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The Global Capital of Raam Raj at the central point of India
by Global Good News Staff Writer
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28 February 2008
Dr Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, spoke recently about the latest developments at the Brahmasthan (auspicious central area] of India, which they visited while recently in India for the ceremonies honouring Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
Dr Morris said that the Brahmasthan is a remote place so there is no pollution; it is s a very pure place, very soft, and the power of it is instantly obvious. Our existing campus has been there since the Rajas attended the Parliament of World Peace two years ago.
Dr Morris said there is a very large lecture hall, and it is on the stage of that lecture hall that Yagyas seen on the Maharishi Channel are performed. Dr Morris said he thought four or five thousand people could practice their Yogic Flying together in that hall.
'The Telepresence room is in that hall, so that in the middle of India in such a remote place, they have very powerful Internet line and the reception for the high definition video conferencing system there,' said Dr Morris. They are also just completing the electronics for a telephone tower for first-rate telephone communications there also.
Facilities for the administrators of the Movement in India are currently under construction, and other buildings will come up as more land becomes available. Already standing are big complexes for Vedic Pandits, with suites either for families or for senior Pandits and Acharyas [teachers].
Dr Morris said that the centre point of India is marked by the Government of India with statues of lions. Nearby is the spot, a few hundred metres away, where Dr Roger Odet, Surveyor General of the Global Country of World Peace, has marked as a more precise location of the Brahmastan. 'It is all surrounded by lovely hills covered with forest,' said Dr Morris. 'It's a beautiful place. It's really such a fortune that we have that space.'
There are houses with apartments for the Rajas, an area with a mango grove all round it, and in front there is pond that could be made into a bigger lotus pond. Two other locations have been developed just a short distance away, because the land is not enough directly in the Brahmastan. One of them already has 70 buildings standing, and the other one has six hundred and thirty suites, which would be for Purusha and for international groups who come there.
'So the Brahmastan in itself is a phenomenon for the human race,' said Dr Morris. 'The Global Capital of Raam Raj is going to fill the world with bliss. It is going to take care of the destiny of all the nations of the world. It is going to be so powerful: the centre of the land of the Ved is going to do so much for the entire human race, generation after generation.
'This is again one of the countless things that Maharishi brought out: the importance of the Brahmastan of the nation. Who knew? Who discussed it? Who thought of it? But Maharishi knew this was the fountainhead of Natural Law; this is the power centre of the nation; this was the holiest of holiest spots. This was the place to transform the destiny of a nation and the world.'
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