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Calendar of invincibility for Brazil, Chile, Panama
by Global Good News staff writer

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29 May 2007

Raja Luis, Raja of Latin America for the Global Country of World Peace has laid out a calendar for the rise of invincibility in Latin America.

'The creation of invincibility was inconceivable a few months ago, and now what is happening is that Raja Luis has a calendar of invincibility [laying out] when each country in Latin America will rise to invincibility. This is a blessing we could not think about even a few weeks ago,' said Dr Peter Swan, Minister of Communications for the Global Country of World Peace.

According to this calendar, the biggest nation—Brazil, the wealthiest nation—Chile, and the 'gap' nation—Panama are all rising rapidly to invincibility.

The biggest country in Latin America is Brazil, which, with a population close to 200 million, requires 1,370 Yogic Flyers in order to create national invincibility. This will be achieved near the first week of September, on or around the national day of Brazil.

The wealthiest country in Latin America in terms of income per capita is Chile. It requires 400 Yogic Flyers to create national invincibility and this will be achieved at the end of August or the first week of September.

Panama is a smaller country, which is the 'gap' uniting the two continents. It requires 160 Yogic Flyers to create national invincibility. This target is expected to be reached at the end of August or beginning of September.

These countries are achieving invincibility by practising Yogic Flying in groups and creating what is called the Maharishi Effect. In the case of Brazil and Chile, it is being created for the nation by universities and schools, and in Panama it is being achieved by traditional people of Panama and also schools.

Each of these countries knows that invincibility is a supreme blessing that has never before been possible for them in all their history as a nation, so they are doing everything in their power to make sure that it becomes a reality.

Trinidad and Tobago achieved invincibility on 20 May. Other Latin American countries also cited in the invincibility calendar include Paraguay, Venezuela, and Guyana which are expected to achieve national invincibility at the end of July.

Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service

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