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Having Trouble Meditating?
by Janet Hoffman

Transcendental Meditation for Women    Translate This Article
30 May 2017

Janet Hoffman, executive director of TM for Women Professionals in the USA, first considered meditation at age 19:

From that time to the present, I have met people who have tried pretty much every kind of meditation available in the western hemisphere. Back then, the most popular meditation that was non-religious and therefore appealing to a broad population, was the Transcendental Meditation technique, brought to the west by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

It was followed closely by Kriya Yoga, introduced by Paramahansa Yogananda whose book Autobiography of a Yogi enchanted the hippie generation. Whereas the TM technique was effortless and a profound experience started right from the first meditation, Kriya Yoga required preliminary exercises involving breath control and concentration. Both techniques proved valuable to many people, but as the scientific research community began to study meditation, it was revealed that TM, effortless and immediate, was the one creating a wide range of mental, physical, emotional and spiritual benefits. Kriya Yoga was like an airplane but TM was like a jet.

Today, because meditation teachers are not licensed by any national independent agency, as, for example, therapists are, anyone can call herself a meditation teacher. And so the listings of meditation teachers and techniques are endless, and any storefront or gym or yoga studio might offer some kind of training. It's unfortunate, because many techniques don't work and some can even be harmful to the mind, but worse—if a person tries one of those and finds it uncomfortable, difficult, or not producing results, they will think, ''Well, I've tried. Meditation must not be for me.''

Why are some techniques difficult and others not? Why do results differ in quantity and scope? The answer is that different meditation techniques engage the mind in different ways and produce different effects on the mind, body and behavior. . . .

Read the entire article, Having Trouble Meditating? at Transcendental Meditation for Women

Fortunately for children, ADHD sufferers, veterans and others with PTSD, stressed-out students, and over-worked women who want immediate, simple and effortless relief, the Transcendental Meditation technique is unlike all of these other types of meditation—it's a completely different process.

Transcendental Meditation is effortless: In TM, you don't have to concentrate, focus your attention, or control your mind. In fact, effortlessness is the key to TM's effectiveness. This is why, for example, even hyperactive ten year old children can sit and enjoy TM and experience a world of benefits. Even though TM had already been taught to more than 6 million people who experienced that it is easy to learn and practice, scientific researchers validated it; their study showing TM is, in fact, effortless, was published in 2016 in Brain and Cognition. . . .

Source: Excerpts from article in Transcendental Meditation for Women

Copyright © 2017 Transcendental Meditation for Women

Read more about the effortless nature of Transcendental Meditation: Brain imaging parses Transcendental Meditation practice - Psych Central reports

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