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285-day update on the Invincible America Assembly in Maharishi University of Management and Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa

Global Financial Capital of New York    Translate This Article
14 May 2007

Press Release, 9 May 2007



Record-Breaking Surge Due to Group of 1,800 Advanced Meditators, New Research Shows

Fulfilling Predictions, Meditators Create Coherent National Consciousness 'Fuel Peaceful New Trend in US Policies Towards North Korea, Iran, Syria


'Rigorous statistical analysis confirms that that the 21% rise of the Dow and the S&P 500 and the 27% rise of the NASDAQ over the past nine months were caused by the coherent influence created by the Invincible America Assembly.'
—Dr John Hagelin, Executive Director, International Center for Invincible Defense

(NEW YORK CITY) The US stock market continued its unprecedented surge into record-breaking territory this week, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average soaring beyond 13,300 during its best run in 80 years. At the same time, the Nasdaq climbed to a six-year high and the S&P 500 neared its all-time high.

What's behind this bull market that has defied the odds and left analysts perplexed?

The answer: The dramatic and sustained rise of coherence in national consciousness created by a large group of advanced meditation experts who have assembled in Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa, for the Invincible America Assembly, according to Dr John Hagelin, world-renowned quantum physicist and Executive Director of the Center for Invincible Defense.

Dr Hagelin delivered the good news today during an international press conference, which was held at the Global Financial Capital of New York, 70 Broad Street, one block from the New York Stock Exchange. The Assembly was launched 285 days ago on July 23, 2006, by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi to create coherent national consciousness 'the basis of a peaceful, prosperous, invincible country.'

Since then, the Dow and the S&P 500 have both climbed 21%, while the Nasdaq has climbed 27%.

'We publicly predicted this bull market when we launched the Assembly nearly nine months ago—at a time when Wall Street was in a sharp decline and the outlook was gloomy. Since then we have repeatedly gone on record predicting the market's sustained growth,' Dr Hagelin said.

Dr Hagelin emphasized that the positive economic news extends beyond Wall Street to include a marked rise in national productivity, consumer spending, and other economic indicators, while national unemployment rates have remained at five-year lows. 'Despite dire forecasts, the US economy has proven resilient and capable of sustained growth since the Assembly began,' he said.

Marked transformation in US foreign policy since the launch of the Invincible America Assembly
Dr Hagelin said that since the launch of the Assembly and the rise of coherent national consciousness, US foreign policy has also undergone a series of marked transformations, beginning last August with the US-forged ceasefire on the Israeli-Lebanon border—a Mideast flashpoint for decades that is now in its ninth peaceful month. Since the Assembly began, the US has started working closely with North Korea to end that volatile and longstanding nuclear crisis. And in recent weeks, the US has abandoned its confrontational stance and held talks with Iran and Syria to resolve the Iraq impasse. The Associated Press called the talks 'a major diplomatic course change by the Bush administration.'

Positive trends predicted publicly in advance
Dr Hagelin said that rigorous statistical analysis shows that the upsurge of positive trends started when an initial group of 1,200 experts in Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation programme and its advanced techniques, including Yogic Flying, first assembled in Iowa from across the US and around the world to create coherent collective consciousness—the basis of the ongoing national transformation.

Extensive published scientific research confirms the Maharishi Effect
Extensive research published in leading, peer-reviewed scientific journals confirms reduced negative trends, including reduced crime and violence, and improved economic and social trends that result when as few as the square root of one per cent of a population practice Yogic Flying together in a group. Scientists named this phenomenon the 'Maharishi Effect' after Maharishi, the renowned Vedic scholar who 50 years ago founded the Transcendental Meditation programme, and who predicted the beneficial impact of group meditation on social trends as early as 1975.

Group of 2,000 Yogic Flyers needed to make the nation invincible
Dr Hagelin said that the group of 1,800 Yogic Flyers in the Assembly is sufficient to produce a sustained positive influence in the economic and social trends of the nation. 'We are on the threshhold of raising the nation to a true state of peace and invincibility.'

Dr Hagelin added that, according to research, when the number of Yogic Flyers stabilizes at a level beyond the square root of one per cent of the US population (about 2,000), there will be an even more dramatic improvement in national trends, and any lingering problems in the country will be quickly resolved.

Invincible Assemblies being established worldwide
Dr Hagelin said that similar Invincible Assemblies are being established in many nations to form a 'ring of invincibility' around the world, to prevent problems, and to promote permanent peace and invincibility in every nation.

'This is not wishful thinking,' said Dr Hagelin, who also serves as the Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World Peace. 'This is hard science that has been field tested for over 50 years and documented through more than 600 studies conducted at over 250 independent universities and research institutes throughout the world.' The Invincible America Assembly is being funded by an annual $12 million grant from the 'Howard and Alice Settle Foundation for an Invincible America.'

Copyright © 2007 Global Financial Capital of New York

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