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Research on EEG brain wave coherence: Visualizing Totality, Brahm, in the physiology - Part II
by Global Good News staff writer

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11 January 2008

During a recent Global Family Chat on the Maharishi Channel, Dr Alarik Arenander, Director of the Brain Research Institute at Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, Iowa, USA, and world expert on EEG brain wave coherence through Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation (TM) Technique, discussed how the research in this area helps us 'to visualize Totality—Brahm' in the physiology; and also presented a new area of research on EEG coherence produced by listening to Vedic recitation.

Please also see Part I of this article.

In the second area of his presentation, Dr Arenander discussed the dynamics of loops in terms of object-referral and self-referral. He first delineated the following different types of loops in terms of frequencies: 8 to 12 times per second—alpha waves—slow; 12 to 20 times per second—beta waves—medium; over 25 times per second—gamma waves—very fast.

He said that during the practice of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation there is a shift from object-referral to self-referral. This was shown on the EEG machine as red and yellow peaks in the brain's left and right hemispheres that disappeared and became simplified during the subject's experience of transcending [the settling down of the mind to experience the silent field of inner wakefulness, Transcendental Consciousness, Atma, the Self]. He described how the slow waves represent, in the language of Maharishi's Vedic Science, the Rishi value, the knower, the ego or Self; the medium waves represent the Devata value, the process of knowing; and the fast waves represent the Chhandas value, the object being known. He pointed out that all together these represent the fundamentals of human experience; and that during Transcendental Meditation practice there is a shift in the looping of frequencies to global coherence.

The last section of Dr Arenander's lecture—the nature of brain wave coherence in terms of alpha—described how alpha frequencies give us insight into the structure of Atma, the Self. 'We can have inner wakefulness, the self-referral value. From the waxing point of the most coherence, to the waning coherence, these cyclic activities give rise to alertness, our awareness, the ''gap'' [Transcendental Consciousness],' he explained. 'The outside world collapses to a point of infinity, the gap, and expands back. Maximum coherence is in the experience of infinity. We can see it and become it.'

In summary, Dr Arenander pointed out that the attention can move outwards and the attention can move inwards. Brain coherence unifies diversity. His last EEG example was one 'displaying remarkable, very high brain wave coherence while listening to Vedic recitation, as well as during Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation.'

Again returning to the connection between the phenomenon of high coherence as the expression of Totality on the physical level of the brain, and the experience of Totality, the Self, in Transcendental Meditation; and the immeasurable value of this experience in promoting the unlimited creativity and intelligence at this level in the outer fields of activity and behavior—Dr Arenander commented, 'Administering from this level of Self, everything comes out. . . . Now we can completely visualize the totality of Nature's infinite functioning—Brahm.'

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