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Good news report from Canada
Global Country of World Peace Translate This Article
7 May 2007
25 April was the 25th day of the tenth month of Canadian national consciousness rising to invincibility, as indicated by the following press reports:
25 April 2007
The National Post - Green target (25 April 2007) An opinion piece by Environment Minister John Baird written for the Ottawa Citizen outlined some details of the Tories' plan to improve air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Some excerpts: - Once greenhouse gases have stopped rising, we will begin to reduce them, so that by 2020, Canada will have cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 150 million tonnes. This is 20% of our total emissions today. - We will impose stringent targets on industry so that air pollution is cut in half by 2015. - Our plan sets overall national fixed emissions caps for industrial pollutants that cause smog and acid rain. We will target: nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur oxides (SOx), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and particulate matter (PM)
Canadian Press - Feds pull plug on inefficient lightbulbs by 2012 under new green plan (25 April 2007) The federal government is declaring a countrywide ban on the sale of inefficient lightbulbs by 2012. The new lightbulbs are three to four times as efficient as incandescent bulbs, which emit between 5 and 10 per cent light while the rest is heat. Natural Resources Minister Gary Lunn said the ban will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than six million tonnes a year, saving up to 4,000 megawatts of power a year, or up to C$4 billion in energy costs. The announcement came Wednesday as the first instalment of a national environmental initiative.
Victoria Times Colonist - B.C., five states form climate initiative (25 April 2007) BC Premier Campbell announced that the province will join the US states of New Mexico, Arizona, California, Washington, and Oregon in the Western Regional Climate Action Initiative. The initiative's goal is to 'identify, evaluate and implement ways to collectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the region and to achieve related co-benefits,' Campbell said. 'It allows us to build some common standards that will, I think, be far more effective in terms of dealing with the reduction of greenhouse gasses. It's an important step toward the collaboration that I've been talking about.'
The Globe and Mail - Native students to get $65-million for education (25 April 2007) BC Premier Campbell announced a C$65 million program to help aboriginal students with post-secondary education and training. The program will increase access and participation through financial support to students and institutions and also create culturally relevant programs. There will be C$10.3 million in scholarships for Aboriginal students, starting in September, 2008. Aboriginal people are the fastest-growing population in Canada.
Bloomberg News - Canadian stocks gain on earnings (25 April 2007) The TSX Composite Index rose 82.52, or 0.6 per cent, to 13,672.85, to within 0.3 per cent of its 18 April record. Canadian stocks rose after companies reported better-than-expected earnings. 'Earnings haven't disappointed,' said Keith Summers, who helps oversee C$762 million as chief investment officer at Stonegate Private Counsel in Toronto. 'We've had a solid run.' Research In Motion Ltd. led a measure of technology shares to a 0.9 per cent gain. Stocks were supported by a bigger-than-expected increase in orders for durable goods in the US, Canada's main export market.
Bloomberg News - Canada's dollar rises to 7-month high on commodities, U.S. Data (25 April 2007) The currency rose 0.6 per cent to 89.69 US cents at 4.30 p.m. in Toronto, from 89.15 yesterday. It briefly touched 89.79 cents, a seven-month high. The currency has appreciated the past five weeks, its longest rally since mid-2004. 'Everything's been working for Canada,' said Steve Butler, director of foreign exchange trading in Toronto at Scotia Capital. The Canadian central bank yesterday expressed 'no concern over the rapid rise of the currency, which helped the market continue to buy Canada,' Butler said.
The Toronto Star - Alberta leads drop in jobless benefit receipts (25 April 2007) Nationally, the number of regular beneficiaries was 3.5 per cent lower in February compared with the same month a year earlier, while Alberta had the largest year-over-year decline at 14.6 per cent.
CBC News - Less than one in four Canadians surveyed are self-described workaholics: Survey (24 April 2007) A new survey suggests that a majority of Canadians puts their families ahead of their work life. In the survey, commissioned by Desjardins Financial Security, 81 per cent of respondents said they want to achieve a balance between their work and life. Family, honesty, and good health were the values most important, while work was cited by only 10 per cent. Alain Thauvette, senior vice-president of group and business insurance at Desjardins, says workers want to have an appropriate work-life balance, and employers will have to take this into consideration.
The National Post - Balancing work and personal life (25 April 2007) 'Companies in general are now realizing that workers are putting work-life balance on the table as a priority,' says Barbara Moses, a Toronto human resources expert. Some firms are rushing to offer new programs and policies that encourage people to better mesh their professional lives with their personal lives. On-site child care, flexible work arrangements, family leave policies, fitness facilities and seminars about general health and wellness—all are coming into the mix. Employees everywhere are rallying around the idea of working to live, instead of living to work. Today's employee wants to have a life outside of work and the freedom to bend his or her workday to fit that life.
These are a few of the news reports reflecting Canada's rising invincibility from the growing Yogic Flying groups across Canada and the Invincible America Assembly at Maharishi University of Management and Maharishi Vedic City, USA.
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