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Good news report from Canada, 25 May 2007
31 May 2007 - (more)

US: Grant awarded to study mechanisms by which Transcendental Meditation lowers blood pressure
31 May 2007 - (more)

Good news report from Canada, 24 May 2007
30 May 2007 - (more)

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi speaks to the Global Press Conference on Unified-Field Based Defence, 30 May 2007
30 May 2007 - (more)

Maharishi's address to the David Lynch Weekend - Part I
30 May 2007 - (more)

Dr John Hagelin introduces the Global Press Conference on Unified Field-Based Architecture - Part I
29 May 2007 - (more)

Latin American calendar of invincibility
29 May 2007 - (more)

Prevention and reversal of heart disease through the Maharishi Vedic Approach to Health
29 May 2007 - (more)

Africa rising to invincibility, as presented by Dr Christopher Crowell, Minister of Religion, Culture, and Language of the Global Country of World Peace
28 May 2007 - (more)

Good news report from Canada, 20 May 2007
28 May 2007 - (more)

Leading risk factors for heart disease, successfully treated with 'The Total Heart Health Program'
28 May 2007 - (more)

Lebanon rising to invincibility
28 May 2007 - (more)

South Africa: Transcendental Meditation helps brings success to university merger
28 May 2007 - (more)

A wave of invincibility for Latin America
27 May 2007 - (more)

Clarion call from Dr Bevan Morris - Part III
27 May 2007 - (more)

Good news report from Canada, 23 May 2007
27 May 2007 - (more)

Invincibility rising in Spain through Consciousness-Based Education
26 May 2007 - (more)

Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture in Spain
26 May 2007 - (more)

The Lynch Weekend at Maharishi University of Management: Dr David Lynch answers questions on film-making and creativity
26 May 2007 - (more)

US: Maharishi University of Management student film wins top award
26 May 2007 - (more)

A clarion call from Dr Bevan Morris - Part I
25 May 2007 - (more)

A clarion call from Dr Bevan Morris - Part II
25 May 2007 - (more)

Rising invincibility in the Philippines
25 May 2007 - (more)

ADHD and the Transcendental Meditation Programme
24 May 2007 - (more)

Catching the Big Fish - Meditation, Consciousness, and Creativity: David Lynch Weekend, 25-27 May
24 May 2007 - (more)

Good news report from Canada, 17 May 2007
24 May 2007 - (more)

US: Maharishi University of Management graduate utilizes green building principles in campus reconstruction
24 May 2007 - (more)

Good news report from Canada, 16 May 2007
23 May 2007 - (more)

Maharishi Vedic Architecture for problem-free life
23 May 2007 - (more)

Rising Invincibility in Malaysia
23 May 2007 - (more)

Maharishi addresses the Global Financial Capital of New York's conference: 'A Unified Field-Based Approach to Architecture'
22 May 2007 - (more)

Trinidad and Tobago: A joy to our world family
22 May 2007 - (more)

US: David Lynch weekend to explore plan to teach one million students Transcendental Meditation
22 May 2007 - (more)

A Unified Field-based solution to the problems of agriculture - Part II
21 May 2007 - (more)

Good news report from Canada, 15 May 2007
21 May 2007 - (more)

The Center for Leadership Performance: Offering the Transcendental Meditation Programme to raise leadership performance for individuals and organizations
21 May 2007 - (more)

US: Consciousness-Based Education event with singer Donovan airs on PBS nationwide
21 May 2007 - (more)

A Unified Field-based Solution to the problems of Agriculture - Part I
20 May 2007 - (more)

Good news report from Canada, 14 May 2007
20 May 2007 - (more)

Maharishi University of Management student soccer team wins tournament
20 May 2007 - (more)

New Record for Maharishi School in 'Destination ImagiNation' competition
20 May 2007 - (more)

Good news report from Canada, 8 May 2007
19 May 2007 - (more)

Maharishi addresses global conference on Vedic Organic Agriculture
19 May 2007 - (more)

Steps of progress in Potomac Vedic America
19 May 2007 - (more)

Warm welcome for Maharishi's programmes in Ireland
19 May 2007 - (more)

Creating everything out of nothing in Australia
18 May 2007 - (more)

Danish press reporting positively on Maharishi's programmes
18 May 2007 - (more)

Maharishi addresses the Global Financial Capital of New York Press Conference on Unified Field-Based Education, May 9, 2007
18 May 2007 - (more)

Serbia: Expansion of organic agriculture
18 May 2007 - (more)

Ukraine: Dr Deans' tour brings inspiration and success
18 May 2007 - (more)

David Lynch blissfully productive
17 May 2007 - (more)

Good news report from Canada, 11 May 2007
17 May 2007 - (more)

Invincibility for Latin America
17 May 2007 - (more)

Fight school violence with meditation: David Lynch
16 May 2007 - (more)

Good news report from Canada, 7 May 2007
16 May 2007 - (more)

Maharishi School sending an historic eight teams to the Global Destination ImagiNation Finals
16 May 2007 - (more)

Organic agriculture brings health and wealth
16 May 2007 - (more)

Global Financial Capital of New York: New series of seven scientific conferences continues
15 May 2007 - (more)

Good news report from Canada, 9 May 2007
15 May 2007 - (more)

Maharishi's address to the Global Financial Capital of New York Press Conference on Unified Field-Based Health, May 11, 2007
15 May 2007 - (more)

Trinidad and Tobago to celebrate invincibility on 20th May
15 May 2007 - (more)

Good news report from Canada, 4 May 2007
14 May 2007 - (more)

Inspiring education conferences held in Belgium
14 May 2007 - (more)

US: 285-day update on the Invincible America Assembly
14 May 2007 - (more)

US: Maharishi School student named to National Society
14 May 2007 - (more)

Good news report from Canada, 3 May 2007
13 May 2007 - (more)

Maharishi on the high goal of Raam Raj sung in the Ramayana
13 May 2007 - (more)

Maharishi University of Management, Iowa, USA: Students, faculty present at business conference
13 May 2007 - (more)

Transcendental Meditation for a better way of life?
13 May 2007 - (more)

Dr Ashley Deans visits Turkey
12 May 2007 - (more)

Germany's Professor Stein highlights Lynch publicity wave and quantum physics
12 May 2007 - (more)

Maharishi University of Management: Achievements of alumni remarkable
12 May 2007 - (more)

Maharishi's address to the Conference on Unified Field-Based Administration - Part II
11 May 2007 - (more)

Programmes of the Global Financial Capital of New York inspire diplomatic community
11 May 2007 - (more)

Raja Vikram reports successes in Bali, Indonesia, and Thailand
11 May 2007 - (more)

Report from Canada: Good news
11 May 2007 - (more)

Good news report from Canada
10 May 2007 - (more)

Maharishi Vedic Education and Architecture in Australia
10 May 2007 - (more)

US: Maharishi School student wins 'Best of Show'
10 May 2007 - (more)

Immortality, invincibility, and inexhaustible creativity: Dr Bevan Morris on Maharishi Centres of Invincibility worldwide
9 May 2007 - (more)

Maharishi's address to the Conference on Unified Field-Based Administration - Part I
9 May 2007 - (more)

Report from Canada: Good news
9 May 2007 - (more)

Source of nectar for New York City
9 May 2007 - (more)

Danish media stirs attention on creating invincibility in Denmark
8 May 2007 - (more)

David Lynch addresses the investment media on his Consciousness-Based Education foundation
8 May 2007 - (more)

Good news report from Canada
8 May 2007 - (more)

US: Tower Companies ensures employee success and well being
8 May 2007 - (more)

Greek Invincibility Centre to be near Aristotle's first university of total knowledge
7 May 2007 - (more)

Poverty removal conference presentation by Dr Benjamin Feldman - Part II
7 May 2007 - (more)

Report from Canada: Good news
7 May 2007 - (more)

Central University construction has begun in Kansas
6 May 2007 - (more)

Global Financial Capital of New York holds new series of seven scientific conferences
6 May 2007 - (more)

Poverty removal conference presentation by Dr Benjamin Feldman - part I
6 May 2007 - (more)

US: The New England Association of Professionals Practicing the Transcendental Meditation Program says meditating fights stress, aids focus
6 May 2007 - (more)

Bringing knowledge of perfect health to the heart of the financial district in New York City
5 May 2007 - (more)

Dr John Hagelin and Dr David Lynch comment on Maharishi's renaming of his Centres worldwide - Part II
5 May 2007 - (more)

New Raam Bank of Germany announced by Colonel Chasse
5 May 2007 - (more)

Vedic America: Bees make a beeline for organic crops
5 May 2007 - (more)

Dr John Hagelin and Dr David Lynch comment on Maharishi's renaming of his Centres worldwide - Part I
4 May 2007 - (more)

Maharishi's address to the Global Press Conference on the Physics of Invincibility, 2 May 2007, New York, USA
4 May 2007 - (more)

Removal of Poverty: Dr Benjamin Feldman discusses investment offering - Part II
4 May 2007 - (more)

Report from Canada: Good news
4 May 2007 - (more)

Dr Benjamin Feldman: Investments for Poverty Removal - Part I
3 May 2007 - (more)

Global Country of World Peace on 'Peace Line' in Northern Ireland - Part II
3 May 2007 - (more)

Good news report from Canada
3 May 2007 - (more)

US: Tennis team of Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment continues tradition of success
3 May 2007 - (more)

Global Country of World Peace on 'Peace Line' in Northern Ireland - Part 1
2 May 2007 - (more)

Report from Canada: Good news
2 May 2007 - (more)

Worldwide live interview: Acclaimed director discusses Transcendental Meditation
2 May 2007 - (more)

Deep thoughts by David Lynch
1 May 2007 - (more)

Maharishi bestows a new name - 'Centres of Invincibility' - on his Transcendental Meditation Centres worldwide
1 May 2007 - (more)

Positive headlines measure Invincibility
1 May 2007 - (more)

Renowned educator Dr Ashley Deans tours Belgium for Vedic Education
1 May 2007 - (more)

Rising invincibility: Denmark leads the way in renewable energy provided by wind power
1 May 2007 - (more)

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