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The Parliament of World Peace offers the Consciousness-Based Health Care System, which is prevention-oriented and free from harmful side-effects

Parliament of World Peace    Translate This Article
Lake Shandelee, New York,
26 July 2004

4. The Consciousness-Based Approaches of Maharishi's Vedic Approach to Health:

The Maharishi Vedic Approach to Health is a comprehensive, scientifically validated system of natural health care for creating perfect health and a disease-free society. It includes 40 Vedic approaches to create balance in individual consciousness and physiology, and a highly coherent collective consciousness as the basis of a healthy, peaceful society.

The Maharishi Vedic Approach to Health promotes health from the field of consciousness. The basis of human physiology is the field of human intelligence, or consciousness. The Vedic expression: Chinne Mule Naiva Shakha Na Patram-No branches, no leaves in the absence of the root-reveals the unfortunate reality of existing medical systems in the world.

It is surprising that the basis of health - consciousness - is not being attended to in present systems of prevention and cure.

The Maharishi Vedic Approach to Health includes the following procedures for taking care of the root of life so all the branches, leaves and flowers blossom in good health:

1. The Maharishi Technologies of Consciousness, the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programmes, including Yogic Flying, handle health from its most basic level - the field of consciousness, or pure intelligence. Their regular practice has been found to promote balanced functioning on all levels of mind, body and behaviour, to reverse the detrimental effects of the ageing process, and to reverse trends of ill health.

2. The Maharishi Vedic Vibration Technology enlivens consciousness in specific areas of the physiology, and thereby contributes to removal of disease and restoration of perfect health. These Vedic Technologies utilize subtle impulses of sound, or Vedic vibration, to enliven the inner intelligence of the body and revitalize its physiological expression. The result is that abnormality is transformed into normal physiological functioning. Recent controlled scientific studies have shown decreased signs and symptoms of chronic pain, arthritis and other chronic disorders with the Maharishi Vedic Vibration Technology.

3. Physiological procedures to enliven the body's inner intelligence:

a. Maharishi Nadi Vigyan, the science of pulse diagnosis, explains that all influences on health --including physical, mental, seasonal, and environmental factors - are reflected in the pulse. Anyone can learn to assess balance or imbalance through their pulse in order to take timely preventive measures.

b. Diet and related digestion is a pillar in the maintenance of good health. The Maharishi Vedic Approach to Health includes knowledge of balanced diet suitable to the state of health of the individual to allow diet and digestion to reach their highest levels.

c. Vedic herbal food supplements are based on the characteristic qualities of intelligence at different levels of the plant kingdom, which are suitable for restoring proper functioning of the corresponding specific areas of the physiology.

d. Daily and seasonal routines in harmony with Natural Law including behaviour and exercise, for restoring and maintaining balance are a key aspect of this complete approach to health.

e. The most important seasonal routine recommended by Maharishi Vedic Medicine is the set of physiological purification procedures known as the Maharishi Rejuvenation Programme. This programme should be applied seasonally to remove accumulated physiological toxins of the season.

4. The effects of the near environment on health, including building architecture and community design, are taken care of by the Vedic science of architecture, Maharishi Sthapatya Veda. This is the knowledge of healthy architecture in accord with Natural Law. This approach creates and supports health from the standpoint of the near environment, greatly extending the knowledge of modern environmental medicine.

5. The science of Maharishi Jyotish calculates the effects of the distant environment - the cosmic counterparts of human physiology - on health. This is the basis of the technology for diagnosis and prediction of adverse influences on health. Maharishi Yagyas neutralize unwanted influences and augment positive influences on health and well-being.

6. Maharishi Technologies of Consciousness improve collective health and strengthen individual health by reducing collective stress through the group practice of the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programmes, including Yogic Flying. This is called the Maharishi Effect - demonstrated in 50 research studies to generate an influence of coherence and harmony that results in reduction of negative social trends such as poverty, crime, accidents, and illness, and enhancement of positive social trends.

Governments Should Pride Themselves on Preventing Disease:

Governments today unfortunately pride themselves on how many hospitals they open, how much expensive equipment is available, how many radical surgeries are done, and how many people have access to medicines with side-effects that produce new diseases in those who take them.

This is all back to front. A government should pride itself on preventing disease. It should pride itself on having to close hospitals because no-one is sick. It should pride itself that no-one's health disintegrates to the point that they need to be cut open by a surgeon. It should pride itself that there are no citizens appearing in clinics and trauma centers complaining of the devastating effects of the drugs they have taken for some previous disease they were suffering from.

Medicine Should be Free of Negative Side-Effects ;

The Hippocratic oath says: At least do no harm. The medical profession around the world violates this oath millions of times a day.

Now there is available to every government and all medical professionals systematic prevention and consciousness-based cure that is completely natural and free of negative side-effects, and which produces results that are not available in modern medicine even at a very, very high price.

This consciousness-based health care system enlivens the inner intelligence of the body and thereby maintains the vitality of the physiology, and also maintains a healthy relationship between the body and its counterparts in the physiology of the near and far environments, holistically benefiting health without creating any harmful side-effects at all.

Scientists Do What Works Best:

True scientists dispassionately examine what works, and implement that. Now is the time to look at the whole medical system in this light. The time is calling out for total reform of medical practice to be prevention-oriented, harmful side-effect free, and effective in treating even the most intransigent illnesses.

The present system of health care was instituted in national law before governments realized that it produced such a high heap of hazards to human life. That mistake in national law must now be corrected in the light of the new scientific evidence available to you.

The people of your nation are depending on their government to save them from disease. Denying them the most effective and beneficial health care is a terrible injustice, and is leading to untold suffering and premature death.

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