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More people learning Transcendental Meditation in Greece
by Global Good New staff writer

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13 January 2011

The number of people learning the Transcendental Meditation Programme in Greece increased significantly last year.

The increase is due in part to visits of world-renowned quantum physicist Dr John Hagelin, said an administrator of organizations offering the programme in Greece. Dr Hagelin* has travelled to Greece during the past two years, and each time more people learn the Transcendental Meditation Programme.

During his 2010 visit Dr Hagelin lectured at a university, inspiring post-graduate students with a presentation on stress management.

Organizations in Greece offering the Transcendental Meditation Programme for women have also supported the success of all of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's programmes in the nation. Through their dedicated focus there is now a new Maharishi Invincibility Centre in Athens, the administrator said.

Maharishi Invincibility Centres in major cities around the world offer Maharishi's knowledge and programmes, including the Transcendental Meditation Programme, to promote enlightenment for every individual and invincibility for every nation through development of full potential in every area of life.

More success is also being seen in initiatives for peace and progress in the northeast part of the country.

Last year, all of these programmes and the country as whole benefited from a Maharishi Yagya performance organized by Transcendental Meditation teachers. Yagyas—ancient precise performances by specially trained Maharishi Vedic Pandits of India—create specific life-supporting influences from the field of pure consciousness, the field of total Natural Law.

* Dr Hagelin is also President of the David Lynch Foundation; Executive Director of the International Center for Invincible Defense; and administrator of the Transcendental Meditation Programme in the United States.

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