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National Yagyas lead to economic benefits in Malaysia, Finland
by Global Good News staff writer

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27 June 2010

Malaysia and Finland have gained pronounced benefits from National Yagya Performances—special Vedic performances to enliven Natural Law in the country—especially within their economies, according to a leader of the Global Country of World Peace for the two countries.* Also, Finland is moving forward with Consciousness-Based Education initiatives.

National Maharishi Yagya performances began for Malaysia in May 2010, on the Day of Lasting Achievements, said Raja Pat Barrett, Raja of Invincible Malaysia and Finland, in a recent report. Effects of the Yagyas in Malaysia include successful exports, a national currency which is now the strongest in Asia, the tenth strongest economy in the world, and an easing of long-standing political tensions.

In Finland, Raja Barrett said, Yagyas have also helped to improve the country's economy: industrial output has increased by 20 per cent, and the nation's youth have adopted a postive economic outlook.

Also in Finland, several schools and universities have expressed interest in implementing Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's programmes, thanks to a recent tour of the country by Dr Ashley Deans, Global Ambassador for Consciousness-Based Education.

* Raja Barrett's report was featured on the 26 June 2010 Maharishi Global Family Chat, broadcast daily via Internet webcast on the Maharishi Channel, Channel 3. Podcasts of the daily Global Family Chat (audio track) are also now available for automatic download, via an RSS feed.

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