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Progress in building Maharishi Purusha Capital of the Western World near Washington, DC
30 June 2010 - (more)

Restoring the understanding of Samadhi as the beginning, not the end of Yoga
30 June 2010 - (more)

Thailand: International delegation visits Transcendental Meditation Teacher Training Course; Maharishi School senior class trip
30 June 2010 - (more)

Alfred, Lord Tennyson - 'A state of transcendent wonder'
29 June 2010 - (more)

Invincible America Assembly to expand in July, National Summit on stress planned for fall
29 June 2010 - (more)

Major conference to address consequences of traumatic stress in United States
29 June 2010 - (more)

MUE Commencement: Total Knowledge Based Education to be offered to ladies around world
29 June 2010 - (more)

Travel Channel series profiles Maharishi Vedic City
29 June 2010 - (more)

United Kingdom: Maharishi European Sidhaland celebrates 30th anniversary
29 June 2010 - (more)

Colombia to host summer assembly of Yogic Flyers; Maharishi Ayur-Veda health care knowledge proliferates
28 June 2010 - (more)

Leading universities in Mexico adopting Consciousness-Based Education
28 June 2010 - (more)

Latin American country achieves invincibility through Prevention Wing of military
27 June 2010 - (more)

National Yagyas lead to economic benefits in Malaysia, Finland
27 June 2010 - (more)

Unity in diversity, academic excellence at Maharishi School, USA
27 June 2010 - (more)

'Fulfilling the need of our time': MUM President's charge to graduates draws on historic Maharishi address
26 June 2010 - (more)

'Maintain your steadfastness in your own inner silence': MUM President's charge to graduates draws on historic Maharishi address
26 June 2010 - (more)

'Real education, for higher consciousness': Maharishi University of Enlightenment celebrates third Commencement
26 June 2010 - (more)

Finland schools and universities adopt Transcendental Meditation
26 June 2010 - (more)

Maharishi Aromatherapy Course: Health benefits of essential oils explained
26 June 2010 - (more)

Maharishi University of Management Salutatorian: 'Be yourself and follow your bliss'
26 June 2010 - (more)

Maharishi University of Management Valedictorian: 'Put development of consciousness first' for inner enlightenment and outer success
26 June 2010 - (more)

Maharishi University of Management: Actor Stephen Collins gives Commencement address, 26 June 2010
26 June 2010 - (more)

Maharishi's programmes in healthcare and business expanding in Germany
26 June 2010 - (more)

MUM graduation ceremony features actor Stephen Collins
26 June 2010 - (more)

The pioneers of higher education for higher consciousness: Graduates of Maharishi University of Management
26 June 2010 - (more)

Transcendental Meditation as tool for success: Supermodel Ali Stephens
26 June 2010 - (more)

Is sleep deprivation depriving our students?
25 June 2010 - (more)

Maharishi University of Management commencement ceremonies - Saturday, 26 June 2010
25 June 2010 - (more)

Maharishi's programmes for health drawing new interest in Germany
25 June 2010 - (more)

Supermodel Ali Stephens: modeling and meditation
25 June 2010 - (more)

Africa: Distinguished leader in women's education gives MUE Commencement Address
24 June 2010 - (more)

Life blossoming in fullness: The goal of Maharishi University of Enlightenment
24 June 2010 - (more)

Maharishi University of Enlightenment holds third commencement ceremonies, 24 June 2010
24 June 2010 - (more)

Maharishi University of Vedic Medicine: Fulfilling Maharishi's goal of creating a disease-free society
24 June 2010 - (more)

New college of MUM to offer its first BA in Total Knowledge, August 2010: Maharishi College of Enlightenment
24 June 2010 - (more)

Peace-loving Europeans invited to create a Vastu Garden Village in France
24 June 2010 - (more)

Responsibility of Maharishi University of Enlightenment: Creating a happy, healthy life for every lady and every home in the world
24 June 2010 - (more)

Special offer and new brochures commemorate 50 years of Transcendental Meditation in Germany
24 June 2010 - (more)

Understanding the universe from within: A theoretical physicist's perspective - Dr Amanda Weltman
24 June 2010 - (more)

Live global webcast: Maharishi University of Enlightenment to hold third commencement ceremonies - 24 June 2010
23 June 2010 - (more)

Germany: Young people increasingly seeking information on Transcendental Meditation
23 June 2010 - (more)

Maharishi School student named National Merit Scholar in annual US competition
23 June 2010 - (more)

Maharishi University of Vedic Medicine: Using the Internet to bring the knowlege of perfect health around the world
23 June 2010 - (more)

Ending tensions with North Korea: What South Korea could learn from Latin America - The Seoul Times
22 June 2010 - (more)

European Forum for Integration of Culture and Religion founded: Promoting the practical implementation of world peace
22 June 2010 - (more)

How Invincible Defence Technology could end tensions between North and South Korea: World media reports
22 June 2010 - (more)

Maharishi School seniors travel to Thailand, Canada: 'The world is my family'
22 June 2010 - (more)

Maharishi School student Lila Cutter wins first place in Iowa Poetry Association contest
22 June 2010 - (more)

Maharishi School students earn numerous prestigious awards
22 June 2010 - (more)

Maharishi School students excel at DestinationImagination state and global competitions
22 June 2010 - (more)

Maharishi School students' award-winning science project recognized by health, agricultural communities
22 June 2010 - (more)

Maharishi University of Vedic Medicine: New online degree programmes allow flexible enrolment
22 June 2010 - (more)

National Merit Scholar, state speech championship highlight Maharishi School awards
22 June 2010 - (more)

Awakening the inner intelligence of the physiology through Maharishi VedAroma
21 June 2010 - (more)

Maharishi University of Vedic Medicine: Presentation of online lessons
21 June 2010 - (more)

Rising invincibility in Germany celebrated on 50th anniversary of the first visit of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
21 June 2010 - (more)

Organic produce for world peace, and healthier livelihoods for farmers
20 June 2010 - (more)

Recording artist Moby is 'cool': Making great music, practising Transcendental Meditation
20 June 2010 - (more)

Maharishi Gandharva Veda Flute and Tabla course to be offered in Seelisberg, Switzerland, 20-27 August
19 June 2010 - (more)

National Institutes of Health spotlights TM research
19 June 2010 - (more)

Switzerland: Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the first visit of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
19 June 2010 - (more)

India and United Kingdom: Effects of rising world consciousness seen in agriculture and health
18 June 2010 - (more)

Maharishi University of Vedic Medicine offers online classes
18 June 2010 - (more)

Treating high blood pressure with Transcendental Meditation
18 June 2010 - (more)

US: Governor of Iowa recognizes Maharishi School student for academic excellence
18 June 2010 - (more)

Maharishi University of Management partners with college in Rio
17 June 2010 - (more)

Promoting progress and success in many countries: Serbian Transcendental Meditation Teachers
17 June 2010 - (more)

Transcendental Meditation Teacher Training Courses now underway in Europe; US courses begin 19 July
17 June 2010 - (more)

Large group of Yogic Flyers creates coherence for America
16 June 2010 - (more)

Maharishi Ayur-Veda expert says VedAroma enlivens bliss, health
16 June 2010 - (more)

Maharishi VedAroma: Participants find positive physiological changes from essential oils
16 June 2010 - (more)

Russia: Transcendental Meditation sparks unprecedented interest
16 June 2010 - (more)

Spa owner describes health applications of Maharishi VedAromas
16 June 2010 - (more)

Supporting the success of VedAroma essential oils on a global scale
16 June 2010 - (more)

VedAroma essential oils praised by physician
16 June 2010 - (more)

VedAroma essential oils: Enlivening wholeness, health in the physiology
16 June 2010 - (more)

VedAromas: Simple tool to bring balance to the physiology
16 June 2010 - (more)

What's going on at Maharishi University of Management: '1-minute update' - Learn sustainable community development
16 June 2010 - (more)

Maharishi College of Enlightenment of MUM: BA programme for women to begin August 2010
15 June 2010 - (more)

Switzerland: Curriculum of new Bachelor of Science in Maharishi Vedic Medicine
15 June 2010 - (more)

Tupperware chief: Transcendental Meditation is secret to leadership
15 June 2010 - (more)

Uganda: Top academic performance at Maharishi School
15 June 2010 - (more)

Bachelor of Science in Maharishi Vedic Medicine now available at Maharishi University of Vedic Medicine, Switzerland
14 June 2010 - (more)

Consciousness-Based Education expanding in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia
14 June 2010 - (more)

Lebanon: Popular newspaper publishes 12-week series on Transcendental Meditation in Arabic
14 June 2010 - (more)

MUM permaculture students plant 'edible forest'
14 June 2010 - (more)

Students, teachers, administrators praise Uganda Maharishi School, Transcendental Meditation
14 June 2010 - (more)

Global Country of World Peace programmes bringing Transcendental Meditation to Vietnam and Laos
13 June 2010 - (more)

New series of National Maharishi Yagya performances, June - July in India
13 June 2010 - (more)

US: Videos capture success of Transcendental Meditation for education and rehabilitation
13 June 2010 - (more)

Australia: Maharishi Vastu Coordinators offer consultations at Vegan Expo in Sydney
12 June 2010 - (more)

France: Maharishi Aromatherapy course draws expert teachers and diverse student group
12 June 2010 - (more)

India: Global Capital of World Peace to offer ideal new facilities for guests
12 June 2010 - (more)

Maharishi VedAroma: New, unique methodology in line with principles of Maharishi Ayur-Veda health care
12 June 2010 - (more)

Togo: More people learning Transcendental Meditation
12 June 2010 - (more)

Latin American countries rising to invincibility through Yogic Flying groups
11 June 2010 - (more)

Togo: Expansion of programmes in education, agriculture
11 June 2010 - (more)

Transcendental Meditation Teachers: 'A source of enlightenment and invincibility for their whole nation'
11 June 2010 - (more)

Unique homeowner amenities offered in world's only 'all Vastu, all organic' city
11 June 2010 - (more)

Demand rises for Teachers of Transcendental Meditation and Consciousness-Based Education
10 June 2010 - (more)

Restful alertness and the brain: Research at the Center for Brain, Consciousness and Cognition
10 June 2010 - (more)

Togo: Consciousness-Based Education conference draws media coverage, participants from many countries
10 June 2010 - (more)

India: Prototoype of Maharishi College of Perfect Health planned for Andra Pradesh
9 June 2010 - (more)

Maharishi Ayur-Veda health technologies to be presented throughout Canada
9 June 2010 - (more)

Maharishi School in Melbourne, Australia
9 June 2010 - (more)

Preserving the language of First Nations people in Canada
9 June 2010 - (more)

India: Leading US cardiologist participates in Ministry of Health's 2nd interactive conference on Ayurveda
8 June 2010 - (more)

Participants in Latin American military 'Prevention Wings' report dramatically reduced stress
8 June 2010 - (more)

Press reports on Invincible Defence Technology spark continuing worldwide media coverage
8 June 2010 - (more)

The training of Teachers of Transcendental Meditation: Historical perspective of fifty years
8 June 2010 - (more)

Consciousness-Based Education expanding across Canada
7 June 2010 - (more)

Lebanon: Al Balad magazine publishes major series on Transcendental Meditation
7 June 2010 - (more)

Russia: Goals set to train more Maharishi Ayur-Veda health practitioners; new Transcendental Meditation Centres inaugurated
7 June 2010 - (more)

United Arab Emirates: Maharishi College of Perfect Health, 'umbrella for Natural Law-based health care'
7 June 2010 - (more)

Maharishi University of Management accreditation renewed, marking 10 years of progress
6 June 2010 - (more)

New Transcendental Meditation Teacher Training Course begins in Holland
6 June 2010 - (more)

Plans for school programmes in Consciousness-Based Education under development
6 June 2010 - (more)

Collaborations proposed for creating Maharishi College of Perfect Health in the United Arab Emirates
5 June 2010 - (more)

France: Leading experts teach Maharishi VedAroma course
5 June 2010 - (more)

Maharishi University of Management: Music programme to be launched
5 June 2010 - (more)

At home in Maharishi Vastu: Fortune Creating Buildings e-zine
4 June 2010 - (more)

Maharishi College of Perfect Health: Providing the best integrated, holistic medicine from traditions of medicine around the world
4 June 2010 - (more)

Maharishi VedAroma course offers knowledge of essential oils, a modern science with ancient roots
4 June 2010 - (more)

Maharishi College of Perfect Health to be established in India, US, United Arab Emirates
3 June 2010 - (more)

Maharishi VedAroma: Contributing to a healthy, enlightened society
3 June 2010 - (more)

Maharishi VedAroma: 'Highly concentrated intelligence of nature'
2 June 2010 - (more)

Summer events on the campus of Maharishi University of Management
2 June 2010 - (more)

Sweden: Maharishi Ayur-Veda health care theme of large courses offered near Malmo
2 June 2010 - (more)

Academic excellence and reduced social tensions: European schools adopt Consciousness-Based Education
1 June 2010 - (more)

Culture and religion bringing perfection to life: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
1 June 2010 - (more)

Organically cultivated, wildcrafted herbs produce purest VedAroma essential oils
1 June 2010 - (more)

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