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Serbian universities, public inspired by Consciousness-Based Education
by Global Good News staff writer

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9 April 2010

On a recent visit to Serbia, leaders of the Global Country of World Peace inspired university administrators, students, and the public to begin implementing and practising the Transcendental Meditation Programme.

Dr Ashley Deans, Global Ambassador of Consciousness-Based Education, and Raja Felix Kaegi, Raja of Invincible Serbia, gave a presentation on Consciousness-Based Education to the dean and chief director of a private university in Belgrade, who were both extremely receptive. 'They seemed to immediately understand the essence of what Consciousness-Based Education was about, in terms of helping individual students, the school as a whole, and the entire nation through creating invincibility,' commented Raja Felix, speaking on Maharishi Global Family Chat.*

With the support of a dean at a large public university of 60,000 students in Belgrade, Raja Felix and Dr Deans met with other officials regarding possible introduction of Consciousness-Based Education in the curriculum.

At a sports university in Belgrade, Dr Deans explained to students the benefits of Transcendental Meditation not only for academic work, but for athletic performance as well. A professor at the university who practises TM is encouraging university leaders to implement the technique.

At a public lecture in Belgrade, Dr Deans gave a compelling presentation to a large, enthusiastic audience. In his speech he integrated principles of Consciousness-Based Education with cosmology (Dr Deans is also a physicist), which resonated well with audience members.

Plans are also underway to implement Transcendental Meditation among employees at an institute in Serbia, where a local Transcendental Meditation Teacher was recently invited to present on the benefits of TM for the workplace.

* Raja Felix's report was featured on the 3 April 2010 Maharishi Global Family Chat, broadcast daily via Internet webcast on the Maharishi Channel, Channel 3. Podcasts of the daily Global Family Chat (audio track) are also now available for automatic download, via an RSS feed.

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