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New Transcendental Meditation Teacher Training Course begins in Holland
by Global Good News staff writer

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6 June 2010

A new Transcendental Meditation Teacher Training Course began on 4 June in MERU, Holland, at the International Capital of the Global Country of World Peace. Participants have come from countries around the world, including Australia and New Zealand; many are longtime practitioners of the Transcendental Meditation Programme who worked closely with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi for many years.

Dr Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, introduced the inaugural celebration for the course, explaining the significance of the course and how the first Teacher Training Courses were started by Maharishi in India in 1961.

The Transcendental Meditation Teacher Training Course is very intensive, Dr Morris said. The training lasts for four and a half months, with a very focussed routine that includes group practice of Transcendental Meditation, the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, and Yogic Flying, along with videotapes of addresses by Maharishi and conferences with Maharishi and many scientists and leaders in different fields of knowledge.

Participants also learn all that is necessary for teaching Transcendental Meditation, giving individuals the means to experience Transcendental Consciousness, the first step in their growth of higher states of consciousness.**

The experience of the course creates a 'powerful transformation', Dr Morris said, 'establishing the course participants in a status that will enable them to become the representatives of the Vedic Tradition of Knowledge—to become the teachers of the supreme wisdom of the ages.' One who is qualified to be a Teacher of Transcendental Meditation is trained to be 'the exponent of the knowledge that Maharishi brought to the world . . . the perfect expression of that and perfectly able to convey that to everyone in the world', Dr Morris said.

In the coming days Global Good News will present the continuation of Dr Morris's inaugural address to the Teacher Training course.

* The inauguration of this Transcendental Meditation Teacher Training Course took place during the 4 June Maharishi Global Family Chat, which is broadcast daily via Internet webcast on the Maharishi Channel, Channel 3. Podcasts of the daily Global Family Chat (audio track) are also now available for automatic download, via an RSS feed.

** Maharishi explains that beyond the familiar states of waking, dreaming, and sleeping are four higher states of consciousness—Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, God Consciousness, and Unity Consciousness—each bringing a new dimension of physiological functioning, experience, knowledge, and fulfilment.

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