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Consciousness-Based Education develops 'world's most important natural resource': students' creativity and intelligence
by Global Good News staff writer
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12 August 2013
One of the distinguished guests attending the graduation of a recent Consciousness-Based Education training course in Europe was Dr Girish Chandra Varma, Chairman of the Maharishi Vidya Mandir Schools Group in India. Dr Varma, who is director of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's programmes in India, is recognized as an international expert in applying Consciousness-Based Education at the primary, secondary, and university level.
The graduation, held at Maharishi European Research University (MERU) in Holland, was for 33 participants from around the world who took the second course in 'Training to be an Expert in Bringing Consciousness-Based Education Programmes to your Nation'.
As the principal guest speaker Dr Varma pointed out to the graduates that Consciousness-Based Education 'develops the most important natural resource in the world—the intelligence and creativity of students'. This approach to education, founded by Maharishi, 'systematically develops the natural creativity and intelligence of students so they can experience increasing success and fulfilment', he said.
In India there are 148 Consciousness-Based Education schools, called Maharishi Vidya Mandir, located in 16 different provinces with over 100,000 students, and 6,000 teachers and administrative staff.
Through this system of education, Dr Varma said, the qualities seen in students in all the schools—their creativity, intelligence, confidence, inner peace, inspiration, motivation, happiness, academic performance, self-esteem, friendly behaviour, improved health, and other positive qualities—continue to grow.
Consciousness-Based Education enlivens holistic brain functioning so students can begin to experience the full potential of their consciousness. 'Development of consciousness brings all-around success,' he said.
Maharishi Vidya Mandir students consistently receive top awards in city, state, national, and even international tests, competitions, and examinations.
When asked what they have done to achieve on such a high level, students always answer that it is 'nothing special', Dr Varma said, pointing out that it actually is routine for them.
All the members of the Indian team that entered an international science contest two years ago were chosen from different Maharishi Vidya Mandir schools. The students represented India in the Global Children's Science Congress, and presented their science models in Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Responding to a question about their success, a young girl of about 14 who had been practising Transcendental Meditation for 10 years, and also the advanced Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme for the last few years, thought it was 'obvious' that they should excel.
She explained that the idea for her science model came into her mind one day after she finished meditation. She made the model, entered it in the contest, and received international recognition.
This, commented Dr Varma, is how creativity unfolds in these students. It is a natural result of the Consciousness-Based Education curriculum.
Teachers also enjoy positive changes that unfold within themselves, and in the school. Problems of all kinds decrease, and positivity increases in the classrooms.
Administrators experience great satisfaction to see the growth and success of students, teachers, and staff in their schools.
Dr Varma described the process of implementing Consciousness-Based Education in their schools, including a complete programme of initial and continuing training for principals, teachers, and staff. In the last four years in India seven courses have been conducted to train teachers and administrators. There are also annual courses held at the national headquarters, attended by the principal of each Consciousness-Based Education school, accompanied by one senior teacher. Some of the sessions have been conducted by Dr Michael Dillbeck* and Dr Susan Dillbeck. Dr Susan Dillbeck, president of the International Foundation of Consciousness-Based Education, started working in the field of education with Maharishi in 1971, in bringing out this complete system he designed to educate the students holistically and promote success and achievement in every area of life.
* Dr Michael Dillbeck is an International Research Professor at Maharishi University of Management and a widely published researcher on the physiological, cognitive, and sociological effects of the Transcendental Meditation technique.
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