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Outstanding achievements in Consciousness-Based Education
by Global Good News staff writer
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18 January 2008
Dr Volker Schanbacher, Minister of Education of the Global Country of World Peace and International President of Maharishi University of World Peace, recently reviewed the success in introducing Consciousness-Based Education in all levels of education around the globe.
During recent celebrations of fifty years of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's teaching of Transcendental Meditation around the world, Dr Schanbacher reflected on the remarkable achievements in education in the past year. Highlights included several world tours by prominent educators, inspiring conferences, a new university campus in the United States, and the latest educational guidelines and material for Consciousness-Based Education, the teaching of the Total Knowledge of Natural Law.
Dr Schanbacher reported that early in 2007 numerous schools and colleges throughout the world were introduced to Consciousness Based Education, when Dr John Hagelin, Raja of Invincible America, and Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World Peace, and Dr Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace and President of Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa, USA, toured many countries with Dr David Lynch, renowned film producer and Founder of the David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education and World Peace.
Dr Schanbacher said that progress is being made with construction of the unique Maharishi Central University campus in Kansas, USA, under the guidance of Dr John Hagelin. Consciousness Based Education is the core basis of all studies at the university, which will host thousands of students from all over the United States and around the world.
The highly successful world tour of Dr Ashley Deans, President of the award winning Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment in Fairfield, Iowa, USA, inspired educators worldwide to introduce Consciousness-Based Education into their schools and colleges. 'Many public schools in the USA have started these programmes with the help of the Dr David Lynch Foundation,' Dr Schanbacher said.
Dr Schanbacher then reported how Dr Jose Luis Alvarez, Raja of Latin America, has been extremely successful in implementing Consciousness-Based Education, including Transcendental Meditation and the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme into schools and universities in 17 countries in South America. Both students and faculty in many schools and colleges have been having wonderful results through their practice of these scientifically proven technologies of consciousness.
A sequence of Press Conferences held in 2007 in New York, hosted by Dr John Hagelin and Dr Bevan Morris, presented the unique value of Maharishi's teaching in twelve areas of life: education, defence, health, agriculture, trade and commerce, science and technology, communication, religion and culture, administration, law and order, finance, and planning.
Dr Schanbacher also reported that unique Consciousness-Based Education teaching material for practical application in education was presented at a recent conference of Rajas in Holland. Under the leadership and guidance of educators Dr Michael Dillbeck, Raja of Chicago, and Dr Susie Dillbeck, new educational information, materials, and guidelines are now available.
Dr Shanbacher concluded by saying that the outstanding achievements in education were possible only through Total Knowledge, Consciousness-Based Education, which brings both fulfilment to the individual and invincibility for the nation where these educational progammes are introduced.
Copyright © 2008 Global Good News(sm) Service.
Global Good News comment:
Please see the many recent articles about all these achievements on the Education page, as well as further resources at the Consciousness-Based Education page of the Global Good News website. A complete monthly review of previous articles can also be accessed through the Success Stories Archives button on the Successes page of this site.
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