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Mayor from Balkans supports Consciousness-Based Education
by Global Good News staff writer
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17 January 2011
The Mayor of a city in Macedonia conveyed his appreciation, on behalf of the people of his municipality, to administrators of the organizations teaching the Transcendental Meditation Programme around the world, and the global community of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's organizations.
The Mayor's city is the seat of a university that will soon begin collaborating with Maharishi European Research University on Consciousness-Based Education programmes.
The Mayor was the third member of a recent delegation of education and government officials from the Balkan region to address an assembly in MERU, Holland.
He had previously visited MERU in 2007, along with the previous speaker, a leader of the university, and others from the region.
He expressed his gratitude in being invited to again enjoy the 'wonderful experience' of being in the 'very peaceful, quiet, and beautiful environment' in MERU, and the 'unforgettable experience' of meeting and sharing views with the administrators of Maharishi's programmes. The Mayor especially enjoyed meeting and talking with Maharishi during his visit in 2007.
In between these two visits to Holland, he and his colleagues had met often in the region with the administrator of the Transcendental Meditation Programme for Macedonia and other Balkan countries, working intensively all together on the university project.
'Personally, as the Mayor of the city,' he said, 'I have always considered that being an open, good manager and good governor in the region, you should succeed only if you consider that education is a basis for that.'
Knowledge is the first requirement in the world, he said, and compared to other management projects in his municipality, he always places education as the top priority, despite challenges of infrastructure, building, and other requirements of the community.
After meeting several times with Maharishi and with administrators of his programmes, the Mayor said he had 'realized that we are moving in the same track' in developing the university as Maharishi's recommendations. He expressed to the assembly in MERU, as well as to the 'huge global community' of Maharishi's organizations, 'the best expressions of thanks' from the citizens and municipality council of his city.
In his capacity as the local government leader, he expressed his support for the collaboration agreement signed earlier that day, between the organization offering Maharishi's programmes in Switzerland and the university in the Balkans. He said that he would give full support for the project to be very successful, continuing in their efforts to extend the project, while mostly focusing on deepening the knowledge and quality of the university.
The Mayor concluded his remarks by repeating Maharishi's recommendation to him, to never forget that knowledge is the most powerful machinery to put the world into action.
Global Good News will feature more about the visit of the delegation from the Balkans to MERU, Holland.
Please see other Global Good News articles on the delegation's visit: ∙ Distinguished delegation from Balkans visits MERU, Holland ∙ Education leaders from Balkans praise Consciousness-Based Education ∙ Creating a university of unity and harmony in the Balkans ∙ University leader from Balkans: 'We have been moving in the same track' as Maharishi's approach ∙ Maharishi's programme is extremely important for the young generation as a whole - Educator from Balkans ∙ Improving students' brain functioning and reducing stress - to build a better future in Balkans ∙ University in Balkans to collaborate with MERU in Holland on Consciousness-Based Education
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