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Invincible Holland course creates coherence for the nation
by GGN Staff Writer

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4 May 2006

Highlights of press reports for the first 19 days of the World Peace Assembly to Create an Invincible Holland, 12-30 April 2006

A review of the reports by the press during the beginning days of the World Peace Assembly taking place at Maharishi European Research University (MERU), Holland, shows a shift towards better management of the government, more interest in Vedic Agriculture, more life-supporting economic policies, more interest in Dutch national culture, greater government concern for the future welfare of all citizens of the country, and economic growth.

Economic growth depends on investor climate, consumer confidence, and other aspects of a nation's collective consciousness. Many studies in past years have shown that the large group practice of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme, by reducing stress in the collective consciousness, improves economic performance.

- Economically, Holland has been doing well for some months, but recently there has been an unexpected report of improvement in unemployment: 14 per cent more jobs have been created in the last few weeks. Suddenly, countries around this nation are writing that Holland is a rising economic star of the European Union.

- Due to a continuing economic surplus, the government has just made the wise decision to give one billion Euros back to its people to further stimulate the economy. On the 10th day of the Invincible Holland Course, the Dutch Prime Minister, Jan Peter Balkenende, said the economy is rising due to current government policies and to the co-operation of the labour unions. The economic climate is much more positive than a year ago. The government may take credit for the change, but we know it is all coming from a change in the collective consciousness, the rising coherence of the nation from the increased number of experts in Yogic Flying at Maharishi European Research University (MERU) Holland.

- The Dutch press has recently been reporting more interest in physical fitness, wellness, spas, saunas, and Yoga.

- To the delight of the Dutch people, the government has just relaxed a rigid labour policy and now allows extra holidays for its senior employees.

- In Limburg province, the home of Maharishi European Research University (MERU), the production industry had announced that about 1,500 people would lose their jobs. This seemed to be an unsolvable problem, but since the Invincible Holland Course has started, the dismissal of the people has been postponed for one year, and new plans are being implemented to increase profits, so that the dismissals can be permanently averted.

- On the 11th day of the Invincible Holland course, the national airport found a solution to a longstanding conflict between environmental and economic interests. The airport will now have planes float while landing inside the airport instead of flying, so the airport can reduce pollution enough to greatly expand the number of flights each year.

- The Asian Bird Flu has not come to Holland, despite its having appeared in neighbouring countries. Holland is becoming immune to negative influences from outside.

- On the 12th day of the Invincible Holland Course, the government took several measures to minimize bureaucracy, to allow more money to stay with the people.

- Parliament has said they want to ensure that the study of the Dutch language is maintained as an essential class for all students.

- On the 14th day of the Invincible Holland Course, the press reported that 70 per cent of their readers are proud of the Dutch language and would like to see a reduction in the use of English words.

- On 15th day of the Invincible Holland Course, the press reported that the economic sector was taking an interest in the science of Astrology, applying its principles of prediction to buying and selling on the stock market. A study was published that showed investors buy more on the new moon and sell more on the full moon.

- Positive values for more balance in life and in the environment are spreading from Holland to other countries. Holland has laws to protect over-fishing, and nations bordering Holland have expressed the desire to work together to promote more life-supporting values in the fishing industry.

- Today the press reported that 70 per cent of the people have expressed support for the ruling monarch, Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands. The nation feels the Queen has provided a protective, stable influence in the life of the people.

- Traffic fatalities are at their lowest point since the Second World War, even though, remarkably, there are 50 times more cars. The country also has lower emission of carbon dioxide from cars than expected-8 per cent lower than other countries of the European Union.

- There is greater consumer confidence.

- The Netherlands continues to be seen as a country of profitable investments and as a financial gateway to Europe.

- Today is the 19th day of the Invincible Holland Course. Every day we see more and more good news from different areas of society. The government has just expressed a desire to see more organic food available and proposed to subsidize the higher cost of organic food to promote more purchase of organic food.

- Parliament announced it will donate an extra 10 million Euros to Sudan to help that country out of its struggle. It will also be donating 22 million Euros in relief aid for the drought in East Africa. The Netherlands is becoming a Global Country of World Peace, sharing more wealth per capita than any other nation.

In conclusion, today, 30th April 2006, Dr Paul Gelderloos remarked, 'His Highness Dr Willem Meijles, Raja of Holland, and I will make every effort to continue the Invincible Holland Course so that the good news we have been seeing continues to unfold and the country remains invincible for all time.'

Copyright © 2006 Global Good News(sm) Service

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