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National healthcare in Serbia to offer Maharishi Ayur-Veda
by Global Good New staff writer

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26 January 2011

The national healthcare system in Serbia has incorporated Maharishi Ayur-Veda—the world's oldest, most comprehensive system of natural medicine—as well as 17 other systems of traditional medicine. A leader of the Global Country of World Peace in Serbia and a Serbian leader in the field of health recently proposed practical steps of implementation.

The two leaders were invited to attend the World Ayurveda Congress in India in December 2010, where they met with many leaders in the field of health.* They are also working with the Indian Embassy in Serbia.

The proposal they prepared outlines what 'we see [as the] best way to introduce Ayurveda and . . . Maharishi Ayur-Veda in our country', the Global Country leader said.

The four-step plan consists of increasing public awareness, introducing Ayurveda in primary care facilities, training medical doctors in Ayurveda, and making traditional Ayurvedic remedies available in the country.

1. Presentations and public lectures on Ayurveda are proposed, including conferences and exhibitions for medical doctors, pharmacists, and health managers, as well as the general public.

2. Primary care facilities throughout the nation already have 15-20 specialists to take care of the basic daily health of patients. An additional specialist in Ayurveda is proposed—beginning with one or two facilities and expanding over time.

3. The proposed establishment of an Ayurvedic University would provide training for doctors and other health professionals.

4. It is proposed that traditional ancient Ayurvedic remedies, which have stood the test of time and have proven their efficacy based on thousands of years of experience, should be made widely available. To begin, experts in Serbia and in the Indian government could create a list of 150-200 of the most essential remedies.

'We hope that this year will be a year of fulfilment of at least some of these goals,' the Global Country leader concluded.

*Please see Global Good News article: Leaders in Serbia and India working together to expand ancient natural healthcare

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