Sound programs to prevent heart disease and promote health.
Click here for more about the Total Heart Health Program.
* Robert H. Schneider, M.D., F.A.C.C., is a physician, scientist, educator, and one of the world's leading authorities on natural medicine and its scientific use in the prevention and treatment of heart disease. Over the past twenty years, he has directed nearly $20 million in research grants from the National Institutes of Health for his pioneering research on natural approaches to heart disease.
Jeremy Z. Fields, Ph.D. (pharmacology) has more than thirty years of experience in biomedical research and in the field of evidence-based natural medicine. In addition, Dr. Fields is an experienced professional science writer and editor. He has held faculty positions at Chicago Medical School and Loyola Medical School-Chicago and was a senior scientist in the research service of the Veterans Administration hospital system.
© Copyright 2011 Total Heart Health Program
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