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Global celebration, 12 January: Making the structure of pure knowledge a living reality - Maharishi
by Global Good New staff writer

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12 January 2011

The global celebration of 12 January by the Global Country of World Peace—inaugurating Maharishi's Fourth Year of Invincibility – Global Raam Raj*—continued featuring a video of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's historic address from 12 January 1980.

Please see Part I of this article.

On the occasion of this address, Maharishi was inaugurating 1980 as the Year of Pure Knowledge. He went on to explain that the structure of pure knowledge is the field of the Veda, encompassing the Totality of life, and also described the different character of this new year compared to the previous year, the Year of All Possibilities. Maharishi said,

'Veda is derived from the root ''Vid''—to know. The whole field of knowledge is available to us in the Veda, and that is the Totality of knowledge. We are faced with the Year of Pure Knowledge, and in this we are faced with this range of Veda,

'We are faced with the range of Veda. In this we are faced with consciousness. In this we are faced with ourselves. The Totality of ourselves, when we are deep in Samadhi**—one state of Veda, one state of consciousness, one state of ourselves. When we experience things around another field of knowing, another field of knowledge, another field of Veda—it's another field of ourselves.

'So when we are welcoming the Year of Pure Knowledge, we are welcoming the year of ourselves. Having been through the Year of All Possibilities, if we come back to ourselves, very soothing, it's very comforting. The Year of All Possibilities [brought] us in all directions. The Year of Pure Knowledge being the year of consciousness, being the year of ourselves, is bringing us back home.

'With the very start of the Year of Pure Knowledge, we start with a settled state of our own Self, and this settled state of our own Self has been through the last year, the Year of All Possibilities. When we are awake in ourselves, when we are awake in the value of Veda, when we are awake in the value of knowledge and knowing, we are awake in the value of the knower, and we are awake in the value of ourselves. Here is the Totality of knowledge in the Self. So this is the year for us to study, and to act, and to perform, and . . . to do everything. Or, rest in the Totality of restfulness in the field of the Self.

'Having been in all directions, we seem to be coming back home, when we are inaugurating the first day of the Year of Pure Knowledge—coming back home, and that home is the home of all the Laws of Nature.

'In the Year of All Possibilities we have been on the impulses of Natural Law in all directions. With the beginning of the Year of Pure Knowledge, we seem to be stabilizing ourselves on the ocean of Natural Law, the Totality of Natural Law, the entire field of all possibilities. Not in the fragments of possibilities, but in the Totality of all possibilities.

'In the Vedic Literature, Brahma Sutras are the expressions of this beautiful Totality of pure knowledge. Brahma Sutras present the essence of the Upanishads. Upanishads bring out the essence of the tenth mandala of Rk Veda. Tenth mandala of Rk Veda is the first mandala zeroed. This is the link that we find between what the ancient seers had left for us, and the enlivened value of our Self through this Sidhi programme***—that we see the Self in the structure of pure knowledge, we see the structure of pure knowledge in the structure of Natural Law, structure of all possibilities, structure of the whole creation, the whole universe, extension of ourselves.

'And this experience of ours to be verified by the experiences of many enlightened in the past. We find the beautiful expressions of Total Knowledge in Brahma Sutras, Upanishads, . . . . we go onto tenth mandala of Rk Veda, carried over to the first mandala of Rk Veda—from beginning to end. And all other mandalas of Rk Veda, and all the text of all other Vedas, and the whole Vedic Literature—all that is the beautiful eternal secret of pure knowledge.

'All this is available to us as the structure of pure knowledge. This is the year for us to have that completely incorporated on both levels of our Self—the intellectual level of understanding, and the experiential level of daily life. So the structure of pure knowledge has to become a living reality.

'And because, in this scientific age, we have been trained to study things in a scientific manner, we have become habituated to experience things in a systematic, scientific manner—the method of our approach to the Totality of pure knowledge will be a scientific approach. We'll be studying Vedic Science.'

Global Good News will continue to feature highlights of Maharishi's address from 12 January 1980 in the coming days.

* Administration through total Natural Law, Heaven on Earth.

** The experience of Transcendental Consciousness, the Self, the silent, unbounded field of pure consciousness at the basis of all the mind's activity. Maharishi's Technologies of Consciousness, including the Transcendental Meditation Programme, allow the individual to experience Transcendental Consciousness in an effortless, systematic, reliable, repeatable manner.

*** The Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, an advanced programme of Transcendental Meditation.

© Copyright 2011 Global Good News®

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For the good news about Maharishi's seven-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.

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