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Aromatherapy gains increasing acceptance among medical doctors in Switzerland
31 May 2010 - (more)

Center for Advanced Military Science members publish new Invincible Defense articles
31 May 2010 - (more)

Nepal: A fountainhead of the resurgence of Vedic civilization
31 May 2010 - (more)

The world is my family: Global Mother Divine Organization celebrates Total Knowledge-Based Culture
31 May 2010 - (more)

Dr George Rutherford praised, pioneer of Transcendental Meditation-Quiet Time in schools
30 May 2010 - (more)

My interview with Ringo Starr: Heather Hartnett
30 May 2010 - (more)

Transcendental Meditation and David Lynch in France: Opening the door to the treasury within
30 May 2010 - (more)

Transcendental Meditation: A simple approach to improving health
30 May 2010 - (more)

Mexico: Five hundred students learn Yogic Flying, transform their school
29 May 2010 - (more)

New research on Transcendental Meditation shows reduced depression without drugs
29 May 2010 - (more)

Transforming life to bring greater balance in Nature: Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture
29 May 2010 - (more)

UK: Four major newspapers report scientific research on Transcendental Meditation
29 May 2010 - (more)

New Invincible Defence videos feature CAMS international defence advisor
28 May 2010 - (more)

Self-exploration: What's going on at Maharishi University of Management - '1-minute update'
28 May 2010 - (more)

Total Knowledge-Based Culture: Global Mother Divine Organization full moon celebration
28 May 2010 - (more)

A neurologist on the origins of creativity in the brain
27 May 2010 - (more)

France: Course reveals 'enormous potential' of VedAroma to create good health
27 May 2010 - (more)

Netherlands: International Capital of Global Country of World Peace draws 4,000th tour participant
27 May 2010 - (more)

PPQ designer Amy Molyneux recommends Transcendental Meditation for life at the top
27 May 2010 - (more)

Fund established to help US military veterans become Transcendental Meditation Teachers
26 May 2010 - (more)

Latest news from the David Lynch Foundation
26 May 2010 - (more)

Maharishi Gandharva Veda music concerts to be featured in global celebrations in MERU, Holland - July 2010
26 May 2010 - (more)

Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture: Solution for reducing the effect of carbon emissions
26 May 2010 - (more)

Latin America: 'Prevention Wings' in military to create coherence, harmony in four nations
25 May 2010 - (more)

Nepal to lead the world in the field of organic agriculture
25 May 2010 - (more)

Practical, profitable solutions for rising worldwide food demand: Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture
25 May 2010 - (more)

Addressing the root cause of depression in women
24 May 2010 - (more)

Canada: Ottawa Natural Magazine reports on Transcendental Meditation - Diving into the silence
24 May 2010 - (more)

Documentary features students, faculty on benefits of the Transcendental Meditation Programme
24 May 2010 - (more)

New Vastu construction highlighted in global celebration
24 May 2010 - (more)

Great Britain: Groups of Yogic Flyers create coherence for the country
23 May 2010 - (more)

Nations around the globe announce achievements, launch plans for invincible progress and peace
23 May 2010 - (more)

Education leaders in Europe and around world 'proactive' on Consciousness-Based Education
22 May 2010 - (more)

Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture: Pure food for a good environment, removal of poverty, a better world
22 May 2010 - (more)

Raising the flag of the Global Country of World Peace around the world
22 May 2010 - (more)

Freedom behind bars: Transforming lives of inmates and guards
21 May 2010 - (more)

Maharishi University of Management accounting MBAs place in top 10 in national competition
21 May 2010 - (more)

Simple solutions to problems of modern agriculture: Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture
21 May 2010 - (more)

Chinese schools to collaborate with Maharishi University of Management, Maharishi School
20 May 2010 - (more)

Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture: Realizing the interconnectedness of all the different parts of creation
20 May 2010 - (more)

Schedule of courses for ladies in Livingston Manor, New York, June-July 2010
20 May 2010 - (more)

A solution for school bullying? Transcendental Meditation
19 May 2010 - (more)

All good to everyone, and non-good to no one: Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam
19 May 2010 - (more)

Successful CEO supports Consciousness-Based Education
19 May 2010 - (more)

The European National Directors' Conference: Planning for invincible permanent peace, prosperity of Europe
19 May 2010 - (more)

Transcendental Meditation helps British government leader feel calmer, sleep better: William Hague
19 May 2010 - (more)

Living 'that fullness of life which is available in every point of creation': Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam
18 May 2010 - (more)

Simple machine facilitates live demonstrations of EEG coherence during Transcendental Meditation
18 May 2010 - (more)

Australian study on ADHD drug safety prompts alternative approach: Neuropsychologist recommends Transcendental Meditation
17 May 2010 - (more)

Kenya: Consciousness-Based Education in schools creates coherence, harmony in their surroundings
17 May 2010 - (more)

Leaders of Global Country of World Peace convene in MERU, Holland
17 May 2010 - (more)

Weekend residence courses give revitalizing rest, profound knowledge
17 May 2010 - (more)

Celebrating the Day of Lasting Achievements: Global Country of World Peace
16 May 2010 - (more)

Colombia: 200 learn Yogic Flying at youth centres of Father Gabriel Mejia - 'the basis for true rehabilitation'
16 May 2010 - (more)

Live demonstrations of EEG coherence during Transcendental Meditation draw hundreds at yoga conference
16 May 2010 - (more)

Photos from around world highlight raising the Flag of Invincibility
16 May 2010 - (more)

Transcendental Meditation transforms lives of US homeless: Video documentary
16 May 2010 - (more)

Live global broadcast: Global Country of World Peace to celebrate Day of Lasting Achievements, Sunday 16 May 2010
15 May 2010 - (more)

Getting better with age: Clint Eastwood and Transcendental Meditation
15 May 2010 - (more)

Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture nourishes soil, brings more crops, more profit
15 May 2010 - (more)

Latin America: Nations enjoy Yogic Flying groups and other programmes
14 May 2010 - (more)

New 16-lesson course brings out Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's principles of the complete meaning of Yoga
14 May 2010 - (more)

New research to be conducted on benefits of Transcendental Meditations for diabetes
14 May 2010 - (more)

'Neuron-to-neuron': Neurologist describes how the brain changes through Transcendental Meditation
13 May 2010 - (more)

British chess champion: Equipped for life at the top through Transcendental Meditation
13 May 2010 - (more)

US: Short films present benefits of Transcendental Meditation
13 May 2010 - (more)

Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture course: Agriculture in terms of total Natural Law
12 May 2010 - (more)

Sustainable Living student developing full potential through Transcendental Meditation
12 May 2010 - (more)

Transcendental Meditation supported by First Nations leaders in Canada
12 May 2010 - (more)

What's new at DLF.TV?
12 May 2010 - (more)

Maharishi on the complete meaning of Yoga
11 May 2010 - (more)

National Meditation Month, USA: Brain research identifies three types of meditation
11 May 2010 - (more)

Netherlands: 16-lesson course offered on Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture
11 May 2010 - (more)

Report from Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa, USA
11 May 2010 - (more)

Invincible Donovan University planned for Edinburgh, Scotland
10 May 2010 - (more)

New Transcendental Meditation Centre established in Iowa, USA: The Hawk Eye reports
10 May 2010 - (more)

Pakistan: Meditating together to create coherence, peace for the nation
10 May 2010 - (more)

Rise of invincibility in Canada seen in many areas
10 May 2010 - (more)

Switzerland: Maharishi Yoga course to be offered in Seelisberg
10 May 2010 - (more)

New film to capture experiences with Transcendental Meditation
9 May 2010 - (more)

Scotland: Maharishi Peace Colony and Tower of Invincibility to be built on the north side of Edinburgh
9 May 2010 - (more)

The Global Mother Divine Organization celebrates Mother's Day
9 May 2010 - (more)

New Yogic Flying halls to be built for schools in three Latin American countries
8 May 2010 - (more)

Students in California learning Transcendental Meditation, inspired by David Lynch film
8 May 2010 - (more)

Latin America: 'Consolidating' achievements of Maharishi's programmes to create an invincible continent
7 May 2010 - (more)

Netherlands: Enlivening the Unified Field in collective consciousness - 'surprise ingredient' creating an invincible nation
7 May 2010 - (more)

Indonesia: Growing interest in Consciousness-Based Education among Bali educators, schools
6 May 2010 - (more)

Rise of Invincibility in Canada seen in many areas
6 May 2010 - (more)

The Netherlands and the Global Country of World Peace celebrate Queen's Day
6 May 2010 - (more)

United Kingdom: Two political leaders speak about Transcendental Meditation
6 May 2010 - (more)

Lebanon: Medical expert to present introduction to Maharishi Panchakarma programme in Beirut
5 May 2010 - (more)

Less atherosclerosis, better cholesterol: New Transcendental Meditation research presented
5 May 2010 - (more)

Maharishi Vedic Pandits: Creating peace from the level of peace, silence, absolute unified harmony
5 May 2010 - (more)

MSN interview with Jeffrey Abramson: Vedic Architecture changes the way people feel, and how they work
5 May 2010 - (more)

The Global Mother Divine Organization celebrates quality of 'evolutionary transformation' within everyone
5 May 2010 - (more)

Holland: Maharishi Gandharva Veda Festival for World Peace: Celebration concerts scheduled for 24-25 July
4 May 2010 - (more)

The Global Mother Divine Organization celebrates Total Knowledge-Based Art and Music
4 May 2010 - (more)

Transcendental Meditation in a US public middle school
4 May 2010 - (more)

How to choose a meditation technique: National Meditation Month, USA
3 May 2010 - (more)

Maharishi University of Management receives funding for sustainable organic agriculture research
3 May 2010 - (more)

Italy: Plans developed for Maharishi Peace Colony near Milan
2 May 2010 - (more)

Maharishi School wins $50,000 in technology
2 May 2010 - (more)

Maharishi's programmes created ground for enlightenment, invincibility of France: First visit in 1960 celebrated
2 May 2010 - (more)

Unique value and speciality of Maharishi Vedic Pandits of India
2 May 2010 - (more)

France: Dr David Lynch interviews with popular websites and media about Lille news conference
1 May 2010 - (more)

New starting date announced: Transcendental Meditation Teacher Training Course to begin 19 July
1 May 2010 - (more)

US: Maharishi Ayurveda Health Center-Lancaster to offer seminar: 'The Vedic Science of Prediction and Prevention'
1 May 2010 - (more)

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