global-news Maharishi in the World Today

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America welcomes Vedic Pandits and Vedic Experts - Part I
31 January 2008 - (more)

Maharishi University of Management: America's first 'Vedic-green' student centre to open on 1 February
31 January 2008 - (more)

Report from Canada: Good news
31 January 2008 - (more)

Ghana enthusiastically receives Unified Field Conferences
30 January 2008 - (more)

India's timeless Vedic heritage: Meeting the challenges of our modern age - Part III
30 January 2008 - (more)

Report from Canada: Good news
30 January 2008 - (more)

Summary of reports from the Canadian Press
30 January 2008 - (more)

India's timeless Vedic heritage: Meeting the challenges of our modern age - Part II
29 January 2008 - (more)

Report from Canada: Good news
29 January 2008 - (more)

Students raising Peru to invincibility through Yogic Flying
29 January 2008 - (more)

Dr Willem Meijles, Raja of Invincible Holland, comments on the announcement to create the first Maharishi Tower of Invincibility at MERU in Vlodrop, Holland
28 January 2008 - (more)

Maharishi in the world today - Part IV
28 January 2008 - (more)

Maharishi Tower of Invincibility rising in Venezuela
28 January 2008 - (more)

The first Tower of Invincibility to be built at MERU in Holland, the International Capital of the Global Country of World Peace.
28 January 2008 - (more)

Worldwide conferences on The Unified Field: The Key to Enlightenment, National Invincibility, and World Peace
28 January 2008 - (more)

India's timeless Vedic heritage: Meeting the challenges of our modern age - Part I
27 January 2008 - (more)

Maharishi in the world today - Part III
27 January 2008 - (more)

Maharishi in the world today - Part II
26 January 2008 - (more)

Report from Canada: Good news
26 January 2008 - (more)

Video animation for Maharishi Invincibility Towers and schools presented by Dr Schanbacher
26 January 2008 - (more)

Dr Bevan Morris summarizes Maharishi's achievements over 50 years
25 January 2008 - (more)

Maharishi in the world today - Part I
25 January 2008 - (more)

Report from Canada: Good news, 5 January 2008
25 January 2008 - (more)

Buddhist monks enjoy Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Programme
24 January 2008 - (more)

Raising the Flag of Invincibility in countries of Europe and Africa
24 January 2008 - (more)

Raising the Flag of Invincibility in the auspicious central point of India and in North and South America
24 January 2008 - (more)

Raising the Flag of Invincibility in countries of the Far East
23 January 2008 - (more)

The inspiring performance by Donovan during global celebrations of Maharishi's Year of Invincibility - Part II
23 January 2008 - (more)

Thousands of students learn Transcendental Meditation through David Lynch Foundation
23 January 2008 - (more)

Dr Feldman announces daily global ceremony of gratitude to Vedic Tradition of Total Knowledge
22 January 2008 - (more)

Maharishi University of Management: Student Centre incorporates many green features
22 January 2008 - (more)

Gift of land for Maharishi Tower of Invincibility from one of Canada's First Nations
21 January 2008 - (more)

Maharishi University of Management: Grand opening celebration for Student Centre 1 February 2008
21 January 2008 - (more)

New article published on connection between Vedic Literature and human physiology
21 January 2008 - (more)

The good news report from Canada
21 January 2008 - (more)

New research project in Italy to investigate EEG coherence in Transcendental Meditation and Yogic Flying
20 January 2008 - (more)

South Africa - Sunday Times: Lowering blood pressure with Transcendental Meditation
20 January 2008 - (more)

The good news report from Canada
20 January 2008 - (more)

Donovan performs and is honoured during global celebrations of Maharishi's Year of Invincibility - Part I
19 January 2008 - (more)

Maharishi's Vedic Approach to Health - Part II: Dr Anand Srivastava discusses promotion of longevity
19 January 2008 - (more)

Mongolia celebrates Maharishi's Year of Invincibility
19 January 2008 - (more)

Maharishi's Vedic Approach to Health - Part I: Dr Anand Srivastava discusses the progressive unfoldment of knowledge
18 January 2008 - (more)

Outstanding achievements in Consciousness-Based Education
18 January 2008 - (more)

The good news report from Canada
18 January 2008 - (more)

Two projects to guarantee global Invincibility: Address of Dr Harris Kaplan - Part II
18 January 2008 - (more)

Dr Benjamin Feldman honours the Founders of the Brahmanand Saraswati Trust - Part III
17 January 2008 - (more)

Press Release: Flag of Invincibility raised around the world on 12 January 2008, inaugurating Maharishi Towers of Invincibility as a 'Farewell Gift to Maharishi'
17 January 2008 - (more)

Two projects to guarantee global Invincibility: Address of Dr Harris Kaplan - Part I
17 January 2008 - (more)

Ceremonies worldwide celebrate Maharishi's Year of Invincibility on 12 January 2008 - Part II
16 January 2008 - (more)

Live broadcast: Continuing global celebration of 12 January 2008 - 6th day, 17 January - and World Congress of Rajas of the Global Country of World Peace
16 January 2008 - (more)

Video animation to be used in schools and colleges for teaching Consciousness Based Education
16 January 2008 - (more)

Ceremonies worldwide celebrate Maharishi's Year of Invincibility on 12 January 2008 - Part I
15 January 2008 - (more)

Live broadcast: Continuing global celebration of 12 January 2008 - 5th day, 16 January
15 January 2008 - (more)

The good news report from Canada
15 January 2008 - (more)

Founders of the Brahmanand Saraswati Trust praised by Dr Benjamin Feldman - Part I
14 January 2008 - (more)

Live broadcast: Continuing global celebration of 12 January 2008 - 4th day, 15 January
14 January 2008 - (more)

Maharishi's Vedic Science: Maharishi's immeasurable contribution of Total Knowledge of Natural Law
14 January 2008 - (more)

Continuing global celebration of 12 January 2008 - 3rd day, 14 January live broadcast
13 January 2008 - (more)

Dr Benjamin Feldman: Maharishi's gift of self-sufficiency - Part II
13 January 2008 - (more)

Global Capital of Raam Raj now established in the Brahmasthan (centre) of India
13 January 2008 - (more)

South Africa: Sunday Times reports on lowering blood pressure with Transcendental Meditation
13 January 2008 - (more)

12 January 2008: Inauguration of Maharishi's Year of Invincibility - Global Raam Raj: Rejoicing in the supreme fulfilment of Invincibility for the world - Global Country of World Peace celebrates the dawn of administration of eternal silence
12 January 2008 - (more)

Dr Benjamin Feldman: Maharishi's gift of self-sufficiency - Part I
12 January 2008 - (more)

Maharishi Channel: Global celebration of 12 January 2008 - 1st day replays and 2nd day live broadcast schedule
12 January 2008 - (more)

Part I: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi establishes the World Capital of Raam Raj - Seat of administration through silence
12 January 2008 - (more)

Part II: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi establishes the World Capital of Raam Raj - Functioning capital in the Brahmasthan (geographic centre) of India
12 January 2008 - (more)

Valedictorian of Maharishi School: Diving within yields incredible results
12 January 2008 - (more)

Celebrating the inauguration of the First Year of Global Raam Raj, 12 January 2008
11 January 2008 - (more)

His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi establishes the Brahmanand Saraswati Trust on 11 January 2008
11 January 2008 - (more)

Research on EEG brain wave coherence: Visualizing Totality, Brahm, in the physiology - Part II
11 January 2008 - (more)

The good news report from Canada
11 January 2008 - (more)

Creating a global shrine of Invincibility: more than 48 countries to hold ground-breaking ceremonies for Maharishi Towers of Invincibility on 12 January 2008 - Part II
10 January 2008 - (more)

Creating global shrines of Invincibility: More than 48 countries to hold ground-breaking ceremonies for Maharishi Towers of Invincibility on 12 January 2008 - Part I
10 January 2008 - (more)

Research on EEG brain wave coherence: Visualizing Totality, Brahm, in the physiology - Part I
10 January 2008 - (more)

The good news report from Canada
10 January 2008 - (more)

The practical, holistic, and scientifically validated benefits of the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme for the individual and society
10 January 2008 - (more)

The achievement of the week of silence: Foundation laid for 2008 to highlight invincibility for every nation
9 January 2008 - (more)

University students experience reduced stress through Transcendental Meditation
9 January 2008 - (more)

Dr John Hagelin sees America rising in invincibility, the world more harmonious, less violent in 2008
8 January 2008 - (more)

Frequently asked questions about Consciousness-Based Education
8 January 2008 - (more)

Maharishi European Sidhaland in England offers enlightened community life
8 January 2008 - (more)

Report from Canada: Good news
8 January 2008 - (more)

Invincibility rising around the globe on the 50th anniversary of the Transcendental Meditation Movement
7 January 2008 - (more)

Nanosolar panels presented at World Congress of Rajas
7 January 2008 - (more)

Report from Canada: Good news, 16 December 2007
7 January 2008 - (more)

Global Intelligence Press reports on Vedic Architecture: The power of life-giving principles
6 January 2008 - (more)

Maharishi Gandharva Music: Questions and answers - Part II
6 January 2008 - (more)

Report from Canada: Good news
6 January 2008 - (more)

The programmes of Maharishi International School in Switzerland
6 January 2008 - (more)

Improving the environment and creating world peace
5 January 2008 - (more)

Presenting Maharishi International School in Switzerland
5 January 2008 - (more)

Some frequently asked questions about Maharishi Gandharva Veda - Part I
5 January 2008 - (more)

Maharishi Gandharva Veda: Creating balance in Nature and peace in the individual and throughout society through the 'eternal music of Nature'
4 January 2008 - (more)

The benefits of Transcendental Meditation for people around the world
4 January 2008 - (more)

The founder of Consciousness-Based Education - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
4 January 2008 - (more)

Maharishi Invincibility Laboratories
3 January 2008 - (more)

Success of Maharishi's programmes in Australia
3 January 2008 - (more)

Transcendental Meditation and improved quality of life
3 January 2008 - (more)

Funds raised for first Maharishi Peace Palace in England
2 January 2008 - (more)

Innovative teaching tools for Consciousness-Based Education
2 January 2008 - (more)

Interest in Maharishi's Vedic Approach to Health in New England, USA
2 January 2008 - (more)

Transcendental Meditation and recidivism
2 January 2008 - (more)

New Fortune-Creating Home designs now available in Suffolk, England
1 January 2008 - (more)

Report from Canada: Good news, December 2007
1 January 2008 - (more)

The effects of Transcendental Meditation on aging
1 January 2008 - (more)

The value of Transcendental Meditation for our time
1 January 2008 - (more)

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