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Canada: Women's programmes helping restore First Nations communities' heritage
Global Mother Divine Organization - Canada Translate This Article
19 January 2011
Restoring the cultural heritage of First Nations communities in Canada in enlightenment and invincibility is an important priority of the Global Mother Divine Organization* in Canada.
In the past year, GMDO initiatives in this area have seen great progress, enjoying the profound commitment and support of top women leaders within the First Nations communities, including Marie Frawley-Henry, Senior Policy Analyst of the Assembly of First Nations, and Kathleen McHugh, Chair of the AFN Women's Council; along with longtime Transcendental Meditation Teachers including Helen Foster-Grimmet and Mary Glasser. Following are highlights of some of the achievements:
First Nations women, the leader of the Global Mother Divine Organization for Canada, and GMDO National Management Board members attended the very successful international women's conference in Fairfield, Iowa, USA in October 2010, held by the Global Mother Divine Organization–USA. Entitled Restoring Balance: The Indigenous Grandmothers' Call to the Women of the World, this groundbreaking conference was enriched by First Nations presentations and provided for valuable exchange with other indigenous leaders from around the world.
During the conference, the sharing of cultural values, ancient wisdom, and practical strategies for introducing important programmes, including the Transcendental Meditation Programme, to their communities was very inspiring and laid a solid foundation for global exchange between these powerful indigenous mothers and grandmothers.
Meanwhile, over several months, momentum had been growing through planning for an important symposium for the 17th Annual Canadian Conference on Global Health, held in Ottawa in November, spearheaded by Marie Frawley-Henry. The symposium, Pathways to Global Health through Indigenous Knowledge, included presentations by leaders of the Global Country of World Peace, including Dr John Hagelin and Canadian leaders, on Maharishi's Vedic Science and Technology.
The comprehensive presentation, which included scientific research and health benefits of the Transcendental Meditation Programme, was very well received by First Nations Elders and leaders. Members of the GMDO–Canada National Management Board attended the conference, met personally with First Nations women, and introduced GMDO First Nations initiatives. These include the new certificate programme for nurses in the Mother/Baby health care programme, created by GMDO-USA, which is now being offered for credit through Brandman University in the United States.
A stirring presentation on the importance of the Global Mother Divine Organization for First Nations communities was given by Kathleen McHugh, who also reported on the success of the recent indigenous women leaders' conference in the United States. For more about Ms McHugh's presentation at the Global Health Conference in Canada, please see Global Good News article: 'Indigenous Global Mother Divine Organization: First Nations women's leaders in Canada join global collaboration'.
These news highlights were featured in a presentation of GMDO–Canada's achievements of the past year, along with new initiatives and plans for 2011, during the global Full Moon celebration on 19 January—a continuing session of the Global Mother Divine Organization's 12 January celebrations in MERU, Holland.
Global Good News will continue to feature more news of achievements of GMDO in Canada, as well as those of the organization in many other countries, in the coming days.
* The Global Mother Divine Organization was founded in December 2007 as the women's wing of the Global Country of World Peace, currently active in 86 countries and rapidly expanding to include 192 countries of the world. In the ancient Vedic tradition of India, the expression 'Mother Divine' refers to the universal, all-nourishing qualities of nature—bliss, intelligence, creativity, harmony—that promote life in the direction of peace and progress.
© Copyright 2011 Global Mother Divine Organization
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