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A review of Maharishi's teaching and achievements - Part II
29 February 2008 - (more)

Global Memorial for Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 7 February 2008, MERU, Vlodrop, Holland: Dr Eike Hartmann - Part III
29 February 2008 - (more)

The Sunday Herald reports on Scotland's Invincible Donovan University
29 February 2008 - (more)

A review of Maharishi's teaching and achievements - Part I
28 February 2008 - (more)

Completion of the traditional departing rites ceremonies for Maharishi in Allahabad, India - Part III
28 February 2008 - (more)

Dr Bevan Morris reviews the recent events India honouring Maharishi Mahesh Yogi - Part II
28 February 2008 - (more)

The Global Capital of Raam Raj at the central point of India
28 February 2008 - (more)

Completion of the traditional departing rites ceremonies for Maharishi in Allahabad, India - Part II
27 February 2008 - (more)

Dr Bevan Morris reviews the recent events in India in honour of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi - Part I
27 February 2008 - (more)

India: Madhya Pradesh Legislative Assembly pays respect to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
27 February 2008 - (more)

Completion of the traditional departing rites ceremonies for Maharishi in Allahabad, India - Part I
26 February 2008 - (more)

Global Memorial to Maharishi, 7 February 2008, MERU, Vlodrop, Holland: Dr Eike Hartmann - Part II
26 February 2008 - (more)

The big Self in the Unified Field: Up from the deepest level with David Lynch
26 February 2008 - (more)

Latest activities of the Global Country of World Peace in India
25 February 2008 - (more)

New Indian research chair at UCLA to study consciousness
25 February 2008 - (more)

Positive trends cited in Invincible Holland
25 February 2008 - (more)

Sites for the Maharishi Effect spread across the United States
25 February 2008 - (more)

Global Memorial for Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, MERU, Holland, 7 February 2008: Dr Rainer Picha - Part II
24 February 2008 - (more)

Report from Canada: Good news
24 February 2008 - (more)

Global Memorial for Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, MERU, Holland, 7 February 2008: Dr Rainer Picha - Part I
23 February 2008 - (more)

Report from Canada: Good news
23 February 2008 - (more)

Global Memorial for Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, MERU, Holland, 7 February 2008: Colonel Gunther Chasse - Part II
22 February 2008 - (more)

Leaders of the Global Country of World Peace return to their nations to continue Maharishi's programmes
22 February 2008 - (more)

Report from Canada: Good news
22 February 2008 - (more)

The Edinburgh Evening News reports on Donovan 'bringing university to Waterfront'
22 February 2008 - (more)

Global Memorial for Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, MERU, Holland, 7 February 2008: Colonel Gunther Chasse - Part I
21 February 2008 - (more)

Global Memorial to Maharishi, 7 February 2008, MERU, Vlodrop, Holland: Dr Eike Hartmann - Part I
21 February 2008 - (more)

Report of good news from Holland
21 February 2008 - (more)

Two flagship Peace Palaces
21 February 2008 - (more)

Eternal meditation - Maharishi enters Mahasamadhi
20 February 2008 - (more)

Maharishi's gifts to the world - Part IV - Maharishi's global family
20 February 2008 - (more)

The Global Memorial for His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, MERU, Holland, 7 February 2008 - Dr Robert Keith Wallace
20 February 2008 - (more)

Leaders of the Global Country of World Peace visit the Global Capital of Raam Raj in the geographic centre of India
19 February 2008 - (more)

Maharishi's gifts to the world - Part III - the Global Country of World Peace
19 February 2008 - (more)

Global Memorial to Maharishi, 7 February 2008, MERU, Vlodrop, Holland: Dr Feldman - Part II
18 February 2008 - (more)

Maharishi gifts to the world - Part II - complete knowledge and courses for every area of society
18 February 2008 - (more)

Maharishi's gifts to the world - Part I
16 February 2008 - (more)

The Victory of Guru Dev and the Victory of Maharishi
15 February 2008 - (more)

Honouring Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in India
13 February 2008 - (more)

Vedic Farewell ceremony for Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
13 February 2008 - (more)

Maharishi's ashes immersed in Sangam
12 February 2008 - (more)

Thousands join Maharishi's funeral
12 February 2008 - (more)

Maharishi's legacy of Total Knowledge
11 February 2008 - (more)

The first report from the Vedic Farewell ceremonies for Maharishi in India
11 February 2008 - (more)

Vedic Farewell Ceremony for Maharishi Maharishi Yogi
10 February 2008 - (more)

Global Press Conference to be held in Allahabad, India, 10 February, 2008
9 February 2008 - (more)

Global Memorial for His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 7 February 2008, MERU, Vlodrop, Holland: Dr Bevan Morris - Part I
7 February 2008 - (more)

Global Memorial for His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 7 February 2008, MERU, Vlodrop, Holland: Dr Bevan Morris - Part II
7 February 2008 - (more)

Global Memorial to Maharishi held at MERU, in Vlodrop, Holland
7 February 2008 - (more)

With his life's work complete, His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 'is welcomed with open arms into Heaven'
6 February 2008 - (more)

In Tribute to His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
5 February 2008 - (more)

Maharishi Vedic Approach to Health - Part I
4 February 2008 - (more)

The Inauguration of the new Argiro Student Center at Maharishi University of Management - Part I
4 February 2008 - (more)

The Inauguration of the new Argiro Student Center at Maharishi University of Management - Part II - Drs Vincent and Maggie Argiro
4 February 2008 - (more)

25 Unified Field Conferences are launched today in cities across Russia and Ukraine
3 February 2008 - (more)

Dr John Hagelin to present the Unified Field as the key to enlightenment, national invincibility, and world peace
3 February 2008 - (more)

News Post India: Towers to rise for Maharishi Mahesh Yogi In 192 countries
3 February 2008 - (more)

Vedic Pandits and Vedic Experts in America - Part II
3 February 2008 - (more)

Australia: School year to start on a meditative note
2 February 2008 - (more)

Inauguration of the Argiro Student Centre on Maharishi University of Management campus
2 February 2008 - (more)

Report from Canada: Good news
2 February 2008 - (more)

A new campus, according to ancient principles
1 February 2008 - (more)

Donovan is honoured for bringing Maharishi's knowledge to the world
1 February 2008 - (more)

US: The Fairfield Ledger reports on Maharishi University of Management's Argiro Student Center opening 1 February
1 February 2008 - (more)

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