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Creating global shrines of Invincibility: More than 48 countries to hold ground-breaking ceremonies for Maharishi Towers of Invincibility on 12 January 2008 - Part I
by Global Good News staff writer
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10 January 2008
On the 10 January 2008 Maharishi Global Family Chat, viewed on Channel 3 of the, Dr Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, described plans for the inauguration of Maharishi Towers of Invincibility around the world on 12 January 2008.
Dr Morris said, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Global Country of World Peace—expressed the previous day that, 'My work is done'—having heard from twenty-seven Rajas of the Global Country of World Peace that many times the required number of Yogic Flyers have been trained to create perpetual Invincibility for the whole world; and having also heard the news as documented in the world press about the irrevocable transformation in world consciousness—greater harmony, positivity, and progress in all areas of life.
'What I would like, somewhere, anywhere,' Maharishi said, 'is a perpetual memorial for Invincibility. We have the honour of creating this Invincibility for the world, and we want to make a perpetual shrine for the world—a place of pilgrimage in the world. Today, the record shows that the world has been transformed to Invincibility, and we should think of a memorial for an invincible world.'
Each Maharishi Tower of Invincibility, incorporating a Maharishi Invincible University and Maharishi Invincible School, will offer Maharishi's Total Knowledge to maintain permanent national invincibility; and all together they will be a perpetual memorial of the achievement of global invincibility in this generation, a global shrine of invincibility that will be a pilgrimage place for all the generations to come, set in magnificent gardens.
On 12 January 2008, at noon, more than 48 countries will conduct ceremonies to raise the flag and lay the foundation stone for their Maharishi Tower of Invincibility. These countries are those with the highest number of Yogic Flyers to create national invincibility.
Dr Morris related how Maharishi asked the World Congress of Rajas and Ministers of the Global Country of World Peace on the previous evening to review the numbers of Yogic Flyers needed, and how many were trained, to create national invincibility. In most countries there were many times the numbers required.
Then Maharishi asked the Rajas for a review of what is happening in the world. They discussed the expansion to 24 European countries of the Schengen agreement that now allows the admission to any one of the 24 countries to confer admission to any of the others. (Dr Morris explained that this means now one can travel over 4,000 kilometres across Europe without encountering a single border control where one would need to show a passport.)
'This symbolized to Maharishi the profound increase of unity that is now taking place in world consciousness, along with the rise of prosperity,' Dr Morris said, in addition to reviewing that 'the great power blocs that fought each other . . . throughout human history, are now at peace with one another and are all growing in prosperity and peace.'
Dr Morris said, 'With all of this Maharishi reached the conclusion:
' ''The world is with us now. And the rise of invincibility in world consciousness is irreversible.''
'Maharishi said that therefore on that day, yesterday, he had reached the conclusion—
' ''My work is done. I have done all that could ever be done for the world.'' '
Dr Morris continued, 'Maharishi appealed to the Rajas to create Towers of Invincibility in the name of Guru Dev.'*
Dr Morris explained that one part of this beautiful plan was immediately clear from discussions earlier—that the Raja of Invincible India (Dr Harris Kaplan) had described Maharishi's initiative, right after coming out of silence,** 'to establish 48 Brahmanand Saraswati Nagar*** for 200 Vedic Pandits each, in the 48 major cities of India; each four of these villages, communities of coherence-creating Vedic Pandits performing Vedic Yagyas (peace-creating performances) for the world, to be connected to one Jyotir Linga—one of the great 12 centres of Rudra, of infinite silence, in India, the Land of the Veda', the source of the Vedic Tradition of Total Knowledge which is bringing invincibility to the world.
Dr Morris said, 'Maharishi said definitely that is one thing that has to be done. But he asked the Rajas something more. What more, what global memorial to invincibility could they offer as a gift to Maharishi for having achieved the supreme goal'; and Dr Morris added, '—that inconceivable, inconceivable goal—nobody could even dream of aspiring to do what Maharishi has actually done. And I think we all are fully appreciative that Maharishi's awakening of Total Knowledge in every field of life is unprecedented in the human history, and his transformation of the Kali Yuga (age of ignorance) into the Sat-Yuga (Age of Enlightenment, Heaven on Earth)—unprecedented in the history of the world.
'Upon further discussions, the decision was reached that this memorial of invincibility should not just be one place but it should be in 48 countries of the world—48 Maharishi Towers of Invincibility in the 48 countries with the largest number of Yogic Flyers.'
Dr Eike Hartmann, Minister of Architecture of the Global Country of World Peace, presented to assembly by teleconference the 12-storey high tower that will be built, with magnificent exhibitions and schools on either side of it, and meetings halls for the practice of Transcendental Meditation and Yogic Flying, and Vedic Recitations by the Vedic Pandits of India. A graphic display of the design was shown, and Dr Morris described its features.
Global Good News will feature Part II of this article tomorrow, 11 January 2008.
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* Maharishi's Master, Shri Guru Dev, His Divinity Brahmanand Saraswati, Jagatguru Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas
** The week of silence that traditionally begins each new year of the Global Country of World Peace.
***These centres will each be called Brahmanand Saraswati Nagar, in honour of Maharishi's Master (please visit: 'Dr Bevan Morris outlines Maharishi's plans for a perfect system of global administration').
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