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Good news report from Canada
Global Country of World Peace Translate This Article
17 May 2007
11 May was the 11th day of the 11th month of Canadian national consciousness rising to invincibility, as indicated by the following press reports:
11 May 2007
The Globe and Mail - TSX closes at yet another record high (11 May 2007) The Toronto stock market capped a winning week Friday by charging ahead to close above the 14,000 level for the first time. The TSX composite index finished ahead 150.69 points at 14,003.82 with gains in all sectors except one. The Toronto market is up 1.7 per cent for the week and 8.5 per cent year-to-date. The TSX run-up comes amid a well-received earnings season, higher commodity prices and a surge in merger and acquisition activity.
CBC News - TSX tops 14,000 for first time (11 May 2007) Just five months after it broke through the 13,000 level, the benchmark TSX plowed through 14,000 to a new high on Friday. CIBC World Markets chief economist Jeff Rubin is predicting the TSX will hit 15,000 by the end of the year.
Canadian Press - Canada's unemployment rate stays at 6.1% (11 May 2007) The economy's impressive record of creating jobs continued in April, keeping the national unemployment rate at a 30-year low of 6.1 per cent. Natural resource industries saw a large influx of 11,000 workers in April. Another big mover in the job market were adult women, who continued to set records in April, reaching their lowest jobless rate on record at 4.7 per cent. Regionally, employment growth renewed in Alberta and the four Atlantic provinces all set new highs for employment. Quebec also had large gains as 23,000 additional jobs were created, cutting the province's jobless rate from 7.6 per cent in March to 7.2 per cent, the lowest in three decades.
CanWest News Service reports (11 May 2007) Nationally, new home prices rose 0.3% in March from the previous month, Statistics Canada said. Of the 21 metropolitan areas surveyed, 16 registered increases, while three metropolitan areas registered no monthly change. Saskatoon led the way at 10.5%. Notable gains were also observed in Vancouver, Windsor, Winnipeg, Hamilton, Calgary, St. John's and Victoria. On a 12-month basis, contractors' selling prices were up 9.3%. Prices in Edmonton were up 39.8% year-over-year, while Calgary posted a 30.8% year-over- year. Other noteworthy year-over-year gains were in Saskatoon at 22.7%, Regina at 16.1% and Winnipeg at 6.8%.
CanWest News Service - Coastal provinces to post strong growth: report (11 May 2007) The eastern and western provinces will post strong growth this year, according to a report released Friday by the Conference Board of Canada. 'Led by Newfoundland and Labrador, the Atlantic provinces are expected to post solid economic gains in 2007, but the west remains the fastest growing region in Canada,' said the Conference Board's Provincial Outlook Spring 2007. Newfoundland and Labrador is forecast to post growth of 6.4 per cent this year, leading all provinces. New Brunswick's GDP is expected to expand by 3.1 per cent this year and Nova Scotia's by 2.4 per cent.
Canadian Press - Alta. finance minister says provinces should come together for economic gain (10 May 2007) Provinces have very inter-related economies, Alberta's finance minister said Thursday. 'It's time we...started talking together and working together and getting rid of some of the bureaucratic entanglement that's occurring,' Oberg told the Economic Club of Toronto. Last year, Alberta and British Columbia were the first provinces to sign a free-trade agreement. Asked if Alberta would sign similar agreements with other provinces, including Ontario, Oberg said that would 'make good sense.' 'Our experience with BC was nothing short of tremendous ... It's one of those things where there's really no downside.' From a National Post report on this: The Trade, Investment and Labour Mobility Agreement (TILMA)—between Alberta and BC, began life on April 1. A Conference Board of Canada report projects that the agreement signed last year between Alberta and BC will deliver to BC alone 80,000 new jobs and a $5-billion economic boost. Still more to Alberta. TILMA is forecast to turn the West into Canada's second-largest economy, next to Ontario.
The National Post - Ontario welcomes proposal for free-trade deal with Quebec (11 May 2007) The Ontario government yesterday welcomed an overture by Quebec Premier Jean Charest to negotiate a free-trade agreement between the two provinces. 'Ontario's always open to strengthening the economic union by decreasing barriers to trade and labour mobility,' Marie Bountrogianni, Ontario's Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, said. Robert Knox, a senior fellow with the Montreal Economic Institute, notes that Quebec and Ontario are each other's biggest domestic trading partners. 'For them it makes a lot of sense to sign some sort of bi-lateral agreement which would accomplish the same objectives that BC and Alberta want to do, which is create a single economic unit between the two provinces.' Ms Bountrogianni said Ontario officials have begun discussions with Alberta and British Columbia about the possibility of joining a new free-trade agreement between the two western provinces.
The Toronto Star - Ontario to push clean energy (10 May 2007) Ontario is going green on June 11 when the government unveils its plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, encourage conservation and boost renewable energy generation. Sources say it is a sweeping document. 'We've always said it's a comprehensive climate change plan..,' Environment Minister Laurel Broten said. Under the green plan, the last of Ontario's high-polluting coal-fired generating plants will close by 2014. The government is also going to announce another round of bidding on large-scale renewable energy projects. Sources say a major wind farm project will be part of that. The province hopes to generate an additional 1,000 megawatts of electricity from renewable sources, which has the potential to power 250,000 homes. The province is also expected to expand the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) standard to promote the construction of efficient new buildings.
The Toronto Star - US softening border stance (11 May 2007) There are strong signals that Washington is finally reconsidering its hard-line stance on requiring passports at border crossings. In the wake of a congressional vote yesterday and recent comments by the US ambassador to Canada, provincial Tourism Minister Jim Bradley says there is significant progress in the quest to ease tough new land-border requirements. 'The reason to be optimistic is there's been a climate change in Washington,' Bradley said. 'They've gone from cold to warm on utilizing a secure driver's licence for identification going across the border,' he said. 'We've seen a significant shift in the position of the administration.' From a Canadian Press report on this: The US House of Representatives has passed measures that would delay the passport rule at the Canadian border.
The Globe and Mail - Easing the high cost of going green (11 May, 2007) Vancouver's ReSource Rethinking Building has partnered with Vancity Capital to design one of Canada's most energy-efficient residential complexes, with a green loan that will covers the extra upfront costs for systems like geothermal heating and solar hot water, and will be repaid in loan payments based upon the energy savings that will accrue as a result. This allows the developers to include and market green building features without incurring additional building costs. With a growing public awareness of the long term cost benefits of green technology and the negative effects of global warming, Derek Gent, Investment Manager for Vancity Capital, feels secure that by investing in green technology he is positioning himself to create a profit and change the world. 'At Vancity we talk a lot about triple bottom line (people, profit, and planet) investments, and this example really allows us to walk the talk.'
These are a few of the news reports reflecting Canada's rising invincibility from the growing Yogic Flying groups across Canada and the Invincible America Assembly at Maharishi University of Management and Maharishi Vedic City, USA.
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