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Exploring educational innovation in the Midwestern US
31 January 2012 - (more)

Reduction of atherosclerosis through Transcendental Meditation: More findings of importance for veterans
31 January 2012 - (more)

A time-tested, holistic system of natural health care for women
30 January 2012 - (more)

Doctoral research explores management principles in light of Maharishi Vedic Science
30 January 2012 - (more)

'Helping my fellow brothers- and sisters-in-arms is greatly satisfying' - Iraq veteran
29 January 2012 - (more)

'Relief from the constant anxiety attack': Iraq veteran describes effect of Transcendental Meditation
28 January 2012 - (more)

A school turns anxiety-ridden moments into calm and peace
28 January 2012 - (more)

Celebrating Total Knowledge, wisdom, and enlightenment, for a 'healthy, wealthy, and wise national life in every country' - Maharishi
28 January 2012 - (more)

Rotating University courses to bring Maharishi University of Management students to Mexico, Vancouver, San Juan Islands
28 January 2012 - (more)

Maharishi University of Management PhD student receives grant, publishes scholarly paper
27 January 2012 - (more)

Eco-tourism in South Africa: Students from MUM, South Africa, Spain to help develop Ezemvelo Nature Reserve
26 January 2012 - (more)

Invincible Africa Golden Jubilee Tour: Celebrating 50 years of Maharishi's programmes in Africa
26 January 2012 - (more)

Tour of Africa begins in Ghana: Dr Bevan Morris
26 January 2012 - (more)

Transcendental Meditation highly effective in treating cardiovascular disease, help for veterans with PTS
26 January 2012 - (more)

Sustainability and leadership
25 January 2012 - (more)

'It's a traumatic-stress buster' - David Lynch on Transcendental Meditation for veterans
23 January 2012 - (more)

'The joy of quiet' - New York Times
23 January 2012 - (more)

New plans for Maharishi Vedic City include retirement community and organic golf course
23 January 2012 - (more)

Peace-creating experts poised to establish and expand groups around the world
23 January 2012 - (more)

Thailand: Recognition for Consciousness-Based Education degree programme
23 January 2012 - (more)

Netherlands: Archive of classical Indian music and dance concert now available online
22 January 2012 - (more)

Students on every continent enjoying Consciousness-Based Education
21 January 2012 - (more)

Tour brings the knowledge of Consciousness-Based Education to schools worldwide
21 January 2012 - (more)

What does quantum physics have to do with TM? Russell Brand interviews Dr John Hagelin
21 January 2012 - (more)

What I know for sure: Oprah writes about her visit to 'TM Town', Fairfield, Iowa, USA
20 January 2012 - (more)

Maharishi speaks on living unbounded awareness in daily life
19 January 2012 - (more)

Donovan practises Transcendental Meditation since 1968 - Salt Lake Tribune
18 January 2012 - (more)

Emily Dickinson: ''The soul's superior instants''
16 January 2012 - (more)

Maharishi Vastu architecture course to be offered via distance education
14 January 2012 - (more)

''Transcendental Meditation was absolutely transformational'' - Vietnam veteran
13 January 2012 - (more)

UK: Member of Maharishi Free School committee honoured by the Queen
13 January 2012 - (more)

Yoga Magazine reports on the life and achievements of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
13 January 2012 - (more)

12 January celebrations held worldwide
12 January 2012 - (more)

Any government worthy of the name should have the ability to prevent problems - Maharishi
12 January 2012 - (more)

Celebrating 12 January 2012: 'A wide open gate of perfection for life on earth' - Maharishi
12 January 2012 - (more)

Celebrating Veda in human physiology: 'A new horizon of peace, happiness, and bliss for all the people in the world' - Maharishi
12 January 2012 - (more)

Enjoying the fruit of all knowledge, mistake-free life of all possibilities - Maharishi
12 January 2012 - (more)

Global Good News reaches every corner of the world
12 January 2012 - (more)

Human physiology, embodiment of total Natural Law
12 January 2012 - (more)

Maharishi School: Adding inner peace to the curriculum
12 January 2012 - (more)

Perfection awaits mankind through the discovery of Veda in human physiology - Maharishi
12 January 2012 - (more)

Presenting Ramayan in Human Physiology
12 January 2012 - (more)

To understand the potential of a human being, one has to have an understanding of Natural Law
12 January 2012 - (more)

UK: Maharishi School parent, former council officer, awarded OBE
12 January 2012 - (more)

Wholeness, the 'glue' of human physiology - the ability to be one, made out of many
12 January 2012 - (more)

Celebrating Maharishi's founding of the Brahmanand Saraswati Trust
11 January 2012 - (more)

One year of Global Good News in Arabic: Website with good news from Middle East, North Africa
11 January 2012 - (more)

Cultivating the brain physiology, via distance education
10 January 2012 - (more)

Dr Oz recommends meditation for heart health, high cholesterol, and diabetes
10 January 2012 - (more)

The Individual is Cosmic: Veda and Physiology course to be offered via distance education
9 January 2012 - (more)

Karen Aoki - Maharishi University of Management PhD student and flutist
9 January 2012 - (more)

Can meditation improve Gross National Happiness?
8 January 2012 - (more)

OIF veteran: 'The longer I meditate, the
 more I get to really live'
8 January 2012 - (more)

Brahmasthan: The point of wholeness in a building, city, or nation
7 January 2012 - (more)

Heavenly Mountain begins expansion
7 January 2012 - (more)

Maharishi Vastu website translated into Turkish
7 January 2012 - (more)

More on expansion of Heavenly Mountain Vastu community
7 January 2012 - (more)

Oprah and Transcendental Meditation
7 January 2012 - (more)

Culturing refinement of consciousness: Why ornamentation is important in Maharishi Vastu architecture
6 January 2012 - (more)

Natural antidepressant to boost your spirits
6 January 2012 - (more)

Vastu architecture reflects the orderliness of the laws of nature that govern the cosmos
5 January 2012 - (more)

Benefits of the Transcendental Meditation Programme: Society and peace
5 January 2012 - (more)

Does Transcendental Meditation differ from other techniques? reports
4 January 2012 - (more)

Incorporating symmetry into architecture
4 January 2012 - (more)

Students find peace of mind, peaceful relationships, peaceful environment
4 January 2012 - (more)

Pure consciousness: The field of absolute symmetry
3 January 2012 - (more)

Transcendental Meditation decreases depression, modern epidemic for women
3 January 2012 - (more)

Vastu architecture: Symmetry gives rise to Invincibility
2 January 2012 - (more)

Transcendental Meditation and PTS: Strengthening brain patterns related to safety, stability, wholeness
2 January 2012 - (more)

Vastu architecture: Restoring the memory of wholeness
1 January 2012 - (more)

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