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Bees make a beeline for Vedic Organic crops: Mayor Wynne of Maharishi Vedic City, USA

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5 May 2007

While honeybees in most of the United States are disappearing, the Mayor of Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa, the Honorable Dr Bob Wynne—who is also Raja (leader of the Global Country of World Peace) for the central domain of Vedic America—has reported that bees are congregating in large numbers around their extensive organic and Vedic Organic crops.

Around Maharishi Vedic City last autumn, for example, were millions and millions of organic sunflowers, inundated with bees. 'Every single flower had a number of bees on it, and we don't know where the bees come from,' said Raja Wynne.

In their organic and Vedic Organic greenhouses, bees come in through the open roof and pollinate all the different organic plants. They are attracted to this idyllic environment, said Raja Wynne, because it is all according to the laws of nature. The bees are attracted to pure, natural pollen and nectar, grown organically, and to natural living conditions.

'Because beekeepers (in other parts of the US) are feeding them genetically modified corn syrup, and putting them on the road to different states during different times of the year,' said the Mayor, 'the bees are rebelling and disappearing.' Abandoned hives are not subject to raids by other insects either, which suggests that toxins of some kind are involved.

But in Vedic America, they are attracting bees. Bees, who have a high degree of social intelligence, are appearing as if out of thin air, to pollinate the pure organic crops. They know what is best for them, said Raja Wynne.

Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service

Global Good News comment:

For information about Maharishi Vedic Organic Honey please visit: Maharishi Honey. For information about Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's six-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.

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