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Wholeness, the 'glue' of human physiology - the ability to be one, made out of many
by Global Good News staff writer

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12 January 2012

During the new year celebrations on 12 January, Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, honoured by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi as first ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, continued to discuss how, as we develop our full potential, we are able to think and act in accordance with total Natural Law 'because we have total Natural Law within us. It is total life, total existence, total society, total cosmos, total planets, total galaxies, all present within us.'

Please see Part I, Part II, and Part III of this article.

Maharaja continued his address, saying that 'therefore, if we enliven ourselves to what we have been meant to be, which is a cosmic individual, then we can automatically think and act in accordance with Natural Law. In Maharishi's description, when he offered to the world Veda in human physiology, he repeatedly emphasized the inner administrator.*

'The inner administrator within everyone is able to conduct all the correlations between all the neurons, all the various trillions of activities taking place in different places in the body—sometimes in an apparently contradictory manner, or opposed manner, but ultimately in a very balanced and coordinated way, to keep the human physiology functioning properly.

'Ultimately, when fully awake, [it is] not only functioning properly within itself, but functioning in accordance with all that is good for everyone, so that one's personal desire, individual needs are fulfilled at the same time they are fulfilling all the desires and all the requirements for all individuals in the world. Which means they are not in contradiction with them, they are not contradicting or harming any other person's desire or life or plan in living.  

'This comes because the structure of our physiology is structured according to Natural Law.' Maharaja explained that when he was working with Maharishi, bringing out the knowledge of Veda in human physiology, 'Maharishi also emphasized structure and function, structure and function. Because every structure, because of its structure, produces a certain function. For anything to have a function it has to have a proper structure. So these are the components of our body, they are structures according to Veda, and they function according to Veda.  

'Now one more question can come to our mind, to our thinking. But how do they work together, what connects them together? What connects them together, of course, is the reality of life, the reality of the natural administration of the laws of nature, being invincible, one within itself and yet also invincible together. That is what creates evolution and growth and progress.

'That's what allows these various laws of nature that have repulsion and attraction, that have negative ions and positive ions, electrons and positrons, that seem to be either attracted to each other or repulsing each other as bosons and fermions . . . , borrowing from Dr Hagelin's terminology.** All of these aspects of life end up creating flowers and trees and human beings that have feelings, and that can experience life and have bliss, and feel fulfilled, and create evolution, technology, and happiness in life.

'Why these laws of nature, how are they administered? How the Veda itself, which is our structure, of course—but some part of it is here, Shiksha is here, Kalpa is here, Vyakaran is there—they are there, how do they function with each other? That is where the value of wholeness comes, the value of connectedness, the connectedness of the laws of nature that ultimately, out of this various complexity, creates a flower, creates a lotus from the mud, creates an incredible human being from its interactions.

'What is that quality of life, what is that glue that puts all of this together and allows it to create a wholeness? That glue in the Vedic Literature is called Brahm, wholeness—that ability to have silence and dynamism at the same time, that ability to have structure and function, and coordination with all differences. That ability to have unity in diversity, the ability to be one, yet made out of many. Like the human physiology—one body, one individual made out of so many, many different components.'

* See Global Good News article drawn from Maharishi's address on 12 January 1994, in which he discusses this point.

** World renowned quantum physicist Dr John Hagelin, Director of the Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy at Maharishi University of Management.

Global Good News will continue to feature highlights of Maharaja's address on 12 January 2012.

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