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Transcendental Meditation: relaxing your hypertension    Translate This Article
14 May 2005

On 14 May 2005 reported: Chinelo Haney, of the Charles R Drew University of Medicine and Science in Los Angles, directed several recent studies analyzing the effects of Transcendental Meditation (TM) on blood pressure. The results of his research has shown that TM can lower blood pressure and the resulting risk of heart disease. It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which indicates the success of the life-supporting programmes Maharishi has designed to bring fulfilment to the field of health.

The article from described Transcendental Meditation as a simple, natural mental technique that is practised in a comfortable position with eyes closed for about 20 minutes twice a day. It was mentioned that while you should not stop taking your high blood pressure medication, many individuals who practise TM have been able to reduce their use of medication and some have even discontinued usage under their doctor's guidance.

Studies are suggesting that TM might be more effective in lowering blood pressure than other relaxation techniques, lifestyle changes, or medications. How can this simple meditation have such a profound impact on the body? Dr. Haney explained that TM allows the body to reach a deep state of rest that is twice as deep as that of deep sleep. Research is indicating 'that this deep rest triggers biochemical changes that help move the body toward homeostasis, a more balanced state of the body and mind.' The article stated that TM helps the body to use its own self-repair system.

It was also explained in this piece that practising TM lowers your risk of hypertension because it helps decrease stress, a cause of hypertension. Hypertension can lead to an abundance of difficulties including congestive heart failure and coronary heart disease. TM can stop this 'domino effect' and may even reduce plaque buildup in the arteries.

Dr Haney is often asked if it is necessary to have a qualified instructor teach you TM. The answer is yes. TM cannot be learned from a book and he emphasised that all meditations practises are not the same. Also, TM—while from the Vedic tradition of India—is simple and natural. It does not interfere with personal or religious beliefs can be practised by anyone.

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