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Maharishi on the complete meaning of Yoga
by Bob Roth    Translate This Article
11 May 2010

During an international news conference held in 2007 from Maharishi European Research University in Holland, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi answered a question from a reporter on the widespread practice of physical yoga postures, which has become a trend throughout the world. Maharishi was asked his advice for people who practice this physical form of Yoga.

''Yoga means 'unity'—it means living unified wholeness in the field of diversity,'' Maharishi said. ''My advice is to continue practicing Yoga on the physical level—but also to start and continue to practice Yoga on all other levels—mental, intellectual, and on the level of self-referral, Transcendental consciousness. On all levels, Yoga will help you to progress in every way, in every field of life.''

Maharishi explained that Transcendental Meditation is Yoga. ''I had to give it a new name—Transcendental Meditation—because I felt Yoga has been commonly misunderstood in terms of the physical level alone.''

Maharishi said that a great Yoga truth is that ''Yoga is superior action.''

''When you want a superior quality of action, then you should practice Yoga on all levels,'' Maharishi said. ''Yoga is a good word, but it should be properly understood and practiced beyond the physical level. The result will be a rapid, holistic evolution of life.''

For more about Maharishi's explanation of Yoga and Transcendental Meditation, please see this video post on the official Transcendental Meditation website in the US.

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