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Dr Benjamin Feldman praises the Founders of the Brahmanand Saraswati Trust - Part III
by Global Good News staff writer
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17 January 2008
Dr Benjamin Feldman, Minister of Finance and Planning of the Global Country of World Peace, continues to honour the Founders of the Reserve Fund of the Brahmanand Saraswati Trust, which will secure invincibility for the whole human race throughout time by perpetually supporting the Vedic Pandits of India. Here Dr Feldman speaks about Dr Steven Rubin, Raja of China, and his wife Karen.
The Brahmanand Saraswati Trust was founded during the 12 January global Celebrations of the Global Country of World Peace in MERU, Holland.
Please also see Part I and Part II of this article.
Dr Feldman continued his honouring of the Founders of the Brahmanand Saraswati Trust Reserve Fund, by saying that it was a very great joy to recognize that a dear colleague of Raja Harris [please see Part I], the Raja of Invincible China, Dr Steven Rubin, has also made a very significant contribution to this Reserve Fund, which is an expression of his own spontaneous wish to make the Vedic Pandits of India comfortable and permanent and to increase their numbers. This has added to very substantial support Dr Rubin has been offering throughout many, many years.
'So we very much adore and recognize Raja Steven Rubin and his dear wife Karen for their role and their support on all levels for Maharishi's work in the world and for the achievement and safety and security of life on earth for all future,' said Dr Feldman.
'It is so comforting when one sees the exponents of knowledge—those who have dedicated themselves and their own time and their intellect to absorbing ever fibre of Maharishi's knowledge—like Dr Steve and Karen Rubin, the Raja of Invincible China, and to see how the means gather around the goal.'
Dr Feldman said that Dr Rubin has been honoured by Maharishi, as Raja of Invincible China, the eldest and largest member of the family of nations. 'Just from the magnitude of that country, we can also glimpse the natural status of Dr Steven Rubin and his dear wife, Karen.'
'I think between the Raja of Invincible India and the Raja of Invincible China, they cover about one third of the world! So the world is already in good hands. Jai Guru Dev.'
Dr Feldman then said that it is also very fulfilling for everyone to note that these contributions that the Founders of the Reserve Fund of the Brahmanand Saraswati Trust have given, which are huge by the standards of any individual—when we compare them with the budgets of governments through non-silence—the other side of silence*—they are so minute that they reflect the incredible power of Maharishi's knowledge to transform the world.
'Maharishi told us how he was undaunted by people who might reject the knowledge for this or that reason, knowing that even one in one hundred would fulfil his task of spiritually regenerating mankind. And later on it was clear that even the square root of 1% of the population of the world, of any country, would be enough to set the trends of that collective consciousness in a positive and evolutionary direction.'
Dr Feldman then said that these great visionaries have shown us that by doing least we can accomplish most, and with the substantial contributions visualized by these great visionaries, and by their great individual and personal ability to create these very substantial offerings, the whole world is being transformed.
'They are truly the administrators of the world,' he said. 'They have taken on that role quietly and silently, along with so many others from all over the world, from every continent, who have the desire and willingness to be part of this Global Treasury of Maharaja Nader Raam, first ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, which is a great blessing and boon to the whole world.
'Maharishi has done very, very well for creating the safety and security of the whole world . . . ,' concluded Dr Feldman, 'and the world will never be the same as Maharishi found it. He has truly succeeded in spiritually regenerating mankind from within and by the practical application of this knowledge to any time and circumstance.'
* Government through silence: The Global Country of World Peace performs by what Maharishi has named 'Administration through silence', or 'Administration through Natural Law', because everything is accomplished effortlessly from the transcendental field of silence, the Unified Field of Natural Law, in the same way that Natural Law effortlessly and without a problem administers the whole universe.
Copyright © 2008 Global Good News(sm) Service.
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