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Any government worthy of the name should have the ability to prevent problems - Maharishi
by Global Good News staff writer
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12 January 2012
In his historic address from 12 January 1994, which was played during new year celebrations on 12 January 2012, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi continued to explain that the complete knowledge of Veda in human physiology, presented through Vedic Universities around the world, will promote life in accord with Natural Law, spontaneous right action. The functioning of Natural Law, the inner administrator of life, is always orderly, Maharishi said, and this is the ideal administration we want to create for the benefit of every country. This has brought a new definition of a government: that any government worthy of the name should have the ability to prevent problems, and create integrated national consciousness.
Please see Part I, Part II, and Part III of this article, in which Maharishi said that through the Vedic Universities, students will gain the fruit of all knowledge—mistake-free life of all possibilities.
Maharishi continued:
'Now mistake from what level of criterion? From the level of the criterion of Natural Law. One would not make a mistake with reference to Natural Law. That means, no thought and action will be there which will violate the laws of nature. And it's easy for everyone to understand, that it is this basic violation of Natural Law that is the cause of all kinds of disorders and suffering, all weaknesses, all diseases, and all those unfortunate things—suffering.
'Life according to Natural Law, which will come from the knowledge from the Vedic Universities, will be spontaneous right action, and right on the absolute level of the definition of right, Natural Law. Not that I think, then this is right for me, and I think this, then this is right for me—No. Right according to Natural Law is right for me, as much as it is right for everyone in the universe.
'This thing has come out from this discovery. Discovery of the Veda in human physiology has discovered very clearly that the activity of each neuron is in perfect accord with all the activities of the millions of neurons. So there is a sense of proximity of the local activity of any one neuron with reference to all the activities of all the neurons; and this is the internal administrator of life, which is able to initiate an action from where? But that action will be spontaneously in perfect accord with actions of all the other neurons, that is holistic action.
'I must mention in this regard, it's a very great thing, a few years ago, Dr Lyubimov,* a good brain scientist from Russia, he found out that those who are practising Transcendental Meditation, they begin to demonstrate the holistic functioning of the brain. Now when recently we found, how the single neuron functions in correspondence with all the numberless neurons in the brain, then we understand that this is Vedic action which has relevance on the individual level, and equal relevance on the holistic level.
'The inner administrator of life, the Veda—the inner administrator of life, the functioning of Natural Law, it is orderly and always orderly. This is because it has that ability to command individual performance in harmony with the total performance. This is the quality of the administrator.
'Now this quality of administration we want to bring in our administration in all the countries. Because if the individual function is in accord with the function of all the other individuals, then there is no discord. Then there is no stress between anyone. All move in harmony. And when all are moving in harmony, then the total is supporting the part. The whole is supporting the part, and part is enriching the whole.
'This is the ideal of administration, which we want, and it is this which has given this new definition of the government: That the government worth the name should have the ability to prevent problems. That means it should be within the ability of the government, it should be within the ability of the laws initiated by the government, that any individual's performance is not in disharmony with any other individual or the whole society.
'This discovery has opened that ideal of administration for all the administrators in the world. All the administrators in the world are going to have this beautiful ground of complete science, a garden of complete science. So far in view of this discovery, and in view of this possibility for every government, that the government will be able to initiate law and order so that every individual spontaneously will work in harmony with every other individual.
'The whole national consciousness will be integrated national consciousness. Doesn't matter today's administrators don't have this knowledge; but with these Vedic universities everywhere, all the people are going to have this knowledge of the Veda inside the human physiology, and their behaviour will spontaneously be cultured through that education of Vedic Science where consciousness will be the predominant value.'
Global Good News will continue to feature Maharishi's address from 12 January 1994.
* Professor Nicolaï N. Lyubimov, Head of Laboratory of Neurocybernetics, Moscow Brain Research Institute of the Academy of Medical Sciences, Russia, and President of Maharishi Vedic University in Moscow (until 1998)
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