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Improving students' brain functioning and reducing stress - to build a better future in Balkans
by Global Good News staff writer
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17 January 2011
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's educational programmes and technologies of consciousness will help every area of Balkan society, especially students and professors, to relieve the effects of past traumatic stress and improve 'the most influential aspect of the human being'—their brain functioning, creativity, and intellectual capacity—said a distinguished senior leader in education and diplomacy from the Balkans recently.
'We have often said, ''Universities build the future,'' ' he said, concluding his address to an assembly in MERU, Holland, of administrators of the organizations teaching the Transcendental Meditation Programme around the world.
'But it can remain empty rhetoric if we are not thinking on the quality these universities are offering to the region. We have done a lot to improve the quality of our academic staff. But we are seriously facing a low quality of students.
'Why? Not because they are not smart and not educated, or they are not informed,' he said. But first of all, because they have damaged their brain through the educational system 'and possess very limited mind creativity. The students are mostly misusing and abusing their brain, their mind, for unreasonable aspects, and when they come to university, they feel themselves so tired, nervous, and with very limited brain and mind capacity.'
He commented that it was good for students to go to the fitness centre every day to care for their physical condition, and enjoy entertainment on the weekend. 'But these are not enough,' he said. 'By caring partially for their body and satisfaction, they are leaving to spontaneity the most important part of the body—their brain, and the most brilliant mechanism, their mind. They are neglecting the most influential aspect of the human being—brain and mind capacity. So they are, as a matter of fact, reducing their future opportunities.
'But we recently said this local university will build the future. May we build the future with limited brain and mind capacity? Not at all, never. That's why I think the Balkan students need the Maharishi philosophy and techniques, to be broadly exercised by all of them.
'To complement this, I would like to conclude by [reiterating] that the Balkan region, societies, entities, and different communities; the Balkan young generation, and especially the students and professors, all need to benefit from the Maharishi philosophy and techniques, because they miss at home what Maharishi offers all over the world'—Consciousness-Based Education and Quiet Time with the Transcendental Meditation Technique—to reduce the effects of traumatic stress from past regional conflicts, improve their quality of brain functioning, and increase their intellectual capacity from inside.
'This philosophy and technique can so much help the Balkans to leave behind the bloody fragmented history, and to build the future based on the common Unified Field, by feeding deeper and deeper inside ourself—peacefully, healthy, and in a prosperous seat,' he said.
The distinguished guest concluded by again extending a very warm welcome to his university, to all the administrators and programmes of the Transcendental Meditation organizations.
Global Good News will feature the addresses of the other delegation members from Balkan nations who spoke in the assembly in MERU, Holland.
Please see other Global Good News articles on the delegation's visit: ∙ Distinguished delegation from Balkans visits MERU, Holland ∙ Education leaders from Balkans discuss implementing Consciousness-Based Education in universities ∙ Creating a university of unity and harmony in the Balkans ∙ University leader from Balkans: 'We have been moving in the same track' as Maharishi's approach ∙ Maharishi's programme is extremely important for the young generation as a whole - Education leader from Balkans
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