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Questions and answers about ADHD and the Transcendental Meditation® Programme

Maharishi Academy of Total Knowledge
Antrim, New Hampshire, USA
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9 March 2008

Research on children with ADHD [Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder] shows that practicing the TM technique for just a few minutes twice a day:

•Improves attention
•Improves impulse control
•Improves problem solving
•Improves organizational skills
•Improves academic performance
•Reduces stress, anxiety and anger . . . .

What has research shown about how the Transcendental Meditation technique can help children with ADHD?

There have been exciting results with the Transcendental Meditation technique for children with ADHD and related disorders such as Asberger's and mood disorders. Unlike drugs, the Transcendental Meditation technique doesn't just treat the symptoms, it influences the cause of the disorder. Which means it doesn't just create a temporary effect, but can improve the condition permanently.

How does it work? Are there any noticeable changes in the children's behavior?

Children practice the TM technique for a few minutes twice each day. In several schools around the country children diagnosed with ADHD meditate together in school. They just sit comfortably, close their eyes, and meditate along with teachers who also practice the TM technique.

The teachers report that the children are less stressed and more open to learning than they were before learning TM. There are also fewer episodes of anger, less fights, and fewer tantrums.

The children themselves say they are able to focus better, and able to work more independently on tasks like doing their homework.

Are there improvements in executive functioning in children practicing the TM technique?

There definitely are. Standard instruments commonly used to assess executive functions show improved organization and planning, improved problem-solving, improved task execution, improved attention, and improved memory. . . .

Is it hard for children with ADHD to learn to meditate?

The TM technique is so simple and effortless that it is easy even for a child, or adult, with ADHD. It doesn't involve any concentration or control of the mind, or any philosophy, religion, or change of lifestyle.

Just the fact that these children are able to sit quietly for ten minutes is a big change for them. And the children don't have to try to sit quietly—they just settle down easily and naturally.

What else do you see in the children doing the TM technique?

A major change is significant reductions in stress. Stress almost always accompanies ADHD. These children often say they know what stress is and feel stressed.

How does stress affect children?

Children under stress tend to suffer silently. They don't tell anyone they're feeling stressed, and adults rarely ask a child. But we see it in their behavior. They may become withdrawn or difficult, or they may not be able to control their anger. Stress interferes with thinking and the ability to learn.

Study results show a 50% or more reduction in stress in children with ADHD. The children describe how much more relaxed they feel, less stressed, and most importantly, how much happier they are. . . .

Copyright © 2008 Maharishi Academy of Total Knowledge.

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