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Maharishi to train scientists in total knowledge of Natural Law to head new Peace Governments
by Peace Government Media Team

Global Country Press Release    Translate This Article
27 April 2005

His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi announced this week that he will hold an historic training course in the knowledge of Total Natural Law for top scientists in every nation. Maharishi said the newly trained scientists will become the leaders of the Peace Government in their nations.

'These scientists will have the knowledge and techniques of Total Natural Law to help guide every individual to higher states of consciousness and create coherent collective consciousness to promote an ideal administration in their countries,' Maharishi said.

Scientists are being invited to attend by John Hagelin, PhD, world-renowned quantum physicist, President of the US Peace Government, and Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World Peace.

Maharishi's announcement came during his 20 April global news conference, which was broadcast live to the press on all continents via satellite and Internet webcast from the Capital of the Global Country of World Peace in Meru, Holland.

Providing scientists with the knowledge and experience of Total Natural Law

Maharishi said there are scientists in every country who understand the deeper levels of Natural Law. 'Now, we will take their understanding one step further and give them the knowledge and experience of Total Natural Law within their own self-referral Transcendental Consciousness—the level of totality which administers the infinite diversity of the universe with perfect order,' Maharishi said. 'When a scientist functions from this level, he will be capable of promoting coherent world consciousness—the basis of invincibility for every nation and permanent world peace.'

Governments lack the knowledge to guide people to higher states of consciousness

Maharishi said the widespread chaos and confusion in government today is because leaders lack the knowledge to properly administer society—to effectively guide the people to higher states of consciousness. 'There are people in the world with different levels of consciousness,' Maharishi said. 'Some people are more intelligent, others are less intelligent, and still others are quite unintelligent. Government has lacked the knowledge of different levels of consciousness—and the techniques to guide people from their own level of consciousness to higher states of consciousness.'

As a result, Maharishi said, governments have become a 'hodgepodge' of all kinds of people, from the very intelligent to the illiterate—creating problems and difficulties in the life of the nation.

Establishing 3,000 Peace Palaces in the world's largest 3,000 cities

To successfully administer people at all levels of consciousness, Maharishi said that 3,000 Peace Palaces are now being established in the world's largest 3,000 cities. These Peace Palaces will provide the knowledge and techniques to raise any individual from the ordinary sleeping, dreaming, and waking states of consciousness to the higher states of Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, God Consciousness, and Unity Consciousness. 'Each Peace Palace will have different departments to guide people at different levels of consciousness to the supreme level of Unity Consciousness through Transcendental Meditation and its advanced techniques—as well as through health programmes and behavioural routines appropriate for their level of consciousness,' Maharishi said.

Maharishi explained that an individual's level of consciousness can be identified through his subjective experiences as well as through objective measures, such as brain mapping.

Peace Governments established out of frustration and fulfilment

In response to a press question, Maharishi said he is establishing Peace Governments on the national, state, and city levels in every nation for two reasons:

1. Frustration with the inefficiency and ineffectiveness of existing government leaders who lack the knowledge of proper administration, who constantly fight each other through the divisive democratic system of government, and who are unable to understand Maharishi's offer to create ideal administration due to their own stressed, improperly functioning brains.

2. Fulfilment that the solution to all problems of government is at hand. 'Since we have the knowledge to create an ideal administration, I decided we should do it ourselves,' Maharishi said. 'If immature people can form a government, then why can't we? We can do it more successfully, comprehensively, and easily.'

Banks urged to provide loans to build Peace Palaces immediately

Maharishi also directed a special message to banks and other financial institutions, urging them to provide the loans needed to quickly build the 3,000 Peace Palaces around the world. Maharishi emphasized that the loans are not a donation, but rather will yield the same profit to the banks as the financing of any other building. At the same time, Maharishi said, the banks will make the most important contribution to life on earth. 'They will build Peace Palaces to promote permanent world peace,' said Maharishi, who then emphasized: 'But they should do it now—without wasting one day. Because as soon as the Peace Palaces are built, the world will be heaven.'

Everyone should contribute his share to build the Peace Palaces

Maharishi concluded by callling on all the people to contribute their share to building a Peace Palace in their city as well. 'It should be everyone's joy and responsibility to ensure that there are as much funds as possible to build the 3,000 Peace Palaces and to establish large numbers of peace-creating Vedic Pandits and Yogic Flyers around the world to create coherent world consciousness,' Maharishi said. 'So my message to financial institutions and individuals is the same: Do it today—do it now.'

Copyright 2005 Global Country of World Peace

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