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Good news report from Canada

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25 September 2007

17 September was the 17th day of the third month of the 2nd year of Canadian national consciousness rising to invincibility, as indicated by the following press reports:

17 September 2007

The Globe and Mail - Flaherty: Economy 'strongest in a generation' (16 September 2007) The Canadian economy is the strongest it has been in a generation, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty said to the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Flaherty reiterated that Canada's economic fundamentals are solid—a message he has not wavered from in the wake of last month's market turmoil. The economy's strength, along with initiatives taken by the Bank of Canada and the private sector, have supported the functioning of the markets, he said.

The Globe and Mail - Use soaring loonie to go high tech, Flaherty says (17 September 2007) The federal Finance Minister is calling on the manufacturing sector to compete with other countries by boosting investment in high technology rather than relying on cheap labour. The higher dollar means that technology imports that might enhance productivity are now much cheaper for Canadian manufacturers, Jim Flaherty told reporters following a speech. In his speech, he stressed that inflation has remained under control, the unemployment rate is at a 33-year low, and Canada is one of the few countries in the world with sound public pension plans.

From a Canadian Press report on this: 'We've had greater financial growth than expected in terms of GDP growth in the first and second quarters in Canada,' Flaherty said. 'The best news in Canada is that we have strong economic fundamentals. The government is in a position of strength ... All of our governments are running surpluses in Canada—provincial, territorial and federal—so that we are in a strong position.'

Bloomberg News on strength of Canadian dollar (17 September 2007) Of the 16 most traded currencies, none has done better than the loonie's (popular name for the Canadian dollar) 13.5 per cent gain against the dollar this year. Rising commodity prices are boosting Canada's exports and allowing the government to balance its budget. 'Canada is a current-account surplus country. Its fundamentals are sound,' said Samarjit Shankar, director of global strategy for the global markets group in Boston at Bank of New York Mellon, the world's largest custodian bank, with more than US$20 trillion in assets under administration.

The National Post - Foreign investors flocked to Canada in July (17 September 2007) Non-residents changed tack in July and bought more Canadian securities, according to Statistics Canada. Non-residents bought net C$1.5 billion in Canadian securities in July. The money flowed mainly into Canadian shares.

Statistics Canada - National balance sheet accounts (17 September 2007) National net worth reached C$5.3 trillion by the end of the second quarter of 2007, or C$162,200 per capita. National net worth expanded by C$86 billion (up 1.6%) in the second quarter. National saving led by governments and corporations contributed to the advance of national net worth in the second quarter. Strong stock markets and residential real estate prices also continued to support the increase in national net worth. Growth in household net worth ... grew 1.9% in the second quarter. Residential real estate grew slightly faster than in the first quarter, providing the bulk of the increase in non-financial assets. This reflected its relative size among household assets, along with sustained strength in new housing construction and in re-sale activity in the second quarter. In the second quarter, corporations experienced conditions of sustained growth in net saving, steady business investment and appreciating stock prices. The surplus of all levels of government expanded in the second quarter.

The Globe and Mail - Quebec aims for pact with Paris (17 September 2007) In his closing remarks to a party meeting, Quebec Premier Jean Charest said he is optimistic he can sign an unprecedented labour mobility deal with France. Quebec would become the first province to sign a labour mobility agreement with a foreign country if talks succeed in producing a deal. Mr Charest has also been promoting a free-trade agreement between Canada and the European Union. At a time when Quebec faces labour shortages with the lowest unemployment rate in 30 years, Mr. Charest argued that labour mobility will be the key to generating future economic growth in Quebec. He insisted Quebec will need to become more inclusive and open its doors to the free flow of workers and goods if it hopes to continue growing and prospering.

From a Montreal Gazette report on this: As well, Quebec is negotiating free trade with Ontario and a Canada-wide manpower mobility agreement. 'We are going to make Quebec the place where people want to go, where we can attract brainpower,' Charest said. 'That for me is ... a lot more interesting than focusing on our differences.'

The Globe and Mail - Sizzling economy creating a Saskaboom (17 September 2007) Business is good, house prices are soaring and a new sense of confidence has taken hold. Saskatoon (Saskatchewan) is officially a boomtown.

From a Victoria Times Colonist report: Winnipeg's economy is also firing on all cylinders, driving growth to 3.7 per cent, the strongest performance since 1998.

Canadian Press - York takes Canadian bragging rights in Wall Street Journal MBA ranking (17 September 2007) York University's Schulich school of business was named the top Canadian MBA school in this year's Wall Street Journal ranking. York was 11th in the international poll of corporate recruiters. Western was ranked 12th.

The Toronto Star - $3 million fund to aid renewables (16 September 2007) A new fund in Ontario being touted as the first of its kind in Canada is being launched to support the development of small community-based renewable energy projects. The Community Power Fund, a C$3 million grant program, said it will immediately begin accepting applications from farmers, community co-operatives, and native groups looking to deploy wind, solar, small-scale hydroelectric, biogas, and geothermal technologies locally. The fund's endowment comes through the Ontario government's March budget. Money will be disbursed under two different grant programs: one aimed at providing up to C$25,000 toward feasibility studies; the other providing up to C$300,000 to support project development. Environmentalist David Suzuki praised the fund as 'groundbreaking' and a model for others to follow. 'Let's hope it inspires similar funds to reward ecological ingenuity and renewable energy projects.'

Canadian Press - Canada would like leadership role in getting rid of ozone-depleting chemical (17 September 2007) Environment ministers and officials from almost 200 countries are meeting in Montreal this week to discuss hydrochlorofluorocarbons—HCFCs—used in such things as home appliances and air conditioners. HCFCs are greenhouse gases that damage the atmosphere's protective ozone layer. The meeting comes on the 20th anniversary of what is known as the Montreal Protocol, a United Nations agreement involving 191 countries negotiated to lower the level of these chemicals. U.S. official Claudia McMurray praised the protocol for what it has accomplished since 1987. 'Ninety-five per cent of the chemicals that we have identified as being the causes of this problem, their production and their consumption have been eliminated,' said McMurray. Negotiations are set to try to bring forward the deadline—currently 2030 for developed countries and 2040 for developing countries—to get rid of HCFCs. 'Canada is very supportive of a plan to expedite the phase-out of these harmful gases, not just for ozone preservation, but we're trying to provide a leadership role in this,' Environment Minister John Baird said. The Sierra Club of Canada praised the Montreal Protocol for 'its binding targets and timelines' that are helping the ozone to slowly recover.

These are a few of the news reports reflecting Canada's rising invincibility from the growing Yogic Flying groups across Canada and the Invincible America Assembly at Maharishi University of Management and Maharishi Vedic City, USA.

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