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Maharishi's address to the Conference on Unified Field-Based Administration - Part II
by Global Good News staff writer

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11 May 2007

On 7 May, following the presentation by Dr John Hagelin, Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World Peace, on the non-dual, holistic administration of the universe and society by the totality of Natural Law in the Unified Field, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi spoke about the holistic and detailed vision of Veda by the first seer of Rk Veda, Madhuchhandas.

Having given a detailed explanation of the vision of Mahdhuchhandas in Part I of his talk, Maharishi continued:

'The vision of Madhuchhandas is very clear. This is the Vedic Tradition, the tradition of the seers of the Veda, those who cognized the Veda, those who lived the Veda.'

Four Vedas, six Vedangas, and six Upangas
Maharishi then explained that there are four Vedas, six Vedangas and six Upangas. He said there was so much diversification in the field of language and number systems—all the different disciplines of mathematics, arithmetic, trigonometry, alphabets, consonants, and all languages—but all have their starting point where they meet together in 'A', and these are all divided so clearly and distinctly into Vedangas and Upangas, all the different aspects of the Veda.

Maharished continued to explain that the whole universe is spread out in this numbers system and the word system, in the alphabets and language. Vak means language, and it is said, Sarva vak, total language, and A-karo vai—only 'A' stands for Total Knowledge, total language, which is in Aknim ile, the flow of Veda.

''A' is the origin', Maharishi said, 'and 'A' in itself, as Madhuchhandas saw, 'A' is in terms of flow. Flow means Devata, Kriya shakti, action principle. The Doer. Doership belongs to Devata.

'So 'A' Rishi, 'I' Devata, and 'U' Chhandas, the covering. This is the penetration of Madhuchhandas into the first letter of the Veda, which came out the first letter of Atma (Self) of everyone. 'A' means Atma. 'A' is the flow of Atma. Atma of everything, any species. Atma of animals, of birds, all the innumerable species, everyone has Atma.

'So the body of everyone is the extension of his Atma. We can say his Atma for human beings, and its Atma, Atma of a tree, something that does not appear to be lively. Anything, any grain of creation, any dust of creation has Atma, Atma, Atma.'

Flow of total Rk Veda from 'A' to 'I'
Rk Veda starts from 'A', Maharishi said, and it ends in 'I'. So the flow of total Rk Veda is from 'A' to 'I', and the total Veda was available to the sight of Madhuchhandas when he saw 'I' in 'A'. He saw the beginning of the Veda 'A', and he saw in the end of the Veda 'I'. So 'A' itself is total Veda. 'A' is the first syllable of the Veda, 'I' is the last syllable of the Veda in its flow, and when the flow is within 'A', the flow is found within the unmanifest...

Totality and non-existence of diversity
Maharishi continued: 'Totality is everywhere and diversity is non-existent. Diversity is non-existent. Unity is eternal, diversity is non-existent. Sarvam khalvidam Brahm, Aham Brahmasmi, wherever is 'A', there is totality, Brahm. That is why Aham or Atma, Aham, Atma. That is totality.

'That appears, to be diversity, only appears to be diversity. Creation is not created; it's only an appearance, definitely an appearance. Exactly similar to the example of string appears to be a snake. There is no snake, but it appears to be a snake. It's a matter of quality of vision, drishti, what the quality of drishti is.

Drishti dosh and the importance of the Guru
'Drishti dosh—if the vision is not pure, then it is muddled, and muddled vision doesn't see the reality. It's the vision, and that's why in the eternal tradition of knowledge, the Guru is most primary. Guru gives the technique, the technique.

'What did we get from our Guru Dev? This is a system of tradition. How does enlightenment travel from tradition to tradition to tradition [from teacher to student]? Through the technique. What is the technique? Take the awareness from the gross to the subtle and then experience what is beyond the subtlest, transcendental.

Paramevyoman and the Constitution of the Universe
'Know the Veda to be structured in the transcendental, which is beyond words—Richo akshare parame vyoman. Parame vyoman means in the transcendental reality. The whole Veda is structured in the transcendent, in the Parame vyoman, in the unmanifest.

'So it is the unmanifest which is real, which is on its own. That is the Veda. What I have just said, this is the Constitution of the Veda. This Constitution of the Universe is a reality of the deepest level of one's life. When we say Constitution of the Universe it's not a strange thing; it is transcendental, that means it is the Self of everyone. It is the very Self of everyone.

'Constitution of the Universe is the very Self of everyone. Forgetting the Self, one is wandering in the land of unknown. Wandering in the land of the unknown, one is tumbling down everywhere. Stepping on to the known land, which is the Constitution of our Self, is much more natural, much more simple.

A common administration for the family of nations
'This is the time that we are creating, a common administration for all the family of nations. The whole diversified family of nations is groping in darkness. All their wisdom is in running the society, administering the nation, through man-made constitutions. And man-made constitutions [means] that you build up your life on the basis of the snake. You don't know that the snake is non-existent there. All the many wrong things.

Unity and diversity, Vedic awareness, and our Vedic Tradition
'There is diversity in multiplicity; there is Unity, there is restfulness, there is bliss in Unity. We want our society to be a unified society run by the most natural law, Total Natural Law, self-referral Constitution of the Universe, Veda.

'Vedic awareness enlivens the Constitution in one's own vision to the extent that it does not only remain on the transcendental level, but from the transcendental level it comes out to the intellect, to the mind, to the senses, to the behavioural level automatically, automatically.

'This is our tradition. Human being means full of values of Rishi, Devata, and Chhandas. This we learnt from the first seer of the Veda. I brought out Madhuchhandas, and when we go into the sequential growth of the syllables 'Ak ni mi le pu ro hi tam', each word like that, this is the unfoldment of multiplicity from Unity.

'[There is] the law that unfolds multiplicity from Unity; opposite law brings multiplicity into Unity. That means our awareness, our intelligence is endowed with both values of law, magnified and unified; magnifying and unifying. Then we cannot make a mistake whether we are on the unifying level or we are on the magnifying level. We become the winner of life.

'That is why it's called Moksha; we are released from bondage. Whatever we do, whether we are on the magnifying scale or unifying scale, we are out of the grip of captivation. We are out of the grip of captivation. Either expanding or contracting, wherever, we are in freedom. We are in Moksha, eternal freedom.

'We can call this philosophy, we can call it science, we can call it knowledge, but this is our real nature. This is our real nature which is all diversity unified. Therefore we are very natural in one sense and we are very ambitious in the other sense that we are rising to create a unified world.

'[There are] so many countries, so many nations, and there are a lot of dissensions and diseases in the multiplicity. We are trying to make it unified and our wisdom lies in just a handful of people. We put them to practice this Yoga, this practice of functioning in Unity Consciousness, which is demonstrated by the Yogic Flying.

Demonstrating Unity Consciousness through Yogic Flying
'When the body lifts up it is because it can command the force of gravity. How can you command the force of gravity? This is the technique whispered to us by Guru Dev. That is why the Tradition holds the Guru Dev to be supreme.

'All the Devatas put together constitute Guru Dev. 'Gurur Brahma, Gurur Vishnur, Gurur Devo Maheshwara, Gurur sakshat param Brahma, tasmai Shri Gurave namah.' So dignity belongs to the destiny of mankind. Every man born on earth has that rightful status to live Unity.

'Now we have the turn key operation of that field of knowledge that we can—we are going to create, it's not matter of we can anymore. We have started the programme for making each country rise to Invincibility.

Just a few people needed to create Invincibility for a nation
'Just a few people we take here and there. For that we don't need the government; for that we don't need anyone. We just have to come out and let our people know who would like to be the custodians of the national destiny. All the people will come out and out of that we take some youngsters of 20-25 years of age; or whatever youngsters who would like to be the champions of the nation's destiny.

'Just a few hundred people in the midst of so many million people. We can't let the million people go through any more diseases, or any suffering, or conflicts and all that.

Vedic Pandits
'Talking time is over for us. We don't want to talk any more time. We just quietly put up the Vedic Pandits here, there, and there—just a few hundred there and there, that's all it takes. That we have started to do, and within one or two months, as soon as the communication from India to other countries is available, we will start to bring the Vedic Pandits whose tradition is Aham Brahmasmi, Sarvam khalvidam Brahm, I am Atma Brahm.

'All these beautiful exhortations of the Vedic Tradition are going to be realized by everyone without doing anything. The whole time is going to be different. Like the sun rises and no one has to do anything to make the sun rise—the sun rises, everyone basks in the light of the sun. Dark of the night is over.

Our good luck
'It's a beautiful time for the world. We are holding the destiny of mankind, and we are being faithful to the Tradition in which we have, by some good luck, fallen from birth. We belong to that Tradition and we are enjoying our status. Beautiful, very beautiful status.

'We have converted the name of our organization from merely teaching Transcendental Meditation and bringing relief to the individual and enlightenment to the individual; we have changed the name to Invincibility organization [Invincibility Centres].

'So now we are bringing some competent traditional Vedic Pandits from India. They will begin to live in different countries and just by the daily routine of their own life, they will create a healthy, wealthy, long life.

'We want to see our children around us healthy, wealthy, and long life. So we are doing it not for anyone. We are doing it for our own pleasure, and it's a pleasure for us to launch upon this, and it's a pleasure of the Movement to now roar like a lion everywhere.

Our leaders roaring like lions
'It's good that they are roaring in the midst of a quality of national life in the United States. This New York is the capital of the United States. It is the ideal capital of the economy of the world and there are our tigers. Our leaders are roaring like a lion.

'It's such a joy to listen to them, to strike at the core of ignorance of all that has existed so far. We are breaking the shackles of ignorance, establishing a beautiful 'string' of a better destiny for mankind in every way.

'All the programmes of schools, the health programme and reconstruction of the world programme, elimination of poverty programme—each programme is such a natural facet of that bliss aspect of life which everyone is always proud of.

Don't worry
'Whatever has been the past, don't worry. Tomorrow is going to be the dawn, and tomorrow is not very far. Tomorrow is today. Tonight only dawns into the bright sunshine.

'It's very good, Dr Hagelin and Dr Morris. And now the Rajas who are there, you are creating a beautiful 'Star of Bethlehem.'

'So continue to radiate your most natural, characteristic total natural life and tomorrow's world will be a beautiful world family.

'All glory to Guru Dev*. All glory to the Vedic Tradition. All glory to the scientific tradition, to the religious tradition of every country. All the religions have said the same thing in their language of time, and therefore all the well-wishers, all the wise men of the world, all the enlightened voices of the world have proclaimed the same thing.

'Now we are materializing all that was said throughout the centuries—a bright, healthy, wealthy, affluent destiny of mankind.

All glory to Guru Dev. Jai Guru Dev.'

* Maharishi's Master, His Divinity Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas.

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