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Good news report from Canada

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9 October 2007

2 October was the 2nd day of the fourth month of the 2nd year of Canadian national consciousness rising to invincibility, as indicated by the following press reports:

2 October 2007

The National Post - Signals point to strong quarter (2 October 2007) The beginning of October marks the start of the fourth quarter. Observers are cautiously optimistic about the economy. 'But the path of least resistance is for equity prices to move higher,' said Martin Barnes, managing editor of the influential Bank Credit Analyst. He points to reasonable equity valuations, great corporate balance sheets, moderate global economic growth, and the benefits of a new monetary-easing cycle. In fact, the consensus view among observers is remarkably benign. The U.S. should be able to avoid a recession thanks to strong employment rates. Liquidity will return. And as for Canadian profits, surging commodity prices will help nullify the impact of the strong loonie [popular name for the Canadian dollar] in some sectors.

The Canadian Press - Canadian mutual fund industry rebounds in September after August pullback (2 October 2007) Canada's mutual fund industry got back on track last month, according to preliminary figures. The Investment Funds Institute of Canada (IFIC) said net sales for September are expected to be in a range of C$620.2 million to C$1.1 billion. 'Sales industrywide rebounded in September,' said Pat Dunwoody, an IFIC vice president. IFIC also estimates that net assets of the mutual fund industry at the end of September will be in the range of C$698.6 billion to C$703.6 billion, up approximately one per cent from last month's total of C$695.9 billion.

The Canadian Press - Alberta to curb pollution and water use from massive growth (2 October 2007) Alberta rolled out a new policy to curb toxic emissions and limit water use in an industrial area northeast of Edmonton where new oil upgraders are planned. The sweeping changes to environmental policy will place a cap on emissions for the entire region, replacing a system that set limits for individual projects without consideration of the cumulative effect of emissions. The new policy targets sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide. The area will have a limit of 25,000 tonnes of nitrogen oxide and 28,000 tonnes of sulphur dioxide per year. Ministry officials say this is far less than the total emissions that would have occurred without this policy. Officials said when all the upgraders were completed, sulphur dioxide levels could have reached 137,000 tonnes per year. Water use will also be controlled under a new regional water plan being drafted. A new land use policy for industrial developments in the region is also in the works.

From an Edmonton Journal reports on this: The move is a reaction to strong economic growth that has challenged the government's ability to keep up with the review of a large number of projects and their impact on the environment. Instead of evaluating proposed projects on their own, the new plan is to add all existing and proposed projects together to determine the combined effect on air and water quality, as well as wildlife living in an area. This is the first time Alberta has imposed regional air emission caps. Sulphur dioxide and nitrous oxides help form acid rain and irritate the lungs. The government intends to follow the same sort of process in other regions of Alberta.

CBC News - SaskPower cranks up credits for small windmill operators (1 October 2007) Saskatchewan's Crown utility, SaskPower, unveiled details of a new 'net metering' program that will give homeowners credits for extra electricity they produce with windmills, solar power cells, and other alternative sources. People feeding extra power into the grid will receive credits that are valued at the same rate as the electricity they buy from SaskPower. A number of other provinces allow net-metering, including Ontario and British Columbia. The province says it will spend C$300,000 a year to help those who want to participate to buy power-generating equipment. The program is for people who want to generate 'environmentally responsible power', a category that includes wind, solar low-impact hydro, waste heat recovery, and biomass. Environment Minister John Nilson said the program will help Saskatchewan reach its goal of having 30 per cent of its electricity from renewable sources by 2020.

The Globe and Mail - Plastic bags booted out of town (2 October 2007) The Quebec town of Huntingdon is banning stores from using plastic bags, which can take up to 400 years to biodegrade, starting this January. The Manitoba town of Leaf Rapids was the first community in Canada to ban plastic bags.

CBC News - Super-thin models banned from Montreal Fashion Week (2 October 2007) Montreal Fashion Week organizers said that models with a low body mass index—a calculation based on a person's weight to height ratio—or those who show signs of having an eating disorder will be pulled from the trade show running 9-11 October, and encouraged to seek professional help. Models under the age of 16 will also not be allowed to participate. 'We are spearheading this campaign because the health of our young people is important to us and we wish to make a positive contribution to the challenges of public health,' organizer Chantal Durivage said.

The Toronto Star - Toronto embraces green wave (2 October 2007) The city's environment is improving on many fronts, the latest Vital Signs report reveals. The report shows: residential water consumption was down to 248 litres per person a day in 2006—11 litres less than the year before. Beaches are cleaner: in 2006, they were open 72 per cent of the time on average, up from 58 per cent in 2005. The city is sending less garbage to landfills—diverting 42 per cent of trash through recycling and composting in 2006, compared to 32 per cent in 2003. Finally, there is less litter. In the face of all this, environmentalists are sounding alarmingly optimistic. 'There's no doubt there have been improvements,' says Franz Hartmann, executive director of the Toronto Environmental Alliance. 'It's really important to acknowledge when governments work with citizens, good things can happen.' The city, most environmentalists agree, is responsible for most of the progress. By introducing the green bin composting programme in Toronto's residential areas, the city has greatly reduced the amount of garbage it sends to landfill. The city's aggressive water efficiency programmes have paid off early. By the end of last year, Toronto had already reached its 2011 goal of cutting water use by 15 per cent. 'There are a lot of things in Toronto going well,' says Environmental Defence's executive director Rick Smith.

The Vancouver Sun - Editorial - Everyone is responsible for making our community a better place to live (2 October 2007) The editorial began, 'What would you say if a polling firm called ... and asked out of the blue: ''Over the last 12 months, what actions, if any, have you taken in your own life to make a positive difference in your community?'' Your mind goes blank. It doesn't occur to you to mention participation on your children's school Parent Advisory Committee, mowing the lawn for an elderly neighbour ... keeping noise levels down after 8 p.m. ... or practising transcendental meditation. ''Duh, nothing, I guess.'' That was the response given by a quarter of the randomly selected Metro Vancouver residents, who may have done all that. . . .' The article said that the survey was commissioned for the Vancouver [British Columbia] Foundation's Vital Signs 2007, an updated report card on the region's quality of life. It offers much good news: Employment is growing; days of work lost to illness and disability are declining; crime rates are falling; most children feel safe at school; high school completion rates are up; library visits have increased; 51 per cent of the population has completed post-secondary education; life expectancy has increased to 82 and is the highest of any metropolitan region in Canada. . . . a majority of residents say their general and mental health is good. Among Canadian cities, Metro Vancouver has one of the lowest greenhouse gas emissions per capita, water consumption is down, and charitable donations are up.

These are a few of the news reports reflecting Canada's rising invincibility from the growing Yogic Flying groups across Canada and the Invincible America Assembly at Maharishi University of Management and Maharishi Vedic City, USA.

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