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Dr John Hagelin comments on the latest research study on Transcendental Meditation - Part II
by Global Good News staff writer

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14 March 2007

In the Global Press Conference 28 February, following the remarks of Dr Robert Schneider about the latest research study on Transcendental Meditation, Dr John Hagelin, Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World Peace, commented on the study in terms of Maharishi Vedic Medicine.

Maharishi Vedic Medicine is consciousness-based medicine, said Dr Hagelin, and Transcendental Meditation is a completely consciousness-based technique. It enlivens consciousness and therefore enlivens the unified foundation of the diversified physiology.

'From the standpoint of modern science,' said Dr Hagelin, 'we can call this Unified Field-based Medicine. Consciousness-Based Medicine is Unified Field-Based Medicine because this Unified Field at the foundation of the universe, the foundation of the human physiology, is consciousness.'

Modern science has examined mathematically the properties of the Unified Field: pure intelligence, infinite creativity, self-referral, which means self-interaction, self awareness, total knowledge. 'These are the defining characteristics of consciousness,' Dr Hagelin said, 'and experiments in Physics have even confirmed this Unified Field is a non-material reality, a purely subjective reality, pure consciousness.'

So Consciousness-Based Medicine, Maharishi Vedic Medicine; Transcendental Meditation is Unified Field-based medicine because consciousness is the Unified Field.

This tells us that as a doctor you can treat the body on many levels, said Dr Hagelin. You can treat the body on the completely superficial level, through physical therapy with the muscles and bones.

Or there are drugs, Dr Hagelin continued, molecular medicine, which manipulates the molecular level of the physiology by adding some molecules and trying to restore balance on a particular part of the physiology. 'But who knows what is the effect of that is on a hundred thousand other molecules in the physiology. That's the problem with molecular medicine, which is fraught with side effects, and there are thousands of articles on the unanticipated side effects of modern medicine.'

There is a deeper, nuclear level of the physiology, but medicine more or less stops there, with molecular medicine, Dr Hagelin said. There are nuclear medicines for diagnostics and even some treatments, but it's a remote field of medicine and beyond that there is no electro-weak unified medicine. There's no grand unified medicine; there's no super unified medicine in modern allopathy.

'It is only Vedic, and particularly Maharishi's Vedic Medicine, that has revived the Veda in Vedic Medicine—really Unified Field based medicine,' said Dr Hagelin. Before Maharishi, Ayur Vedic Medicine did treat the body on a very deep level but still on the level of diversity. Maharishi has said that Vedic Medicine should be Vedic, which means it occurs at the unified level, the unified level of consciousness—and Transcendental Meditation works on the level of consciousness.

'This is the speciality and power of Maharishi's Vedic Medicine,' Dr Hagelin said. It enlivens total Natural Law, and 'when you enliven the totality of Natural Law by stimulating its unified basis, then all the laws of nature, total Natural Law, is enlivened,' and the relationships between all the laws of nature are enlivened also. 'That is why Maharishi Vedic Medicine is holistic and free of negative side effects.'

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