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Maharishi University of Management Convocation to be livestreamed - 2 September
31 August 2013 - (more)

Netherlands: Maharishi Aromatherapy enlivens the inner intelligence of mind and body
30 August 2013 - (more)

Self-Empowerment through transcending
30 August 2013 - (more)

Maharishi University of Management celebrates Literature Reunion 2013
29 August 2013 - (more)

Seinfeld to co-host David Lynch Foundation 5th annual 'Change Begins Within' benefit - 3 December, NYC
29 August 2013 - (more)

Reducing risk factors of Alzheimer's disease: Transcendental Meditation
26 August 2013 - (more)

Becoming a change-maker: US Army veteran trains to be Transcendental Meditation teacher
25 August 2013 - (more)

Transcendental Meditation practice alleviating ADHD in Caribbean schools
25 August 2013 - (more)

Transcendental Meditation offers women veterans relief for PTSD, homelessness
24 August 2013 - (more)

Expert physician Vaidya Vyas on diet, digestion, and nutrition: A central area in Maharishi Ayur-Veda health care
23 August 2013 - (more)

Good health through prevention: Expert Maharishi Ayur-Veda physician on fundamental principles
23 August 2013 - (more)

Maharishi Ayur-Veda self-pulse reading to create balance in mind and body
23 August 2013 - (more)

Norman Rosenthal: From Transcendence to The Gift of Adversity
22 August 2013 - (more)

A stigma-free, portable treatment for PTSD: Transcendental Meditation
20 August 2013 - (more)

Event in Washington, DC, strives to give veterans help they need
20 August 2013 - (more)

Inaugural event in Washington, DC, introduces military veterans to Transcendental Meditation
20 August 2013 - (more)

Military should implement Transcendental Meditation to treat PTSD, retired general says
20 August 2013 - (more)

Transcendental Meditation appeals to military as effective treatment for PTSD
20 August 2013 - (more)

Transcendental Meditation is so simple - can it take a person to higher states of consciousness?
20 August 2013 - (more)

Treating PTSD with Transcendental Meditation: Experts interviewed on TV news in Washington, DC
20 August 2013 - (more)

US: Benefit for veterans suffering from PTSD brings support from media, military
20 August 2013 - (more)

Washington, DC, news programme highlights Transcendental Meditation to treat PTSD
20 August 2013 - (more)

Young Iraq veteran hosts event in Washington, DC, reaches out to other veterans with PTSD
20 August 2013 - (more)

Book on Cambodian education documents economic progress, peaceful change
17 August 2013 - (more)

Cambodia: Book about Maharishi Vedic University celebrates decades of Consciousness-Based Education
17 August 2013 - (more)

Cambodia: Founding of Maharishi Vedic University supported by government, international community
17 August 2013 - (more)

Cambodia: Maharishi Ayur-Veda physicians from India treated thousands in aftermath of Khmer Rouge
17 August 2013 - (more)

Cambodia: Maharishi Vedic University founded with support of governmental officials
17 August 2013 - (more)

Cambodia: Students learn Transcendental Meditation as part of first-year Vedic university curriculum
17 August 2013 - (more)

Cambodian students' psychological health improves with Transcendental Meditation
17 August 2013 - (more)

Graduates of Maharishi Vedic University in Cambodia go on to find success
17 August 2013 - (more)

Healing the Hidden Wounds of War: How Transcendental Meditation can help veterans combat PTSD
17 August 2013 - (more)

Is the Mediterranean diet the only way to lower heart disease without drugs?
17 August 2013 - (more)

Maharishi Effect had 'powerful and salutary influence' on Cambodia
17 August 2013 - (more)

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's early initiatives for peace bear fruit in Khmer Rouge era Cambodia
17 August 2013 - (more)

Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture included in founding curriculum of Maharishi Vedic University in Cambodia
17 August 2013 - (more)

Maharishi Vedic University in Cambodia: New book gives history of education
17 August 2013 - (more)

Maharishi Vedic University students trained as Transcendental Meditation teachers, taught many in Cambodia
17 August 2013 - (more)

Nonverbal intelligence increases in Cambodian university students practising Transcendental Meditation
17 August 2013 - (more)

Researchers link Cambodia's relative prosperity and peace since 1993 with the Maharishi Effect
17 August 2013 - (more)

Study finds positive effects of Transcendental Meditation on education in Cambodia
17 August 2013 - (more)

Australia: American brain research expert speaks on improving mental health with Transcendental Meditation
16 August 2013 - (more)

Australia: EEG demonstrations show audiences profound effect of transcending
16 August 2013 - (more)

Australia: In Melbourne, schools discover benefits of Transcendental Meditation
16 August 2013 - (more)

Australia: In Perth, Dr Fred Travis presents on brain activity during Transcendental Meditation
16 August 2013 - (more)

Australia: Researchers open to scientific evidence supporting Transcendental Meditation
16 August 2013 - (more)

Dr Fred Travis tours Australia to talk about meditation, consciousness, and the brain
16 August 2013 - (more)

EEG demonstrations provide concrete evidence of abstract transcendence
16 August 2013 - (more)

From the UN to MUM: Iranian doctoral student promotes benefits of cultural diversity
16 August 2013 - (more)

Healing vets' PTSD with Transcendental Meditation: Washington, DC conference
16 August 2013 - (more)

Transcendental Meditation for PTSD: Lt. Gen. Clarence E. McKnight
16 August 2013 - (more)

'Every veteran deserves to learn Transcendental Meditation': Events to showcase relief from PTSD
14 August 2013 - (more)

Four MBA teams from MUM finish in top 10 at international business simulation
13 August 2013 - (more)

Transcendental Meditation reduces PTSD among active duty US Army, says new research
13 August 2013 - (more)

Consciousness-Based Education a 'golden key that opens inner potential'
12 August 2013 - (more)

Consciousness-Based Education benefits teachers, administrators too
12 August 2013 - (more)

Consciousness-Based Education develops 'world's most important natural resource': students' creativity and intelligence
12 August 2013 - (more)

Consciousness-Based Education: A solution to Europe's economic problems?
12 August 2013 - (more)

India: Consciousness-Based Education develops full potential
12 August 2013 - (more)

India: Consciousness-Based Education students excel in international science competition
12 August 2013 - (more)

International graduates of Consciousness-Based Education course return to 21 countries
12 August 2013 - (more)

International participants complete training in Consciousness-Based Education
12 August 2013 - (more)

Netherlands: Thirty-three graduate from international Consciousness-Based Education training
12 August 2013 - (more)

Training course graduates look forward to creating peace in their countries through Consciousness-Based Education
12 August 2013 - (more)

Onward, upward, inward: Finding 'a place of wisdom, harmony, and strength' within
10 August 2013 - (more)

Thailand: Buddhist school for girls offers Transcendental Meditation
10 August 2013 - (more)

MUM News update: David Lynch MA in Film announces new $5,000 prizes for competitive scholarships
9 August 2013 - (more)

Grammy award-winner says Transcendental Meditation practice fuels his creativity
8 August 2013 - (more)

'Meditation has changed my life,' says Hugh Jackman
7 August 2013 - (more)

What students say about Maharishi University of Management
7 August 2013 - (more)

'We need this in our school': Principal on Quiet Time and Transcendental Meditation
6 August 2013 - (more)

At summit on resilience, government looks to meditation to help treat PTSD
6 August 2013 - (more)

David Lynch bestows name on M.A. in Film: MUM announces new one-year programme
6 August 2013 - (more)

New David Lynch Foundation video shows power of Quiet Time in schools
6 August 2013 - (more)

Principal of troubled middle school: Quiet Time helped us change
6 August 2013 - (more)

Quiet Time is empowerment, school official says
6 August 2013 - (more)

Quiet Time works in schools regardless of religion, background, or belief
6 August 2013 - (more)

Study finds Transcendental Meditation may help prevent Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
6 August 2013 - (more)

Switzerland: Women's health course covers wealth of knowledge about Maharishi Ayur-Veda
6 August 2013 - (more)

Transcendental Meditation may give adolescents 'top-down control' of stress and risky behavior
6 August 2013 - (more)

Transcendental Meditation provides a new approach to treating and preventing PTSD
6 August 2013 - (more)

US: National education summit highlights success of Quiet Time and Transcendental Meditation
6 August 2013 - (more)

US: Veterans officials open to alternative PTSD treatments, including Transcendental Meditation
6 August 2013 - (more)

Using Transcendental Meditation to treat PTSD: New video from David Lynch Foundation
6 August 2013 - (more)

With an epidemic of stress in schools, Transcendental Meditation may provide a solution
6 August 2013 - (more)

Good Health through Prevention: 16-lesson course for women begins 6 August in Switzerland
4 August 2013 - (more)

This is your brain on college: A university where everyone meditates
4 August 2013 - (more)

Announcing the new David Lynch MA in Film at Maharishi University of Management - starting 16 August
3 August 2013 - (more)

Switzerland: Healthy, Happy Mother and Baby - Course One starts 13 August - Register now
3 August 2013 - (more)

Grants support use of renewable energy at Maharishi University of Management
2 August 2013 - (more)

Jamaica: Children enjoying Consciousness-Based Education
2 August 2013 - (more)

US: David Lynch Foundation Women's Initiative launches partnership with NYC Family Justice Center
2 August 2013 - (more)

Lean in by going within
1 August 2013 - (more)

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